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Posts posted by BBlink

  1. I've always been under the impression that referees should be seen and not heard (outside of making the calls during the game). I don't believe they should let them talk to the media afterwards. They really have nothing to gain. Post game interviews with referees, are the refs trying to become the stars now? 

    Pretty sure 99.99% of officials wouldn't enjoy this.

  2. went to one of these a year or 2 ago, really was excited to check it out too. It was probably the worst few hours of my life. The questions some of the "fans" ask, seriously, its just ridiculous. I think these things are a giant waste of time, i mean good on the team for doing it but i wont be there this year or ever again. Just seems like a huge waste of time.


    You really do get some people who really have no clue about anything. I guess, its more entertaining listening to the people ask questions and struggle to ask the question.


    Its almost like listening to lawless ask questions, stutter this, stutter that.. umm uhh eh oh ya for sure, umm hey what umm yeah u umm gonna umm do umm about the umm qb umm situation umm. "voice cracks".


    Entertaining but in my opinion, nothing significant ever happens. Its almost like the malaysian govt calling a press conference regarding the mh370. You basically get a whole lot of nothing. 

    And that's mostly why people go.  But it sounds like you have transcended entertainment; Oh well!  For me it's a mix of that and needing to feed my severe Bomber addiction...


    Still waiting for an answer at MLB. I don't know if Ferri was the answer, but who is? Generally it's the "QB" of the defense, and we don't have an established starter there.

    There's this thing called training camp to sort this kinda stuff out, ya kno?



    My point is, MLB is pretty important in a defense.  I'm wondering if anybody here is familiar with some of the new guys we've signed enough to say that they have a shot at taking that spot, or if we need to be looking at free agent or trade possibilities. Or, maybe I'm out to lunch about how CFL-ready a middle linebacker needs to be.

  4. Real skeptical about Halifax. The people there seem so bleh about the CFL from what I've read. The whole Maritimes thing scares me that the team no matter where they put it would just fail. Please no Moncton, though. 

    There is definitely a contingent that wants CFL in the city, but I think there's a much bigger contingent that hasn't had it for so long that they've convinced themselves that the CFL is a bush league, and the NFL is so great blah blah.




    is there someone willing to own a team there? That's as important, probably more so than a stadium.

    Exactly. No one has ever even expressed mild interest in owning a CFL team. The Maritimes are a wasteland of failed AHL teams... No other pro sports have ever been there.

    That's not entirely true. The Ice Caps are extremely successful in St Johns. But will probably move simply due to logistics of travel. But it's a very successful profitable team.

    Not to split hairs but NL is not considered a Maritime province ... #TheMoreYouKnow


    In the strictest sense of the word "maritime", Manitoba is considered a maritime province.

  6. Mediocrity is more like it.. Marshall's defenses never put fear into opposition offenses..


    Kind of like Tim Burke's defense of the last two years?  I'm sure opposing teams were shaking in their boots.


    Let's be honest with each other, there is a lot more than the coach that goes into how a defense performs.


    I'm thinking if we are going to make any noise this year, it is going to be because Mr. Walters finds us a couple nice free agents.  Overall, the players are going to make more of a difference than the coach.  Just my opinion.

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