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Posts posted by BBlink

  1. Yeah, the first couple of series I thought Hall looked good but his receivers had the dropsies then it just went down from there. Then there were some underthrows & even an overthrow. The timing & reads on the routes were messed up a little. But it just got worse from there. Brohm looked confused at times. Both qbs had to contend with awful line play. Marve could evade the rush & used his legs & he can motor, wow.


    And the Jaymar Johnson go-out-of-bounds-2-yards-before-the-first-down debacle.


    Still nobody mentioning Kemp. He was Marvelous Marve's go-to receiver on his TD drive. Smooth, smart, fast.  He's a playmaker.


    I try not to read too much into receivers playing well in the preseason.


    Our leading receivers the last three preseasons have been Trevor Kennedy, Doug Pierce, Perry Floyd and Josh Bishop.



    It's just what I've seen from the guy in a couple training camp sessions and then at the game (whatever my insights are worth). It was a great play to read the comeback throw on the TD.

  3. Arash seems to want to just, i dunno... it seems he just wants to break a story so bad that sometimes, he tries too hard.


    Very true.  I like the guy...he gets excited about the CFL.  But honestly sometimes I think he is creating drama for his own sake using his twitter comments.

  4. The CFLPA needs a new lawyer.


    Not sure what a better lawyer would do.  The blame has to fall squarely on Scott Flory and whoever else was pushing the outrageous demands from the beginning.  This deal should have been worked out in the off-season, with the players coming in with a more reasonable offer.  In my opinion, if they hadn't have played hardball, they could have gotten a little more out of this deal.

  5. I think O'Shea's comments were blown a little out of proportion. When he referred to three import OL, it didn't sound to me like he was strongly considering the idea, just that every option is an option at this point.


    I think O'Shea is just throwing that out there to try to get the NI's to step up.  I've seen this as his plan from the beginning.  When have we ever brought in import competition at guard and center?  There is no way the Bombers can actually afford, ratio wise, to have 3 import olinemen. It's just a matter of which two positions on the line will have imports.  Definitely LT, maybe RG, maybe RT.

  6. If it's the only game that gets affected by a strike I'd hope they would just postpone it to later in the week.... assuming things are worked out by then


    Kind of sounds like this might be the only pre-season that is not affected by the strike.  I read that the players will not be able to strike by then.



    Feoli-Gudino looked pretty quick on the first day of camp, getting open consistently, but he was having trouble catching the ball.  Glad to see he is now making some plays.  IMO now the frontrunner for backup canadian receiver.


    The only runner.  Might be starting if Watson can't stay healthy.



    I thought Taylor Renaud is doing good also ?



    Renaud is having a great camp for himself making a lot of plays in tough coverage. Don't know if he is starter material though.

  8. Probably shouldn't be reading into it too much but...seemed a little weird to me that once he got hurt he was just standing on his own on the sidelines, rather than be involved with the rest of the position group (even if he wasn't doing the drills).


    Could also just be freeing up a position while he recovers.  Who knows.

  9. Any guess on cuts would be just that ... a guess.


    If I had to pick 7 guys, based on absolutely nothing ... I'd probably go with Jason Barnes, Kashawn Fraser, Jaymar Johnson, Dale Stevenson, Jesse Peterson and a couple of the defensive backs. But really, that's based off of about a half hour of watching them and reading between the lines on fan reports.


    I don't remember where I saw it but there was a video featuring Kashawn Fraser, and they were saying that he's shown well so far.


    Edit: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What Goalie said.

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