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sweep the leg

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Everything posted by sweep the leg

  1. That's been huge for this site. There's not really anybody here that I would put in the category of troll, which can't be said about the other two sites. OB is much worse for that than the EP is, but they both have them. And yes, the latest update at OB sucks.
  2. What excuse did I make? What am I twisting around? The example you gave is one where he gave an interview within a week of the game. If you don't like the reality of that give a better example. Is it true or false that he didn't do many interviews in our Grey Cup season either?
  3. Agreed. I thought both were canned too soon. Berry should have been given 1 more season and Lapo should have gotten at least until the end of the year.
  4. What he did to Lefors with the paycut was the final straw for me with him. That was garbage.
  5. So he had a press conference before the next game was played? Sounds reasonable. So you don't recall him doing more interviews when we were good compared to now?
  6. Do you recall him doing significantly more interviews in 2011, when we were a good team?
  7. Do you have an example of this from the CFL? I'm not sure what you mean by hiring our guy on the sly.
  8. So then if/when Buchko cans him he should come out and talk about it. I agree with the other poster who said he should only be talking about business issues during the season. The onfield product should be up to Mack & Burke to defend.
  9. I thought the passing play that was called from the shadow of their own goaline on the last play of a half was the worst play call I'd ever see, but this could be a real challenger for that title. Congrats to the Esks' coaching staff for continually raising the bar.
  10. Hopefully Glotz to Jay Detain is the next great passing combo for the Bombers.
  11. Woods will be in this week. JT Gilmore probably won't play.
  12. Me neither. If they really want Ford on for ko's they can leave Frazier off the 42 for Lucas and we could dress both of them.
  13. Both situations suck. What was your point in this argument again?
  14. Short drives that end with interceptions are what I want from my qb too.
  15. Burke apologized to West and said he shouldn't have made him the villian. He said Watson shouldn't have stiff armed him either.
  16. Lame. You've been metaphorically teabagging Mack for 3 years, but now that your favourite gets cut you pull out the "Wally knows" card?
  17. It would say our qb situation is/was a mess. Neither one of those guys is/was the answer.
  18. Let him start. We should still have a backup. Besides, is Frazier really that much better than Lucas that it's worth leaving a position w/o a backup?
  19. Why wouldn't we dress another import receiver for this game? I just read Penton's blog & he said we're only dressing 5 receivers. That doesn't seem like a very good idea to me. Put Lucas in instead of Frazier and have Wallace Miles replace Watson.
  20. I read a tweet that said West pushed him out of bounds on the last play of practice and he ran into a camerman. Knuckles tweeted that Burke was pissed at West after the play.
  21. Burke said, and I quote, "it would be nice if we could hit an open receiver." That sounds like Buck is involved in that criticism.
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