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sweep the leg

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Everything posted by sweep the leg

  1. Decision on starting qb will be made tonight, per several twitter sources.
  2. I really hope he's right. I'd be ok with Goltz too, but given that we already switched from Goltz to Hall, apparently with 100% agreement from all offensive coaches, Hall should probably be allowed to run with it.
  3. Penton's article this morning says we should expect Pierce behind centre this week.
  4. Oh come on. This is a fan message board for sheet sake. I'm sure Marcel has heard it all before and probably laughs about it. Why would he laugh? It's not particularily funny or creative.
  5. Absolutely. Goltz had to face by far the best two defenses our team has played so far this season.
  6. I haven't read all of the threads so I apologize if this has already been discussed, but Hall reminds me a lot of Elliott. Not much of an arm and not much of an athlete, but still seemed to move the ball fairly well. The turnovers were another unfortunate resemblance. The one thing I thought made Hall look more promising than Elliott is that he seems to be a more accurate passer.
  7. I don't drink it much, but I really like it too. It's strange they can make something this good but Guiness Draught is so terrible.
  8. My dad's drink of choice. Never fully understood why...
  9. I'm a Sleeman Original guy. Every once in awhile I'll get crazy & have a Rickard's White.
  10. Here's another one of you next to Tom Hanks:
  11. I don't even have a cat... Assuming most of you know who Jetque (or whatever his name is now) is from the Bomber's site and have seen his avi's of himself, I look frighteningly similar to him.
  12. He's still an Eagle, so they probably won't let him rehab with another team in a different league.
  13. Not mentioned in this analysis is their appearance. Goltz is too "man pretty", so I give the edge to Buck's manlier handsomeness.
  14. Goltz did it against better teams too.
  15. I read that he's practicing with the 1st unit D. I also read that's a damning indictment of how bad their DL is.
  16. Not sure if you listened to the press conference or not, but Miller said they're going to do a full GM search in the offseason.
  17. That was my impression too. Pretty crazy how much Walters looks like Jim from the office.
  18. The "I feel betrayed" comment was a little melodramatic.
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