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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. The Labbe hate is really ignorant...
  2. Agreed....the entire thing was just ridiculous.
  3. At this point, all I really have to cheer for this season is "**** the Riders..." Anything that brings their fans misery, fills my heart.
  4. It was a deliberately inflammatory piece, but Lawless wrote that the WBB are going to lose Henoc to FA anyhow, so they should trade him now for a proven QB. The entire article was a piece of ****, and deliberately trying to rile people up, but it's a conversation piece anyhow... Thoughts?
  5. Not gonna throw the QBs under the bus after this one. There was a TON of probs, starting with the OL....
  6. I just wanted you to know how hard 17to85 and I laughed at that just now.....possibly aided by whisky, but nonetheless...point stands.
  7. Last year was pretty bad...not gonna lie. Starting with the fake FG for a TD in the first quarter, and steamrolling downhill, complete with players giggling on the sideline....it was real bad. Real ugly. But yes, I can imagine how bad LDC is, especially with the beaking from Rider fans. Stamps "fans" aren't too bad. They'll leave you alone as long as you leave them alone.
  8. Since 17to85 is being a puss and not going, I'm not sure if I'll be at it. The gf wants to go, so we might grab tix at the last minute, but it's always a **** show at McMahon, so who knows. I've sat through so many debacles in there, I'm not sure how many more I can stomach. Dirty beatings every effing time...
  9. I'm still undecided on Burke as a head coach, but I wanna say that this stuff about how we can't judge him because the team around him is so shitty....that's bullshit. Lawless wants to make it sound like it's a joke of a roster and Burke's had nothing to work with. I don't buy that at all. Sure, the QB situation needs to be fixed but there's still a lot of talent there.
  10. One thing that's been brought up to me is that, as a Bomber fan in AB, we'll probably get more Bomber games out here now. I am a fan of this...
  11. Not that there's a HUGE difference, but this should make travel easier, as we'll play more games vs West teams, which in theory is cheaper than going out to East Ont/PQ multiple times per year. While I despise the league constantly jerking us around and using us as a toy, it does make more sense for us to be in the West.
  12. Another big Wild fan here. Guy is always around the ball. Been hoping for Brian Clark Pt 2 since he first set foot on the field...
  13. I hope he tries to kill guys out there....put the fear of God into people that only a crazy sumbitch biker can.
  14. Nah, use www.pickuphockey.com -- great site...
  15. Again, people need to understand that returning kickoffs and returning punts are two very different things...very different skill sets.
  16. Some big D in this game, and ST too, but lotta discipline issues...
  17. I'm sitting in a hotel in Edmonton (...in the middle of Canadian Country Music Week...) watching this one. Lotta Rider fan morons around here giving me grief about my jersey. Would give anything for a miracle today...
  18. So......how long can they stay in it?? A quarter? A half?
  19. When we're losing, the only thing that makes me happy is Rider fans in pain. Would give ANYTHING to see their anthill get kicked but good.
  20. Re: Burke not talking about Buck's injury. Was quoted earlier this week saying that he didn't want to talk about it because he didn't want teams targeting him. Not sure it really matter at this point in Buck's career, as everything is a potential target, but whatever. Once again, it was a totally innocuous Burke comment being blown up by everyone here.
  21. ...In my mind they can go oh-fer the rest of a way, but a win at the LDC would save my whole year. Watching this game at beautiful Victoria Beach, on the shores of Lake Winnipeg. Let's gooooo BLUUUUUUE....
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