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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. I've got nothing against MB, but like Dave says, why settle for "Well, we could do worse..." ?? Why not shoot for the best?? Certainly, MB isn't the worst option, but there's also a lot better, and that's what I want...
  2. Interesting name bandied about by Penton today, just for shits n giggles: Buono. Apparently there's been rumblings that just doing player peronnel stuff isn't cutting it for him anymore, and the pull of being on the sidelines is still there. Guys with an ego that big love a challenge and to say that they were the ones who fixed the mess. Not saying its probable, but that's certainly something worth making a phone call about...
  3. ... aren't you one of the people who usually overreacts more than anyone? ...since when?
  4. Spuds is right (...Dear God...) ....We have nothing to freak out about other than rumour and innuendo. Just settle down till we know some facts, likely in the new year.
  5. Jesus, if anyone actually debates that...
  6. If Miller had the teams best interests at heart, he would make hiring a QUALITY GM priority #1, and let that GM pick his staff from there -- not go out of his way to ensure Walters has a job in the organization moving forward and trying to hire other ex-staffers to help out where Walters is lacking. What real football man would ever agree to come work in such a gong show? You may not like Madanis attitude or delivery, but has he been wrong? Seriously, take off your fan hat and look at this team objectively. We are AWFUL. The coaching and talent are the worst in the league -- and they want to try to McGyver some half-baked front office staff using spare parts and ex Bomber coaches? Start fresh. Build it right. This is an entire hot mess based on rumour and innuendo, and no real facts. Let's wait and see when we actually know what's going on, and THEN start forming some opinions. I think we'll have a much better idea before Christmas.
  7. I just can NOT figure out Montreal (...or Ham for that matter...) One week they're world beaters, one week they suck taint...
  8. Since when are Miller and Walters "buddies"?? Walters is the definition of a guy that Miller inherited. They have no background, to my knowledge. As for Madani, he's an ******* with an axe to grind with the Bombers after being their comm's guy some years ago. Absolutely despises this team and everything about them...will take cheap shots at us till the cows come home. That said, he's got connections and is rarely wrong when it comes to rumours. There's something to this...
  9. Being at work, I couldn't watch, but twitter exploded with Buck love last night...
  10. Depends on what Walters reasons are...I would dearly love to hear from him about this.
  11. Arash Madani ‏@ArashMadani4m As the Wade Miller regime carries on, the #Bombers president keeps pushing to bring Rick Worman onto the football staff. #CFL Arash Madani ‏@ArashMadani3m Rick Worman is on staff at a NCAA school. Sources: Wade Miller pushing Kyle Walters hire him to #Bombers staff. Walters pushing back. #CFL
  12. As with GM, I think we're at a real serious point in the franchise where we can't screw around with another "potential" guy. I would really like to hire someone who's as close to a "sure thing" as possible. But as a lot of us has said from the very beginning, hire the right GM, and everything else will work itself out...
  13. I thought it was announced earlier this week that he HAD resigned?
  14. Everyone is a superstar when Ricky Ray is your QB.....I'm pretty sure he's even making their defense better somehow...
  15. I sincerely don't think the D was *THAT* bad.......Frito is THAT good.......
  16. Curious as to why you feel that way? Because he's a big fat *******, plain and simple.
  17. Doug Brown tweet: "The more I see Boltus, the more I like Max Hall".......so true.
  18. Time to switch to the Oilers game....#GoOil
  19. Eeeeeesh...B-Stew burned BAD on a deep route. Frito throws for more than 500yds in his career. Sigh...
  20. Boltus = game over. Had SOME faith with Hall in there, if we could just get half decent field position. Boltus? Not so much...
  21. Well, I'm just saying...for point of reference. But we'll see who's in charge this off-season...
  22. Clarence Denmark doing a BRUTAL job on punt coverage, allowing JJ to get tripped up near the goal line. Returners deserve better than that...
  23. I really don't think our D is playing that bad. They've taken dumb penalties, but it's more about Frito and that TO offense just being SO good...
  24. He won't have a free ride next year, if he makes it that far. If he makes it to camp next year, he'll be in tough to retain a gig....he's at that point in his career where Wally wouldn't even blink about cutting him outright.
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