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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. not sure if anything relevant will come of it, but Kyle Walters doing a QnA on Bombers Insta in half an hour...
  2. Beat me to it.....I almost spit my coffee when I saw there was an actual, real-life anti-vaxxer on MBB. I've never seen one in the wild before...
  3. I'll say right here and now, I ignorantly have never got a flu shot since I was a kid. Never saw the need for it. I ignorantly didn't understand community transmission. Now I get it. I'll be getting one every year from here on out.
  4. well no ****... they had f***ing hats made to make fun of it. This isn't news. I think he was fine with the play calling. He just didn't feel the label was accurate, and it wasn't. I've been re-watching the first half of last season, and Nichols was really really good, and took some chances. Went deep a lot actually.
  5. I know not TECHNICALLY playoffs, but 8-to-1 in the final regular season game vs Cgy at IGF East would be a Top 10 "playoff" moment for me...
  6. I haven't been able to watch today (thankfully insane busy at work) but I hear it went off the rails and Darren Cameron had to shut him down at one point?
  7. Our ag sector has kept this province going through all the unsteady times in oil and gas. No question about it...the cow/calf producers have been having some pretty good years of late. There's a lot more, too.... Calgary could be a major tech hub, but Kenney specifically went out of his way to get rid of any incentives for the tech industry to settle there. He's got all the old school Albertans convinced that the good ol' days of oil booms can come again, and that we don't need to diversify. It's incredibly frustrating.
  8. no real surprises at all. This is going to continue throughout the month of April at the very least. It's going to continue to go up and community transmission will certainly become a bigger part of it. You can only do so much to prevent that...there will always be stupid people going out there and transmitting it to others. Just really really hope that it doesn't get to the point where it's overwhelming the health system...
  9. a fun read as we all pray for a 2020 season... https://www.bluebombers.com/2020/04/01/change-invigorating-costanza-swapping-red-black-blue-gold/
  10. I actually think we're going to see a boom similar to post WW2. Everything will rebound pretty quickly.
  11. for old school fans of Law and Order: SVU, this is pretty neat....... #StablerReturns #SortOf https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/christopher-meloni-as-svu-character-elliot-stabler-to-headline-new-****-wolf-drama-series-for-nbc/ar-BB11Yv41?ocid=ob-tw-enus-904
  12. I believe Collaros is in Canada for the of-season, no? Toronto based?
  13. 17to85 and I were talking about that yesterday. You're Goddamn rights I would....Canadians and anyone who's spent the off-season in Canada. Let's roll.
  14. it's because of this bullshit......that we won't get pro sports back for a long time. Everything runs through them, and they're going to be ****** for a long long time....
  15. That is all entirely your fault and I'm still mad at you for it. You started this nonsense....
  16. Hey I said from the first post, I admit it... And I get it. But I still don't like it. Wife says "I assume you're gonna get this new comic book thing..." "**** no! Jesus Christ..."
  17. what's hilarious is that comic book nerds think they're cool now because of Marvel movies....no...you're still nerds.
  18. But.......this time I'm willing to admit it. And it's not so much "old man", it's "anti-nerd"....I don't get comic book nerds.
  19. ******* comic books....I can't roll my eyes hard enough. But I get it...the nerds are a demographic that isn't in to football, so if this somehow gets them to buy tickets and such, then whatever. It's the same as getting someone like Bieber to do the half time at Grey Cup...it's all about appealing to a demo that's not already there.
  20. Farhan saying that coaches have apparently been told to prepare for 1-week TCs. I understand the thought process here, but man, that just seems like begging for injuries. I'm still holding out hope for a half-season starting at Labour Day, but as noted, it's the "getting US players across the border" that's going to be the issue. Things are a MUCH bigger mess down there....
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