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Posts posted by Noeller

  1. 4 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    I guess where this is much ado about something after all. As much as I like giving Bluto the gears, I hope this doesn't result in Kelly having his contract/CFL career terminated. We need all our star QBs.

    If he did what she says he did, then I 100% hope he's gone and never comes back. **** any ******* that tries that greasy **** on women.... and that goes double for Murphy, if he did what she says he did. He's even worse for trying to sweep it under the rug. *IF* what she says is true, they should both be long, gone and forgotten. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Booch said:

    wish we would go back to the style we used that game Milt broke one the receiving records in Toronto...Those deep blue ones were slick

    I have a Khari in that retro.... he never played in that jersey, but I didn't have a Khari at the time those kits were released, so I thought I'd get one. As much as I love our current Home and Away's, that throwback was a fun alternate....

  3. 2 minutes ago, itchy said:

    This one made me genuinely laugh out loud!

    Saw her at a Banjo Bowl while she was pregnant, trying to get through the drunken mob to the elevators on the concourse. As a fat drunk myself, I acted as a plow with her following me to get her to the elevators, while she verbally cleared the way. 

    My wife has attended some of the women's club events and absolutely ADORES Holly. They're similar personalities in so much as they will tell you to f*** all the way off when it's needed...

  4. 54 minutes ago, Rex_Banner said:

    this is RAGE inducing. It's because of bullshit "trends" like this, that otherwise perfectly normal girls have a complex of some sort. I am constantly feeling sick for my niece and other young women in my life.. 

  5. Best ever and it isn't particularly close. The only person who dominated curling to this degree is Kevin Martin (I just threw up in my mouth...) 

    As mentioned, this is about being with the girls more. She deserves a chance to slow down and just be mom for awhile. The game has changed... you need to be throwing hundreds of rocks every day, and they're playing in bonspiels constantly. It's not just weekends. With travel, it's a week long venture every time. At some point, it's just too much. She has nothing to prove to anyone. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Jesse said:

    I personally view my jersey's as my personal history of being a fan. As I look back through the closet, it reminds me of the different teams/games. 

    This. My Walby late-80s is my favourite jersey, but also my Joe Pop and Matty D retros from around 2010, through to Milt, Khari, ChuckBob and Big Bird, Armstrong 2007, Henoc and Watson 2012ish up to Harris 2019ish. It's really a story of my fandom...

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