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Posts posted by 17to85

  1. Satellite service is the same whether Bell or Shaw. Lousy. Expect interruptions due to weather & losing channels (satellite feed) for no reason thereby having to deal with the morons who work in customer service or the technical department. I was a Bell satellite customer & I kept losing my channels once every couple of months or have to deal with snowfalls of over 1cm or a local downpour when I'd lose reception. I got so tired of the technical problems that I went back to cable.

    Bell is terrible for satellite I find. I much prefer the shaw satellite systems. To be fair though, I've always gone with cable, just used both types of satellite at work so I can't comment on their pricing or customer service. My experience is that the only time you ever really lost signal if the dish was aimed well was during very heavy intense rain storms, which does suck but it's nothing that's a complete deal breaker either I don't think.


    (i wouldn't bother asking why you, 17, don't like Kackert... it's obviously because he works in Southern Ontario :D

    that's unfair, I don't hate the argos any more than I hate any other team out there. A lot of the reasons I hate the argos is because they keep hiring douchebags. Seriously Barker has always been a giant piece of **** and I've disliked him greatly everywhere he's been. You will note that I've always been very complimentary towards Ricky Ray right? I don't hate teams, I hate players. 


    do i infer that you aren't a fan, Dave? or is it just that you don't like his size/style? or just by comparison to Simpson?


    Just something about him that bugs me, plus I am very impressed with Simpsons ability to do everything as a runningback. That's the biggest thing at play here, just think Simpson is really something special at the position. 

  4. i agree with what you're saying (except that Kackert had a higher avg/carry than everyone and way less carries and also, like Simpson, played hurt). 


    likely the voting points system and being on a team that finished lower didn't help Simpson's place in the standings.

    You will notice that I said higher yards per carry than the guys ahead of him right? Trust me I know how to twist my words and arguments to suit me. 

  5. I would actually go so far as to suggest that the reason we see more NI rbs these days is because we see more I offensive linemen. Used to be that you'd go all NI on the o-line but defensive lines are getting so good these days you can't always find a NI who can do the job well enough so you have to make up the NI spot elsewhere and why not rb? It's a very much an athlete first position and no one doubts that the CIS can produce athletes. 

  6. Yes, it did just happen to come together for them. That's what makes your statement about Koch making the entire play work and Reilly owing him dinner so odd.

    It's not really odd though. Koch beat the coverage so badly he was able to see where the ball was going and just wait for it. Even though the defenders did get into the picture at the end they had no clue where the ball was Koch still had to show good concentration to keep his eyes on the ball and catch it with a couple guys bearing down. Reilly just heaved that ball up to an uncovered receiver, the amount of time it took that pass to get to the endzone it was all on the receiver to make a play there. 

  7. Nobody insulted the guy. Everyone knows how promising a player he is. But you also would have to say that the 5 running backs in front of him are no scrubs either ( Cornish, Harris, Whitaker, Sheets and Kackert).

    He finished 4th in the league in rushing last season despite not starting until several games had already passed... he had a better yards per carry than everyone ahead of him on that list and he did it all with a nagging foot injury all year! That's not just a promising player, that's a guy who is a player right now. So what puts some of those running backs so far ahead of Simpson? For my money Simpson is likely the best player on the Bombers. 

  8. Saw the entire game. Goltz moved the ball at times with safe underneath routes, his few deep passes were incompletes. But what few good things he did were wiped out by mental mistakes. So what you're left with is a project QB , at this point, that's less effective than Elliott or Brink. 

    yeah well it sounds like short underneath stuff is a big part of the bombers gameplan this year... I'd also expect to lean on the running game a bunch too... if Goltz was moving the ball with that stuff then that's a positive. Hell I saw the clip of the the int that most people ***** about (the one in the endzone) the receiver was running the wrong way when the ball was thrown, clearly not just a mistake on Goltz part so I'm not going to get too worked up over it. Like I said, I saw starting qbs, and good ones, throwing ints in preseason too. 

  9. Yup, another guessing game with a prospect, thanks for making my point.

    The coaches and managers on this team are ******* paid to be able to identify when a guy who has been with the team all year and even got into some games last year is ready to take over a spot. Just because you don't see what they see doesn't mean it's a guessing game. They feel sure about this, whether they are right remains to be seen, but honestly this team has a pretty good track record at identifying players who can come in and play. so why don't we just trust that they have a clue here?

  10. Unfortunately, when something better than what you have comes along, as a GM you owe it to the fans to take a look, you know, due diligence, something the Bombers have had no interest in pursuing of late.

    Was Bowman an issue at will back then? News to me. Look part of the reason they felt OK letting Bowman go to FA was because they had Parker on the roster last season and felt he could do the job. Now we see if they're correct.

  11. We could argue this back forth and forth all day. I could point out the struggles of Ray in Edmonton only to find his form again in TO. Takes more than just a great QB to win in the CFL, takes an entire team and coaching staff and the odd lucky bounce or blown call by the officials.

    You go ahead and point that out and I'll laugh at you all day. Ray was the only thing keeping a **** roster from being an embarassment. The esks won a few games early by virtue of a defense winning them games but once that stopped they tanked hard and were playing worse than hamilton or winnipeg by the end of the season but those early wins put them in the playoffs. Hell Rays last year in Edmonton they were in the west final... Your point is bad and you should feel bad.

  12. We must have seen something in him to take him before Swiston...  and now two camps and he's done.  While Kowalczuk has already lost a starting job and, despite his off-season training regimen, still can't snap...  Just wondering why we haven't looked at other guys - at least to see how their snapping/long snapping is.  We're in a major bind if Sorenson or Cvet goes down this year.

    Hey Dunn and Swiston were from the same draft class, one guy has progressed the other obviously hasn't, it happens. Kowalczuk was the starting centre last season as well don't forget.... yeah he has issues snapping, but playing the position it seems that yes, there is something there. You can't keep every draft pick you've ever made, there's just not enough roster spots for that and if Dunn had beaten anyone out of a spot he'd be here now. 

  13. No my friend, neither the 2010 or the 2012 teams were good enough to get to the Grey Cup with just better QB'ing and if you think that, then you have a lot to learn about football.


    That 2011 team was damned good, they just lost to a better really good team in the cup.

    but 2010 and 2012 were good enough to get to the playoffs with better quarterbacking... and once you're in the playoffs who knows what happens. Look there is a mountain of evidence that says the teams with the best quarterbacking wind up being the best teams in the league... why do you think that the Als have been contenders each and every year? It's because they have had unreal stability at the quarterback position regardless of who else is on the roster. Why do you think BC has been good for so long? Because Wally has always provided them with at very least servicable quarterbacking. There is only one real issue with this roster and it happens to be the hardest position to fill.  I stand by that and I think we'll see it play out that way this year again. If this team gets servicable quarterbacking they will be a playoff team.


    And have we cut Brendan Dunn outright?  Why not groom him at Centre or Greaves, Swiston or ANYONE other that Kowalczuk...

    Well here's a wacky theory... maybe kowalczuk is just a better player than Dunn was. Sure the snaps are a bit wonky but there's obviously something there as an o-lineman when he's lasted as long as he has. I would also suggest that the reason Dunn is released is because they're keeping Pencer around instead. 

  15. You need to see my reply to 17to85, this isn't about signing free agents, it's about choosing to develop prospects instead.

    I think you missed the point I was making entirely... The point is, get better qbing the roster is good enough to be in a grey cup, spend the year with the qb constantly getting hurt and you miss the playoffs. That is the issue here, QB. Get a good reliable qb in there this roster is perfectly able to make the playoffs. Hell look at Toronto for a good example as well. Poor qb play they're out of the playoffs, add the top qb in the league they win the Grey Cup. You want to talk about the roster and it's problems it starts at one position.

  16. You can't draw a broad stroke over all free agents like that, the Bombers let Labatte go because they didn't want him is what you just said, which is complete BS. Same with Gregg Carr, they thought the deal was done and he slimed them in the end. There are many reasons why guys go to free agency other than their team didn't want them anymore, the biggest factor being the SMS now but money is almost always the main reason.


    And you missed the point of the thread, what has changed this year with the way the team approaches the off season.........zip, nada, nothing......it was the same off season as 2011 & 2012 as far the approach to addition and subtraction.



    I am so glad that you said that... You do remember what happened in 2011 don't you? Team stayed healthier, most notably at the qb position and it was in the grey cup. Now unless you're going to point to a qb that was a FA that was going to fix the position then You can kindly take this "You need to sign FAs" attitude and stuff it. They picked up a fairly significant FA this year and you still *****.. Free agency in the CFL is really as much of a crap shoot as the draft is. Honestly most of this "mack hates free agents" nonsense comes from last year when Sask signed Picard and Labatte and Carr went to Edmonton which is quite unfair in the grand scheme of things. Labatte and Carr are documented as having been less than truthful with their intentions to the bombers. 

  17. It's easier to answer which positions am I not concerned about.


    RB would be the only one.


    Everything else is just a big uncertainty.

    On offence the only real uncertainties are qb and coaching.... we saw the other parts of that offense show how good they can be last year at times. More consistency out of the qb position and in general is required but there's pieces there at RB and receiver and o-line that could put that offense in the pack if the qb play is consistent. 


    Defensively we've seen a lot of good things from all the defensive linemen, not really worried there, the secondary should be fine, there's lots of talent there even with Hefney being released. linebackers are really the only part of the defense that is a real unknown... but it could also work out too. Parker was kept around all of last year for a reason and Sears is just a hell of a player, if he adjusts well there it can certainly not be a weakness. 


    To say that everything is a big uncertainty is quite honestly just looking to be negative. 

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