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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. We said the same last year though
  2. Does it really? Same questions about the OL, same questions about the DL far as I can see... They added some receivers and a bit of NI depth but there's still some questions about this team. I seem to recall people saying after FA last year that the team looked pretty good personnel wise as well. Given his history Walters doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt because this team has been lacking talent his whole tenure. I'm giving him a chance to come through for sure, but he doesn't get the benefit of the doubt because he hasn't earned that yet.
  3. If you do enjoy Game of Thrones I would say do yourself a favour and read the books. They're very different at this point in the series and just on a completely different level. I always feel like people who only watch the show are short changing themselves. They've ****** up so much of the show I don't believe I'll even watch the new seasons until the books are finished. (Hurry up fat man, write the ******* things, you've had more than enough time)
  4. You never have to justify taking the best player available and I quite frankly disagree entirely with drafting on need as opposed to BPA.
  5. Yeah it's canon. They just recast it cause Norton didn't play well with others. Think they made a reference to Blonsky in agents of shield as well.
  6. then that means you yourself are one of them because it means you don't view the delusions as delusional.
  7. Nothing makes the reffing better than giving them more to call or not call. God CFL can't we just leave it alone for a while and let the referees and players and coaches all adjust without having to change things every single season? It's too much and it's no wonder the reffing is such a monumental joke.
  8. but different kinds of bad. Eakins had a better roster than Kreuger did and Kreuger got that team to play a lot better. When Eakins was fired last year Nelson had that team winning a hell of a lot more as well until the point that MacT stupidly gave way Petry and crippled the defense. This year is night and day from Eakins as well. Sure they still suck in the standings but the play is so much better and I am a firm believer that without the massive amount of impactful injuries that team would be significantly higher in the standings. Hell they were creeping close to a playoff race before Klefbom got hit with the bad luck. Then as people are getting excited for McDavid coming back and having 3 lines that present matchup problems RNH gets hurt. If you think it's the same old Oilers this year you're not paying attention.
  9. Because Hall had been in the league for a couple years and had learned from a couple real coaches before Eakins showed up? You notice how the guys most affected by Eakns were Schultz and Yakupov who both only had the lock out season with Kreuger before Eakins came to town? Hell Eberle had his numbers crippled by Eakins too and immediately bounced back when he was fired, but I think with Schultz and Yakupov the damage was too much to their rookie brains. Even Nugent-Hopkins hasn't been the same offensive player since Eakins came to town that he was prior, though he did learn the defensive side of the game quite well, to the point where he cheats for D rather than O most of the time. It's hard to describe how bad the man was as a coach to people who don't follow the team closely. This is the guy who benched Yakupov after scoring a goal because he wanted him to end the game on a positive note.
  10. would he be a bust if Eakins hadn't got his hands on him though? Before Eakins some people even talked like maybe he'd work out better than Hall or RNH.
  11. So is that an admission that you didn't even bother to read it? Yakupov was the consensus #1 pick. None was taking anyone other than him at number 1, what I wrote were the reasons why other players weren't in the conversation for #1 despite how hindsight has worked out. Bad draft year is bad.
  12. No Williams is just naturally manish, the guy I'd question about juicing is Nadal. Seriously the way he used to get hurt and come back even better, the way he could physically play... just seems like a classic case of a guy doing something to get an edge. And really if Sharapova was really taking something to improve her game she should ask for her money back.
  13. That's not looking at the big picture. Galchenyuk was the other top forward and he hasn't done a whole lot either not to mention he was hurt so much he was never going to be the first overall pick. None of the other forwards have really distinguished themselves from that draft and the 2nd overall Ryan Murray has had his own issues and was not a sure fire guy to take at #1 either. Then you got a bunch of other D that have worked out but none of them were ever in consideration for first overall. Griffin Reinhart was highly touted but only as a defensive guy with limited offense and he still hasn't fully established himself in the NHL, Morgan Reilly was a guy who was also hurt too much leading into the draft to be taken first overall. Lindholm and Trouba have worked out nicely but neither of them were thought to be on that level, especially Trouba, he took a huge step his post draft year. He was even a bit of a reach where the Jets took him. It's a pretty shitty draft year all in all, forwards especially. Yakupovs problem is that he's an emotional player who really lacks hockey IQ. Now you can over come that with good coaching and we saw him as a rookie under Ralph Kreuger who was a very positive motivational coach that he led the Oilers in goals and was tied for the rookie lead in scoring, but then Eakins came in and really did break him. Schultz too. Just tore them down completely and left them lying in a ditch trying to recover and I am afraid that Yakupov at this point is simply afraid to play hockey the way he needs to because he's been jerked around so much. You put the kid in a stable situation and I think he's able to be saved and become a useful player, trouble is that things have become so toxic for him in Edmonton that he won't be saved there. I dunno why people think the Oilers can easily move Nugent-Hopkins either, have you not seen how much that team has struggled without him taking the difficult matchups? People always focus on his offense as a reason he's not living up to potential but the dude is a very good two way centre and without him taking the heavies it makes it really hard on Draisaitl and McDavid. You think it's coicidence that Draisaitls production fell off a cliff when RNH got hurt and suddenly he had to take the tougher matchups?
  14. I'd like to see something with Trouba and Yakupov being the main players but it ain't ******* happening.
  15. Your wording confuses me... it implies that Eberle is less expendable than Hall or RNH?
  16. If you think cable companies are going to do anything that doesn't result in maximum profit for minimum services you're fooling yourselves. They're all pirates.
  17. The fact that Meyers and Klefbom are close now isn't a stroke in Meyers favour considering how much younger Klefbom is. Reinhart and Musil won't ever be as good as Klefbom and I highly doubt Davidson gets to that level either considering he's also a year older than Klefbom. Hell if you ask me right now I'd probably trade Nurse before Klefbom he was that good before getting hurt. So no I don't want the Jets D in favour of Klefbom and a high first round pick. That doesn't make the Oilers a better team. Let's for the sake of argument say Klefbom and Meyers are a saw off, I believe the Oilers can take that first and get a better D than Enstrom, especially if they package it with a forward. Everyone wants to "fix" the Oilers defense by trying to swindle them into a bad trade, it's wishful thinking at best. The Oilers do have some room to be a bit flexible because Klefbom and Davidson have really take a step forward in their development and Nurse could follow suit quickly and who knows what might happen with some of the other farm hands. Last year no one would have believed that Davidson would turn into a legit NHL defenseman but people who followed the team knew he was on a real nice development track. So yeah unless you're trading someone for a forward not interested.
  18. So Edmonton gets better by trading their best defenseman? Just stop. If Klefbom and the first round pick are in a deal I want better defensemen than Meyers and Enstrom coming back. Perhaps you are unaware of just how good Klefbom was playing before he got hurt.... but he was ******* good and then to lose Davidson who has been a real pleasant surprise this year early in the game of course the D was going to look rough for the Oilers. Meyers would be a nice fit in Edmonton but unless you're willing to build something around Yakupov then there's probably not a deal to be had.
  19. but that pretty much already happens. Teams are always happy to rip up contracts and give out new ones or especially just release guys not earning their keep. Now I ain't sold on Jennings being the super star yet, seen too many rookie qbs have a hot start then get figured out to rush to proclaim them the next great thing, but the guy is getting a tiny salary for the position, he should be doing whatever he can to get at least back up qb money.
  20. Ugh.... First of all Leslie Jones is not funny at all so that's a miss, second of all the trailer makes it seem like they're letting Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig try and carry the thing, haven't we seen enough of those two? Kate Mckinnon can do whatever the **** she wants and I'll probably laugh though. This whole thing just seemed like a bad idea from the get go and they haven't changed my mind at all.
  21. I suspect the reference to Regina was simply to make the joke.
  22. It's basically a movie that's only contribution to society currently is for people to show off 3D televisions... does anyone actually buy those?
  23. these are the types that think a good NCAA team would beat a CFL team so pay them no mind.
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