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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. People are losing their homes and property right now. Anyone trying to make this political or about some cause are assholes plain and simple.
  2. I wouldn't even say Sisco, that dude said "**** it" to regulations all the time in order to get **** done. Picard was a slave to policy, Sisco was a man of action and the ends always justified the means.
  3. The ****** up part is that there's one way in or out and the fire is all over the southern part so people have to go north and stay in oil field camps cause there's nothing else north. Just unbelievable how bad it's gotten. The girlfriend has family up there and they all got out safely but they figure their houses are probably gone. Been hot and dry this spring in Alberta, more so than usual so fires aren't a real surprise but man it's hard to think of what the town has already gone through with the industry going to **** and now this.
  4. See now while she wore the tight tight uniform all the time which was obviously playing on the sex appeal I thought she was one of the stronger characters in that abortion of a show anyway. Apart from her and the doctor the rest of the cast might as well have been card board cut outs for all the personality they had.
  5. Let's also give some props to Jeffery Combs for all the characters he's played in Star Trek, particularly in DS9, guy was just fantastic.
  6. Loved Hefney, I like seeing guys retire as Bombers when the best times of his career were here.
  7. Dukat was such a great foil for Sisco though, just chewing scenery left right and centre all series long. There was no other way to go but to have him as the big bad at the end.
  8. This country already lacks competition and now one region has even less, it's nothing but bad for consumers.
  9. No what it does is lower competition. Did you know that Manitoba has lower rates than most of the country simply because MTS existed as another competitor? My advice to all of you is to prepare your anuses cause you're going to get raped like the rest of the country now.
  10. TIL thanks to darren cameron that Lapo farts sunshine and rainbows.
  11. This just doesn't sit well with me. Star Trek is already fantasy and jumping ahead doesn't change that. It's a science fiction series that is no grounded in reality already.
  12. Well that's the point, this team is much more forgiving of cheap players who play bad than big ticket players who play bad.
  13. Stoudemire just goes to show, don't sign a big contract with this team, they will cut you to save money.
  14. Yes you are. Might as well ad a 4th down while we're talking about stupid rule changes to make the game more american.
  15. Seems to me that teaching is a job that is as hard as you make it. We've all been through school, we all know how not all teachers are created equally. Some put in more effort than others do.
  16. Whether they are good or bad for the people of our countries is up for debate but they are pretty universally recognized as being good ways to get more money into the governments hands.
  17. I just can't stand Jennifer Lawrence in that role.
  18. He also left them NAFTA and the gst which were powerful tools to gain more government revenue.
  19. I like Kirk Penton as a writer but the man doesn't know a hell of a lot about football. I'd take the opinions of a majority of posters here over what Penton sees. He does a good job writing pieces but his body of knowledge isn't there yet.
  20. funniest part is watching the kiddies who flocked to the Liberals asking how come they are governing differently than they campaigned. It's like they just have no idea that it was always the Liberal play book. Promise whatever it takes to get elected then just govern however they want. They are called Fiberals for a reason.
  21. and when the Chretien Liberals balanced the budget they rode the coat tails of what Mulroney had put in and didn't have to do it through a sudden global recession either not to mention a big part of that was downloading more costs to provinces. I find people are often times far too narrow in their approach to looking at governments. It takes years to really see their impact and often times they're long out of power before you can really judge them.
  22. and I believe they put one of the other lighter ones in there too no? Forget what it's called but I seem to recall the only two worth a damn being the hammerhead and the rig pig pale ale
  23. trouble with the mixer pack is that they cram some of their shittiest beers in there.
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