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Everything posted by Jacquie

  1. Other than our secondary getting a lot of interceptions, was our defense that good under Nelson. And I don't think Nelson was the one who made Willis look good. Until a new GM is hired and a decision is made on the head coach I can't even begin to speculate on who the DC should be next season.
  2. Nice 3rd jerseys for the Lions. Ugly injury for Lewis.
  3. That's ridiculous. Tillman traded his starting QB once before and it turned out okay so he thought he could do it again but failed miserably. He also has a history of surrounding himself with players and coaches he knew and/or brought into the league and in this case that was Jyles.
  4. And then on cue he makes a catch like that.
  5. True but I doubt they made revenue projections based on a sell-out every game - hoped they would but didn't bank on it. I don't see revenues being so bad that it acts as some sort of catalyst to change the structure of the BoD or cause an overhaul of the organization structure.
  6. Rob Bagg should just retire while he can still walk.
  7. I so disagree. Bauer had absolute power when he was here and he was the one doing the interfering. Being the genius behind Mike Kelly is reason enough to say no. But ticket sales is only one revenue stream. Sponsorship was up this season. Some major sponsorship deals were just signed. A couple of successful concerts.
  8. Who did you want to be brought in as acting CEO? Lyle Bauer? As for GM, do you want to limit your choices by bringing in a guy who is available now or do you wait until the off season when you have more potential candidates available? What makes you think revenue will be "much lower than projected"?
  9. Or he didn't want to be stuck behind McCallum for a few more years since it looks like the Lions are sticking with McCallum until he drops.
  10. Can you provide the colour codes for the shades of blue and gold used for the site.
  11. Saw this tweet: @Deadspin: A Pittsburgh fan trolled Paul Bissonnette on Twitter. Biz responded by posting the man's arrest record: http://t.co/jJkDAfGLgk
  12. We cut him because when he was here Palardy was better.
  13. The media who cover the CFL is a small group and they all know each other so the constant whining and complaining about Mack by Penton, Friesen, Lawless, etc would very likely have influenced their perception of Mack just like it influenced the perception of some Bomber fans. I've seen so many comments from fans who talked to Mack either at the fan forum or at practices and I can't recall anyone (even the ones who didn't like the job he was doing) saying anything but good things about him personally. Personally I think the Winnipeg print media have this sense of entitlement and if someone says no to them they behave like toddlers in the throws of a temper tantrum.
  14. I believe contracts and SMS management were also a part of Hodgkinson's duties going back to when he was first named assistant GM before Mack was hired.
  15. I don't doubt Buck will play again but playing and starting aren't the same thing.
  16. Giving some context to that tweet might be helpful.
  17. I took it to mean that he would like Vega back but it was up to Vega.
  18. Let's see if he can keep the preamble to a Lawless question to less than 3 minutes.
  19. I saw some tweets from the CFL and some media accounts where Reed says he'll be out 2-6 weeks.
  20. I really don't know what to think but I do know if this is Craig Dickenson's decision then I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
  21. Boycotting, imo, has been and always will be an idiotic thing to do. Support the players. As for paper bags, I remember a story that was told about Richard Harris ripping into a couple of "fans" who were wearing paper bags on their head. I'm going from memory but he said something to the effect that if you have something to say then be man enough to do it without hiding your face.
  22. Is this where we question whether Mack had his hands tied since there were reports last season that Buchko and the BoD had wanted to keep Burke as HC before the decision on whether to keep Mack was made?
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