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Everything posted by JuranBoldenRules

  1. Honestly would rather have a well-rounded guy. Lawler, Demski and Schoen are vertical threats. There's not going to be much use for another. Saw that even with someone like Agudosi. Limited usefulness down the route tree and can't make a team. If they want speed it better be a guy who can be useful in intermediate and do something after the catch.
  2. Guarantee O'Shea saying same thing on 30 of these guys. These camps are way too big. Have a goddamn rookie camp and then have an actual camp where you build your team from 65-70 guys to play in the season.
  3. My understanding is that Rosery isn't getting reps in the backfield at all. He's playing receiver.
  4. Crazy when you think Bombers will have to make 35-40 cuts at once.
  5. I hope we give up on using the wedge in short-yardage. Streveler is very dangerous but very bad at the wedge play.
  6. A player would never sign that unless you guaranteed money each season.
  7. It's hard to call what the CFL offers "streaming." It's more like "watch on potato quality video through a browser."
  8. Don't think it's an issue. There's been over 50 cuts and replacements across the league since they started camps. They are paying costs to bring guys here, send them home, bring in next guy. Bring them all in for a week ahead of main camp.
  9. I think they should expand the rookie camp to 7-10 days and expand the roster size by 20 for that. Have a significant cut down when vets report and then have a cut down between the two exhibition games.
  10. Still think it's kind of crazy how we're using the entire camp as basically an extended rookie camp. I think these late entry guys just coming out of NFL mini camp almost have to have a leg up to make the team given how short the evaluation will be. Kind of like Haba last year. But why not cut a bunch of guys? How can you truly evaluate anyone when you're giving 5 groups reps?
  11. I think Barriere is in the mushy middle with like 100 other QB's who come out every year or so. Yeah he has some highlights. He played for a school that is a powerhouse. But they had some pretty bad playoff losses when they played actual competition in his time. They run a spread with a lot of RPO stuff...so he's reading off a playaction and then it's one read BOOM pass out to a screen or a flat or a slant. Not a whole lot of hit this window from the pocket or throw through zones. Doesn't look like he has the arm to play at this level IMO. Could you build an offense around him? Probably not, he's gotta be able to beat people by making tough throws in that 10-20 yard area. That's how you win in this league. NFL now too. So we see these guys who run the spread stuff or some gunslinger types with big arms (Dolegala is a recent example) come in and really struggle to be consistent because they can't make those throws accurately and on time.
  12. Upshaw is 6'5 275. Not sure he's an end here, might be kind of a combo guy.
  13. Lawrence was awful for us. Darby was terrible last season. It's not that hard to see when a guy has 200 yards of passing go right through him in a game. I have no qualms with our current staff and their ability to evaluate DB's. The only guys I think they were too soft on were Rose and Alexander. They both haven't been good players at all since the 21 Grey Cup. Not sure why Alexander was brought back.
  14. I don't think Dukes can pass. Like most backup QB's we somehow landed on playing soft coverage instead of challenging his accuracy.
  15. Gotta think they will be making some cuts this weekend to narrow the battles down and give the guys a real shot in the 2nd preseason game. Hard to really prep guys to play a game when there's 5 full sets of guys getting reps.
  16. Could go either way on Collaros. Think he wants lots of reps so might go a series or two into 3rd Q. Probably smarter to give him like 3-4 series, Streveler about the same then Wilson and maybe a series or two for Barriere. I don't think MOS views playing Collaros as much as he wants as a risk like most of us probably do.
  17. I’d be sad if they cut Wilson though. Have rarely seen a guy show up as a CFL rookie who looks to have legit potential as a passer..not a thrower or scrambler.
  18. I don’t find Barriere to be a toolsy QB from watching a lot of his NCAA career to now. He’s nowhere near the raw talent level of VAJ. He’s kind of slightly above average across the board nothing too special arm, mobility or run wise. Remember Chris Leak who was UF QB before Tebow? Was with Als for a couple years. That’s who he reminds me of. I like NDSU’s current QB a lot more and they run a more pro style pass scheme. New head coach is the guy who called plays for 3 solid pro QBs there too. Cam Miller is the guy. He’ll be CFLer.
  19. Well if who is on 6 game now stays on for full 6 games they have about 2/3 of a solid starter salary open.
  20. I thought Rivers had the least burst of any of the DE’s but he’s really good at getting hands off him. Just not sure he’s athletic enough to be an end up here. Maybe try him inside.
  21. Barriere was #2 and played some for Michigan in USFL. Spent 22 and 23 with Michigan and New Jersey in USFL. Came free when USFL folded.
  22. Neither guy is a true rookie. They've both spent the past 2 years playing pro.
  23. Resume is a pretty big meh to me. Wilson was successful in the SEC. Barriere went to a dominant program in FCS and didn't really come close to winning the championship. Barriere is actually 2 weeks older than Wilson (I've seen someone, maybe Hodge or another beat guy say Wilson is old for a CFL rookie).
  24. Would be silly to cut a better player because a guy was on the neg list for a long time. Hodge's evaluation of Streveler really speaks to his lack of basic knowledge on how the game is played. He said something like "Streveler will never be a guy who drops back and works through four reads." Nobody is working through more than 2 after the snap. After that it's a scramble. Everything is pre-snap. Most teams are cutting the field in half based on pre-snap reads. Just such an underhanded and ignorant attempt to **** on a guys ability as a passer.
  25. Yeah not really a fan of keeping so many guys at practice if you're goal is to eventually get ready to play real games in like 2 weeks. Either have some guys getting so few reps it's pointless or you're splitting reps so much you're prepping really no one to play. Need to be able to evaluate by now to get down to 3-4 guys in all the position battles.
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