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Everything posted by johnzo

  1. I didn't get the number but damn one of our cover guys was working hard to get that holding call. Real O'Shea special team energy!
  2. Ticats bit on that RPO like it was a sweet lechon hog!
  3. unlike the crazy train, the Brady train stays on the rails...
  4. Wolitarski with the lunch bucket catch and then it's showtime!
  5. Collaros-Demski just killing them with the corner route, looking like Ray-Tucker out there.
  6. BLM bad throw there? looks like he threw it over White's wrong shoulder....
  7. the thing I look for here is to see how hard the receivers are blocking. you got 4-6 receivers and one ball, all those guys are super competitive and they all want the ball on every play. so how do they play when they don't get the ball? Are they throwing blitzkrieg blocks like Bailey and Woli do? or are they playing more like a Duron Carter? that's one question I have about our promising bench guys BOLO and Agudosi -- are they gonna bring that warrior WR mindset?
  8. yeah, I don't remember that hit being some kind of Ed Philion situation ... just bad luck and an awkward landing.
  9. he's also got that Kopp / Marve "get the crowd buzzing in your first home game" energy.
  10. this is the way. I'm trying to remember other runner qbs who had next-level burst like Pigrome. Doesn't seem to be a common combination.
  11. yeah, that's not great, bad game awareness. cost his rookie teammates a precious rep.
  12. watching the CFL.ca stream .. they are hyping the New Era gear .. I see the bucket hats are back, tempted to pick one up, but damn they are spendy.
  13. Nice breakdown by Suitor showing how Pigrome can totally freeze a DE with that RPO.
  14. good lord that end run. Piggy didn't just turn the corner, he took the corner.
  15. Cole! that was a great shot by TSN, the endzone view of the developing return really showed the action. also it's great to be back here. go Bombers!
  16. man how times have changed. In 2013 BOLO would've been our top national on O...
  17. the Elks' RB Brown is a dangerous player. Was impressed when I watched him play last year. Real explosive runner with a next-level burst, guy who could feast in the flats.
  18. it will be interesting to see what happens here, as typically when these kinds of high-level suits are settled, all parties will be NDA'd and no admission of fault will be given. But in this case, Dominion is insisting on on-air retractions and admission of fault... look at the bright side! they can replace all of those expensive congressional buildings with a compact car...
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