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Everything posted by johnzo

  1. Super curious to see what Picard brings to the Als next year. Is he another Sorenson / Greaves who couldn't play for us but is a starter elsewhere?
  2. Dressler and Smith feels like the same situation as Burris and Willy in 2014. We needed a QB desperately enough that we threw coin at whoever was available at the moment, and good on us for doing it. I'd be over the moon to get either of them, they would both be serious upgrades for our team. Both of them would have led the Bombers last year in receiving, and both had to play with Bomber-level quarterbacking for long stretches of last season.
  3. Holy cow, Carolina is doing such a great job keeping Newton clean. When he drops back it's like he's got a forcefield around him.
  4. https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=2194&dat=19860903&id=W7wyAAAAIBAJ&sjid=ZO8FAAAAIBAJ&pg=1289,824823&hl=en
  5. Oh man I would love to see Dressler in blue and gold, and he'd be way more than just a great target for our QBs. I bet Denmark would put up career numbers with a guy like Dressler drawing the heat.
  6. Zorn and Clements were never on the active roster at the same time. Zorn was signed mid-1986 as Clements' injury replacement. Tom Muecke was the #3 man, I think.
  7. Lemmy and Bowie. And this **** always comes in threes, who's next? The amazing thing about Bowie's death is that I'm not seeing any haters yapping online. Seems like everyone loved Bowie. His passing made news even on the metal websites I frequent, and all the metalheads were as bummed out as everyone else.
  8. Was definitely impressed with the work of the vikings D, our run game was absolutely stuffed all day. Not sure what was wrong with Russell Wilson, his arm was way off. He underthrew everything long an overthrew a bunch of short passes ... though one of those overthrows did turn into a fantastic magnet catch by Baldwin. Maybe the cold got to him? Gotta play better next week for sure.
  9. The youtube of the Ace Ventura laces out scene is blowing up today.
  10. If I remade the prequels, they'd be like a buddy cop movie gone horribly wrong. Imagine Lethal Weapon, but at the end, Murtaugh shoots Riggs. I'd also make Count Dooku more sympathetic, let him see the future that the Jedi are blind to, and make him desperate to break up the Republic before it goes fascist. And Grievous would be a abolitionist fighting for full droid citizenship.
  11. Kylo Ren is like any number of Heisman winning QBs. He looks great in practice, when he's interrogating helpless captives or cutting down old men. But when he faces pro-level talent, he folds up, and he clearly can't play through pain. Supreme Leader even says that Ren needs a little coaching up at one point. And yeah, I agree with TUP: Poe is a little too eager to talk about the Skywalker map mission. I just took that as "the movie's moving pretty fast, let's repeat our premise two or three extra times to make sure that everyone's still with us."
  12. Looks great, you guys. Thanks for making this such a great site!
  13. The Phantom Menace was so awful bad terrible but I have to admit that I really like Darth Maul's moves. From a pure watching-humans-do-stunts level, I think that's my favorite. The Luke / Vader ones were better for actually having emotion and dramatic weight to them. The swordfighting in those scenes is really kind of secondary, the important and cool stuff is the conversations they have while they're swordfighting.
  14. I call it: Rey is gonna turn to the Dark Side. She has this owlish predatory I-love-killing-things face that the film stops to acknowledge in two different fight scenes. She is going to trip the dark fantastic and she and Finn are gonna be fighting before we're done. I really liked the film. My only disappointment: yet another superweapon. The rest of the derivative stuff I didn't mind: adorable droid marooned on desert planet with critical information, the Millennium Falcon smuggling fugitives, Han getting drawn back in, family redeeming family, etc. Loved the Tom Waits by way of Bob Marley sound to the cantina. My take was that Darth Nose was a murderous child and terrible swordfighter, extremely gifted in the force but still a total Vader pretender. Even so he was an important minion who got face time with Supreme Leader and was trusted with the Jedi hunting mission. The Sith have fallen on hard times, it would seem (if these guys are Sith, I dunno, goggles grandma says that there's lots of different Force people around.) And I think Rey is supposed to be a generational talent, a Force McDavid.Unlike you, b.b., I liked how the fighting looked crude and amateurish and not like the Jedi sword ballet we got in the prequels. The Force is totally amateur hour nowadays. I think this is really cool because there's a huge void for our new characters to fill. And here I reveal that I am a total ******* dork: wasn't that lightsaber the one Luke lost on Cloud City? His Return of the Jedi lightsaber looked more like a candlestick.
  15. Is there any CFL rule against accepting compensation for tearing up a coaching contract? Could Edmonton trade to get Thorpe? Popp could play this like Desjardins played the Kevin Glenn thing: stay cool and maximize return. I guess the only trouble with that analogy is that Popp doesn't have anyone obvious waiting in the wings to take over as DC.
  16. I just discovered Rick and Morty. A silly cartoon about a drunk misanthrope mad scientist is somehow the best thing on TV. Star Wars Rebels hasn't been bad either, it's definitely got the old school Star Wars spirit.
  17. Also, Conrad Black is an ex-con, and for someone who is asserting Canada's irrelevancy, he sure was intent on re-attaining his Canadian citizenship a few years ago. I remember reading Barbara Amiel in Maclean's as a kid. I remember asking my mom, "mom, why are the rich people so scared?"
  18. The Global Mean Sea Level is 4" - 8" higher today than it was a century ago, and the rate of growth is accelerating. Someone is wrong about this. Who is it? Conrad Black, or the scientists who measure the GMSL? Solutions innovated in Canada can be exported worldwide. Who cares if Canada isn't culpable for this problem? Canada could help lead the world out of it. Ah, yes, here's the dog-whistle. People who sign onto the climate consensus are just the heirs to Stalin. Ad hominem much, Conrad?
  19. Miami is going to be the North American city that takes it hardest earliest from sea level rise. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/11/miami-drowning-climate-change-deniers-sea-levels-rising According to the article, that part of South Florida is built at low elevation on porous sandstone. When the sea levels rise, the water will saturate the rock and from there, the sewers. Miami Beach is already hurting from this. We will see what happens. Would love to hear perspectives on this from our earth science people. (yes, it's the Guardian, they are a filthy partisan media outfit)
  20. The Star Trek movies are the Toronto Maple Leafs: it doesn't matter how much they suck, people will pay money to watch them, and thus, there is no need for anything to change.
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