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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. ok, so I went to the Rockets-Winterhawks game last night. My impressions: It wasn't a very high scoring game, as the Rockets won 2-1 in OT. Petan scored with 3 minutes left to tie it up and send it to OT. Petan sure looks small out there, but he sure is a leader. He has amazing hockey sense, he seems to always be where the puck ends up. Is he too small to play in the NHL? When I look at Anaheim, I think "maybe". He should have a long career in hockey, even if it ends up being in Europe. Chase De Leo didn't impress me at all. Seems to be the same size as Petan, or only slightly bigger. Petan was a threat to score on almost every shift, while DeLeo was invisible. Not sure what the Jets scouts saw in him, other than he seems to be a good skater? Bittner is big, like HUGE, and he can skate, though he didn't do much last night. I would draft him, he has the size I think to develop into an NHL'er, third or fourth line. Morrissey - wow oh wow. He's going to be a good one. Just so smooth out there. Reminded me of Bourque, Niedermeyer and Coffey, when he would just take the puck and smoothly just move up the ice before landing a beauty pass on a forward's stick or going in for the shot himself. I am hoping we see him in a Jets jersey for a long long time. Only other comment - if Nick Merkley of the Rockets is still available at our first round pick, I'd take him over Bittner. If we could get both of them with our two first round picks, I would be happy. Merkley is so strong with the puck. Well worth taking a chance on him. EDIT: Forgot to add - Winnipeg's own Madison Bowey hit a Winterhawk so hard that he put him ass over tea kettle into the space between the benches. That guy is going to be a good one too.
  2. Kind of like the Brock Ralph groan...when he'd run for out of bounds two yards before the marker rather than take a hit...or just plain not bother to try and catch the ball.
  3. and he can shoot a puck clear over them mountains...
  4. Ouch, takes a shot at poor old Alex. Sometimes, though the pun is right there, it's sometimes better left unsaid...
  5. Great - throw in Ladd, Little, Buff, Hutch, Myers and Morrissey and our first round picks for the next 20 years and you might have a starting point, at least according to some Oiler fans around here.
  6. Well to be fair, they didn't have a hockey team in the NHL playoffs...what's that now? Oh...
  7. I appreciate your weather prognostications. I was planning on wearing shorts right through to January, but now I will adjust my wardrobe accordingly.
  8. I couldn't believe how much time Sportsnet devoted to the Leafs, even after the regular season was over. Blah blah blah...they suck...what more is there to say? I know that 50% of this country's population cheers for the Leafs so they have to pander to that base, but seriously, how much can be said about Phil Kessel that hasn't already been said?
  9. I saw an update on my Jets app that Enstrom just had shoulder surgery. Ok. I will admit if he was playing hurt that I might have been a bit tough on him. It will be interesting to watch the Flames try to intimidate Anaheim like they did Vancouver. Ferland is just going to bounce off of the Ducks and fall over. I predict Ducks in 5.
  10. The Beatles broke up????????? Say it ain't so, Joe... When did this happen????????? It was for the best. Ringo was carrying the other three guys and it was time he went out on his own to show who the real talent was. He's actually coming through Penticton in September, and bringing Oates from Hall and Oates and Garfunkel from Simon and Garfunkel.
  11. Since you left are you saying you can suck yourself? How do you know I left?
  12. So is the plan still to tell Gbill that we are meeting at Barley Bros, and then ACTUALLY meet at Luxalune? Just wanted to confirm.
  13. Oh I think we could do better. The OL is like sex with Giselle Bunchen, while receivers are like sex with a cheese grater?
  14. Compare building a football team to building a car. The OL is the engine. Receivers are the spoiler. If your spoiler falls off, your car does not go hurtling into the ditch. That's my point. OL is much more important than WR.You're missing HIS point....receivers are way more important than a spoiler on a car. They're more like the tires... Brock Ralph was the seat belt.
  15. Yeah - totally with ya bud!! Right on - all you people who left can suck it!
  16. Here in Kelowna I cringe when the Rockets play a US team because every time, without fail, the crowd has to yell "Rockets" during the part of the US anthem that goes "Rockets red glare". Back in the early 2000's they had a goalie named "Guard" so they had to yell "guard" all the time too during the Canadian anthem. So I yell "True North" just to mix things up.
  17. https://vimeo.com/125401642 This is funny, and probably not that far from the truth either.
  18. I shout it out at Rockets games, just to give the old people around me a bit of a startle.
  19. Hope Morley can find a home on another team. He showed last year that he still had some football left in him, especially at center.
  20. I didn't hear of any Bomber players being tossed in the shower for disrespecting the team or the coach. The Jets have their problems, the Bombers have theirs. The Jets aren't perfect either, and get cut a lot more slack than the Bombers do too, in my humble opinion. I really like the direction that Kyle and Wade have taken. Job one was finding a QB. Job 2 was putting quality scouting in place, in Canada AND the USA. Job 3 was finding a good coaching staff. They've done that. And we're about to see those moves finally bear fruit this year.
  21. LOL - like Doan would go for that deal. He'd never come back. Let me sign those papers right now.
  22. Eberle is far too soft. Fill this team with 6ft 4 inch tough guys who can skate. Preferably North American. And yes I realize I sound like Don Cherry but I don't see how else we get by Anaheim and LA.
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