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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. Nope. Wally's not going to do that, unless he's starting to go senile.
  2. Unless Petan grows five inches this summer I don't see him making it out of camp this year.
  3. LOL. Did you actually see what he said? He was actually very complementary of Notley and hopeful that she'll be a good premier, which for Ezra I am sure was hard for him to say. He also blasted Prentice and the Wild Rose leader who crossed the floor. I don't post much of Ezra's rants but when there's one that does seem to be at least somewhat non-partisan and not completely laced with far rightist rhetoric I'll share it here. And as for full disclosure - I went to school with both Ezra and Naheed Nenshi, who were best buds at that time, and got to know them pretty well, especially Naheed, who was and still is a great guy. Both of them were so involved in extra-curricular activities that I don't know when they slept. As a team they were amazing. In fourth year they took over the U of C Students Union, and in one year cleaned up years of mismanagement and debt created by idiot leftist arts students who had controlled council for far too long. Over the years, I've watched Ezra go far too far to the right, but that's where his bread is buttered, and Nenshi go a bit too far to the left. Both of them were dynamite when they were more in the center, to center-right, where the majority of voters in this country reside.
  4. Thanks. I didn't realize that I was supposed to supply an entire thesis with a bibliography, but I already know that wouldn't matter anyway. You didn't supply any links whatsoever, and just concluded that Harper is "muzzling scientists". I don't believe it, because I haven't seen any real proof that this is actually happening. I did see a few years ago here in BC - we had a really bad sockeye salmon run. Supposed "government scientists" fell all over themselves running to the media predicting that this was the end of the sockeye salmon and of course it was all due to that horrible villain, man made climate change. Millions of dollars was needed "immediately", according to these supposed scientists, to launch "studies" and they ran around blathering alarmist bullshit non-stop about how the salmon were all doomed. Then the next year, there was the biggest sockeye salmon run since 1913. Tons and tons of sockeye salmon. So those scientists all looked like total idiots. Perhaps they shouldn't have been "muzzled", but also perhaps, there should have been some kind of media reporting system in place, such that they didn't just alarm the public over nothing, and also wouldn't make such giant fools of themselves. I'm just spit-balling here, but it seems like maybe, just maybe, if you are taking government money to study something, you should also follow some kind of reporting procedure on your findings. But "Harper is muzzling scientists" makes a great soundbite, so why not just say that I guess. Why didn't you? I supplied the link. What really pissed me off with this whole muzzling thing was that stupid march last year where supposed "scientists" marched on Parliament Hill to protest being "muzzled", and it turned out about 99% of the people marching were just loser leftists who march in every one of these stupid marches, be it a march against the oil sands or a "insert brain dead cause here" march. And of course the CBC reported that "thousands of scientists" were present. Just pure bullshit. And that's why it's hard to get behind anything or believe anything anymore because there is so much obfuscation and lying and fear-mongering going on. What's the actual truth? Are scientists "being muzzled"? I don't know.
  5. I looked into this and from what I could read, this whole mantra that the government was "muzzling scientists" was a bunch of alarmist BS, much like the alarmist BS being spread about Bill C-51. Is the government really "muzzling" scientists? No. Not really. It's amazing how a soundbite these days gets into the public mainstream and then is repeated as gospel over and over again. Today all I see are idiots posting "#Harperisabigot" everywhere. Just ridiculous. These people truly are their own worst enemy.
  6. I've seen a lot of people who I know have never owned a stock in their life crying about the sale of GM stock "at a steep loss". When the government received that stock of GM, it was pretty much worthless. Everyone was just hoping GM would survive. The fact that the government was able to get $3.5 billion for a company's stock, that was essentially bankrupt, is a big win, and it's too bad people want to play partisan politics and criticize the government for realizing some value on something that could easily have been a complete zero. Should the government have held on to the GM stock? If they had, and GM had gone back in the dumper, then the same people would be crying about how they could have had $3.5 billion and pooped it away because they didn't sell when they had a buyer on the table. The one thing I've noticed is that any information can be spun to the negative if put through different filters.
  7. That's how I walk into the office every day. But I also don't wear pants while doing it.
  8. Now we just need Bilikudi and Mulumba and we are set. What's the status on Henoc? Is he on the bubble with the Colts?
  9. I have yet to ever meet a happy provincial or Federal employee. You guys always seem pissed off about something or other. Not saying you don't have the right to be. I just wish there was a way to fix this, other than of course, just throwing ever bigger gobs of cash your way.
  10. I think Trudeau has to grow up a bit more before people will trust him. I don't see him winning this election, but definitely the next one. He's just got to stay the course, and appeal to a wide base of voters.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyXyxLiDtHo
  12. OK Ben Franklin. What is it that we are supposed to be so scared of? I think part of the problem is that the fear-mongering I've seen has all come from people I wouldn't let mow my lawn, that's how little respect I have for their intellectual capacity.
  13. He was running way ahead in the polls, until he opened his mouth. That ended that.
  14. I think that the anti-Harper crew have to play any card they have in the deck. In 2011 all I heard was that Harper was a Nazi who was going to make abortion and gay marriage illegal and stack the Supreme Court with right wing judges. Well none of that happened. They can't really say their guy is going to do a better job of managing the economy (well they can try, but no one is going to believe it) so all they have left is the fear card. According to the polls not too many are buying this. This new security bill is a bit of a head-scratcher. I don't now why Harper is doing this right now, but I guess I have nothing to hide so I don't really care.
  15. The thought of Justin Trudeau representing Canada on the world stage, and being the guy who has to stare down people like Putin. Yikes. Talk about a boy among men.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6ddIyLVzRI#t=45
  17. there was definitely an audible gasp in the theatre, that's for sure.
  18. Now you know why the Buffalo GM looked like someone shot his dog and punched his grandma in his interview after the draft. That kid could single-handedly turn Buffalo from suck to blow, much like a young Dale Hawerchuk did for the Jets in 1981.
  19. Rockets win in 5. On to the Wheaties! Go Rockets go! So if I hit up a Rockets/Wheat Kings game, who are some of the players on the WKs to watch?
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