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Mark H.

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Everything posted by Mark H.

  1. Well the Libs really had no competition in the 90's, That and they balanced the books and the economy was Web 1.0 After Quebec 4 years ago and Alberta this year I can see the NDP winning. Okay so im looking at the polls too. Would mean a major shift towards younger voters. Do you really think the Cons have legitimate competition? I think the most change we can expect is a Con minority. The reasons the NDP won so many seats last time are worth considering: 1. Jack Layton 2. People in Quebec not even paying attention to who the candidates actually were 3. The Liberal collapse Two or even three of those factors are no longer in play.
  2. The Cons will win again, for the same reason the Libs won all those majorities in the 90's.
  3. I'm encouraged by the second half adjustments of Richie Hall and Co.
  4. ....that this place is less active after.a win.
  5. He is lighting it up with his tight end these days in jail! You sure it's not his wide receiver?
  6. It looks like supply management is on the way out, which will be a blow for producers who invested millions in their quotas. Will they be compensated?
  7. Self inflicted long term death - just another first world problem. There is a lot of self inflicted harm we as a society engage in. Smoking. Which is now being replaced as the "cool" thing to do by vaping. Drinking soda. I love me some Dr Pepper. Consuming far too much meat and processed foods.
  8. Self inflicted long term death - just another first world problem.
  9. We went after Stubler, Washington, Steinaurer and a couple other before hiring Etch.Guess when you fire coaches every year or 2 nobody wants to come here. And if someone you hired was your 5th choice, where's the cronyism?
  10. Except that the D has played the same way all season
  11. Whatever Lulay said to his OL before that sack - didn't work
  12. But don't forget he has the best offensive weapon in the league at his disposal
  13. Nice throw by Burris. If Williams has to hesitate at all he probably gets angled out. That was a howitzer right on the money.
  14. 1. Christianity is more about your own relationship with God and your own personal conscience 2. Yes, it is possible to interpret the bible as not being against same sex relationships, but only if they are monogamous. Same goes for heterosexual relationships. 3. It's not about picking and choosing sins. No human being can stay free of sin - repentance is the key
  15. Whatever the root causes may be, the very high suicide rate amongst transgendered people should be cause for concern. I believe we will someday have to answer for the way we treated other human beings. If my actions cause someone to commit suicide, I will have to answer for it.
  16. I would hope we get consistent pressure without the blitz.
  17. The confederate flag was also symbol of protest against desegregation.
  18. I was referring to Europeans and how the crusades were defending western cultre from destruction, Not gay marriage. You couldn't be more wrong about what the crusades were or the amount of blood on your religion's hands."were just defending our way of life, everyone is out to get us" The notion is laughable. In my history it's a little bit of both. There was persecution from the Catholic Church and the Jesuits, but Hutterite communities were also ravaged by mercenary soldiers, especially the Turks. It all depends which group of Christians you're talking about - there's a whole range of experiences.
  19. Year in, year out, given who the Als have had at QB, SJ Green has been the best receiver in the CFL.
  20. They made several big plays and came up with key stops when they were needed.
  21. That's basically a safe play call. You'll either get a first down with YAC or punt it away.
  22. Bloody shame, considering what you paid for it. High temp paint can be bought in spray cans. If you can find someone to sandblast it, you can do the repainting yourself.
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