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Mark H.

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Everything posted by Mark H.

  1. Sorry Mark, but I'm not buying this apologist argument. As I said in a previous post, this is just too easy. Why aren't the Vietnamese self-detonating and murdering people in cold blood in restaurants and theaters in Paris right now? They have every reason to hate the French. They were mistreated by "our" countries (I'm not sure who you are lumping into this catch-all) including France and the USA, for well over 100 years. Over a million of their citizens were murdered. And yet, the Vietnamese are peaceful and are moving on with their lives. This isn't about mistreatment (or at least, that's just a small factor) of the Middle East (once again, not sure who you are lumping in to that category). It's about a religion that seems to be unable to co-exist with anyone else in many parts of the world. Try going to parts of Myanmar. Guess which parts you can't travel in. Try going to the Philippines. Guess which area you can't travel in. Were the people of Mindanao in the Philippines "mistreated" by "our" countries? Of course not. Yet they are kidnapping and beheading "infidels" too. I just don't buy it Mark. Okay. Vietnam sucked it up, China sucked it up, therefore the Middle East should suck it up too. I'm oversimplifying, but that is essentially what you're saying.
  2. Too many journalists ignore the West's role in all of this. Our countries have spent the past century mistreating the Middle East. When we weren't doing that, we were supplying them with weapons. If we are to believe the media avoids mentioning Muslims in their news stories because it's not politically correct, then we should believe a thousand times more that our own governments carry a good share of the blame.
  3. So what's the difference between their views on homosexuality and the "Christian right", who are already embedded in N.A.??? Neither group is stupid enough to openly attack gays. Thank you. That's precisely my point.
  4. That's a matter of perspective. Most European countries wouldn't consider the end of 2015 to be a short timeline. To them the issue the issue is here. Now. There was an article a couple of weeks ago about a homosexual couple in Germany who took in a group of Muslim refugees. I would post it here, but it's written in German.
  5. To the point of giving them the death penalty??? Really? Because that's what happens to men who get accused of homosexuality in Middle Eastern countries run by Islamic theocracies. You really aren't comparing apples with apples here. I know. And India has the death penalty for impaired driving. What do think the screening process for beliefs regarding homosexuality should look like?
  6. You implied that Muslim beliefs regarding homosexuality should be considered in the refugee screening process - did you not?
  7. There's nothing unusual about that. We all know there are plenty North Americans who don't agree with homosexuality. Amish don't agree with divorce - doesn't mean they shouldn't be Canadian citizens?
  8. Exactly what ISIS wants them to do.
  9. a) If anything happens in Canada, it will not be something that could have been prevented by tighter security checks on refugees. Have tighter screening process by all means, but if ISIS wants to wreak havoc, they will wreak havoc This is the end result of mistreating the middle east. This kind of radicalism can and has come from other religions. I need not point you any further than than Christianity after Constantine combined church and state. c) But hey - we could always send some more armoured vehicles to the Saudis - or provide the Taliban with more weapons to wreak havoc in Afghanistan.
  10. OTTAWA - With Prime Minister designate Justin Trudeau preparing to announce a cabinet that is 50% women, researchers have discovered a sharp 5000% increase in the number of men who suddenly have strong opinions about how cabinet appointments should be a “meritocracy.” Across the nation statisticians are at a loss to explain a recent and drastic jump in the number of men who have spontaneously developed hard opinions about the qualifications of Federal Cabinet Ministers. “This is affirmative action, and even though it has been statistically shown to improve working conditions over time, I don’t like it,” said longtime man Thomas Fielding. “Someone’s genitals don’t make them qualified for a job. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to my job as the manager of a pro sports team.” Several noted political scientists agree that Trudeau’s female quota is a controversial move. “I suddenly and inexplicably find myself very concerned about this issue,” added Dr. William Harkin of the University of Calgary, also a lifelong male. “Unlike Trudeau, Prime Minister Harper only chose the most qualified people for his cabinet posts, like a climate change denier [Peter Kent] as his Minister of the Environment. Or his numerous Ministers of Defense who never once held military positions.” He concluded, “I mean, Jason Kenney alone was Minister of Immigration before being shuffled to Multiculturalism, then Social Development, and then finally National Defense - clearly because he was the most qualified person in the entire country on all those four completely unrelated files.” Several prominent media figures have also joined in the backlash against Trudeau’s gender parity cabinet. “I think this should be a strict meritocracy, an opinion I have held for several hours now” opined Jonathan Kay, editor-in-chief of The Walrus and lifetime member of the dude team. “Women should be expected to earn their positions the same way men do - take for example my mother Barbara Kay. Despite being a woman she earned her column at the National Post through hard work, talent, and having a son who was on the editorial board at the time. Like I said, meritocracy.” Reached for comment, Canada’s researchers said, “We’re just happy we can report on this data trend without worrying about getting the hose again.” --An earlier version of this article mistakenly suggested Jonathan Kay was the comments page editor for the National Post at the time his mother was hired. The Beaverton regrets this error, apologizes to both Jonathan and Barbara Kay and would like to add that the National Post is hot garbage. http://www.thebeaverton.com/
  11. He did throw mostly underneath in the second half - looked like Richie Hall changed up the coverage
  12. Change? How about starting the season 2 - 3 weeks earlier?
  13. Firing MB is overrated. Unless the next guy has a better OL and receivers who can consistently stretch the field, expect similar results
  14. Our receiving corps lacks speed as a unit. Just look at some of the completions Burris made. Other than the Adam reception, how often were we successful throwing downfield?
  15. I would be surprised if the next leader was not from Ont., distancing themselves from their reformist roots would be the quickest route to recovery for the Cons. They need to find a way to win more and stronger majorities. Like it or not, the seats are in Ontario. And also distance themselves from candidates who need to be muzzled.
  16. Oh the spin: Harper won 162 seats in a 308 seat parliament Trudeau won 184 seats in a 338 seat parliament In the current parliament - Harper wouldn't even have a majority
  17. Agreed as it just made people angry. And it never stopped. Over & over. The Chinese guy who could barely speak English & old the blue haired guy pissed me off. I still voted Conservative as the candidates in my riding did nothing to make me vote for them. No door knocking & no campaign literature. Had the Liberal candidate did one thing I may have voted for him but he never earned my vote. Then again, Jason Kenney won by 20,000 votes so it was hopeless anyway. But still try godammit. I'm also in one of the 'safe con' ridings. The Lib candidate didn't come around, but she did have a good website with pertinent info. Her background is broadcast journalism, which would be an asset to an MP, IMO. Very good candidate - she got my vote. In the end, cons retained the riding easily - by 10 000 votes. The Libs in Calgary-Midnapore which is my riding had 50,000 people who cast ballots & even though the Lib candidate did virtually nothing for visibility in our riding still got nearly 13,000 votes so I think that speaks for the fact people still wanted change. I also think candidates who rely strictly on a flashy website to get their message across are lazy. It costs nothing to go out in the community shaking hands or door knocking handing out literature. . To be honest, the assumption is that Hutterites will vote Conservative - with good reason. Not much incentive for a Liberal or NDP candidate to visit a Hutterite community
  18. Agreed as it just made people angry. And it never stopped. Over & over. The Chinese guy who could barely speak English & old the blue haired guy pissed me off. I still voted Conservative as the candidates in my riding did nothing to make me vote for them. No door knocking & no campaign literature. Had the Liberal candidate did one thing I may have voted for him but he never earned my vote. Then again, Jason Kenney won by 20,000 votes so it was hopeless anyway. But still try godammit. I'm also in one of the 'safe con' ridings. The Lib candidate didn't come around, but she did have a good website with pertinent info. Her background is broadcast journalism, which would be an asset to an MP, IMO. Very good candidate - she got my vote. In the end, cons retained the riding easily - by 10 000 votes.
  19. I think a majority will not be decided till the BC results come in
  20. How about a virtual pat on the head from MBB?
  21. Your comment about "shy Tories" and how they affected the polls in England really made me think of all of the people that have told me this election "I'm voting Conservative, but don't tell anyone", including this morning. It makes me wonder how many people are in that same boat. I look at all of the personal attacks made on the two of us here, and it really is a reflection of why people are downright afraid to speak up anymore unless they say they are voting Liberal or New Dumb. It's not worth the aggravation and the insults. Just quietly vote Conservative, and move on, without having to be yelled at by imbeciles. In real life - as in life outside of this forum - I am the exact opposite of a shy Tory. Try having a discussion about anything but Conservative with a bunch old farmers in a rural coffee shop - then you'll learn what a true roasting is. You forget that I'm from the same kind of rural area. I think I'm pretty right-wing, then I go to the Chicken Chef in Niverville and I feel like I'm Bernie Sanders. Yep, nothing much ever changes out here.
  22. It never should have been reduced. Poor policy, good politics.
  23. Your comment about "shy Tories" and how they affected the polls in England really made me think of all of the people that have told me this election "I'm voting Conservative, but don't tell anyone", including this morning. It makes me wonder how many people are in that same boat. I look at all of the personal attacks made on the two of us here, and it really is a reflection of why people are downright afraid to speak up anymore unless they say they are voting Liberal or New Dumb. It's not worth the aggravation and the insults. Just quietly vote Conservative, and move on, without having to be yelled at by imbeciles. In real life - as in life outside of this forum - I am the exact opposite of a shy Tory. Try having a discussion about anything but Conservative with a bunch old farmers in a rural coffee shop - then you'll learn what a true roasting is.
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