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Mark H.

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Everything posted by Mark H.

  1. Listen son...we'll go for a beer and talk about this hitting punts into the middle thing...you just leave that kicking net for now...
  2. This won't solve much. I'm with JBR, punting was the larger issue on ST.
  3. Yes. Then plan on starting 3 American OL and get busy scouting down south.
  4. I'm not sure why the D getting tired and other teams making adjustments need to be mutually exclusive events.
  5. They took our stars! Yeah! No one should ever be a fan of the Patriots EVER! NEVER EVER EVER! Such behaviour must cease immediately, or great deflation shall be heard across the land.
  6. All of the above may be true, but Harper lumping immigrants and refugees together and using that to say we have the most generous system in the world per capita, is deceptive and insulting to informed voters
  7. Because all the stuff on Twitter and Facebook about Canada's peacekeeping reputation spiralling under Harper, I took a few minutes to check the UN archives. I'm not Harper supporter, but I detest false and misleading information: United Nations Peacekeeping Forces by Countries (Canada) http://www.un.org/…/r…/statistics/contributors_archive.shtml Canada - Nov. 30, 1990: 1002 Top country: Canada Canada - Dec. 31, 1995: 1163 Top country: United States Canada - Dec. 31, 2000: 568 Top country: Bangladesh Canada - Dec. 31, 2005: 387 Top Country: Bangladesh Canada - Dec. 31, 2010: 198 Top Country: Bangladesh Canada - Dec. 31, 2014: 113 Top Country: Bangladesh The truth is the North American numbers have been dropping since the mid 90's. Countries like Bangladesh and India have been picking up the slack.
  8. What the cuss is your point? That people who felt we had good QB depth at the start of the season should keep on saying that?
  9. Yup, he spent four years iirc behind Hamm before he started to play like a starter and them Trestman put him over the top. He spent 5 years with Don Matthews as coach before Trestman took over. No doubt he had huge success with Trestman, but he was already a super star and Grey Cup champion when Trestman came in. Thanks for filling in the blanks Rich. I just remember him before he became the starter for the Als and the transformation in his game was night and day. He did have a horrible GC record before Trestman though, something like 1 - 5 and was basically labeled a choker. Then Bellfool got hold of him and almost killed him and ended his career. He was set to retire until Trestman took over and basically pulled him together and rid him of the chocker label. The last point cannot be overstated. Calvillo looked like his career was over after the '07 season. This was due to all the hits he took in an MB offence. Trestman went with more quick hitters and max protect packages.
  10. The way Willy kept getting hit it was just a matter of time till he got too hurt to play...really. It's the same story, it was just a matter of time.
  11. That's one thing I'm sure that organization doesn't care about
  12. This is pretty much exactly what I thought was happening. He looked like he'd panic and run directly into trouble. Sure he may have a suitable amount of time but was his receiver open? He's trying to make something happen at that stage in the game, throwing into the stands wasn't an option. Single coverage was further downfield - I'm sure guys like Denmark and Moore can get open one on one.
  13. Nice to see guys like Bobby Dyce get promoted
  14. JBR (who seems to know a thing or three about OL play) was vocally unimpressed by the Picard signing. Apart from Goossen who was obviously judged as unready to start, we had no real option at center other than looking for an import. Picard was worth a shot and I still maintain that he cannot be properly assessed until the rest of the line starts playing well. He's part of 'the rest' He's probably going to wind up on his rear end whenever he's 1 on 1 with a half-decent DT.
  15. JBR (who seems to know a thing or three about OL play) was vocally unimpressed by the Picard signing.
  16. Who expected a Hamilton returner to stand like a statue and watch the ball bounce off his helmet?
  17. Harper seems to be zeroing in on swing ridings. The same way Obama focussed on key electoral vote States during his last campaign.
  18. The Israeli - Palestinian conflict: I don't get how anyone can be pro either side in that hornet's nest. 0.02
  19. Decent game...we have hope with Marve
  20. It's six of one and a billion dozen of the other. And 60% of the time it's going to work every time
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