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Mark H.

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Everything posted by Mark H.

  1. I know at least person who believes that...
  2. Ok, what was their take on Brendan Taman? Joe Mack?
  3. We can handle reality just fine. The problem is the additional spin and speculation - to milk out as much negativity as possible.
  4. I will assume you missed the ‘S’ on purpose...
  5. Schools in the division I work for were closed yesterday, as I’m sure you all heard. https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4929820 But we’re open again today.
  6. Physical and mental are not mutually exclusive occurrences.
  7. Can a company book oil on a futures contract - the way you can with grain?
  8. That method worked out pretty well for Mark Stobbe.
  9. But I do think Franklin, Wilder, Greene & Co. would have a reasonable chance at success with Lapo at the helm.
  10. Yep,if they need a scapegoat, he'll be the first man up
  11. Ok, time for Hall to bring out the soft zone, get the QB & Lapo motivated again.
  12. Right😆. And in 2017 Nichols played better just for the hell of it.
  13. You’re using the Mack era to make a point - did you type that with a straight face? Remember when Mike Bishop won 13 - 12 with the D generating 5 turnovers?
  14. The Olympics suck & are nothing but a 2 - 3 week money pit.
  15. Don't know. The guy said he didn't go to the NFL because he could make more money on his family's grain farm But then why even bother playing in the CFL? That question he could not answer.
  16. Wimp refused to drink scotch. BTW - it was because Labatte could make more money on his family's farm.
  17. I'm going to guess if you compared Brad Sinopoli and Greg Ellingson - their salaries would be similar.
  18. Oh, that's definitely true. I would bet none of the O-lines in the league start a Canadian at left tackle on a regular basis IIRC - the last one was Josh Bourke
  19. Some guy in a Lloydminster hotel tried to tell me LaBatte could have made the NFL - but he wanted to stay in SK.
  20. Winnipeg had 25 completions of 30+ yards, Calgary has 44 In the 20+ category we have 34, while the leading team has 56 I believe the stat you're referring to includes all offensive plays.
  21. The deep ball was mentioned ^^ and keeps getting mentioned ad nauseum.
  22. Their OL is awful though. Reilly is mobile and tough as nails, but even with him it is starting to show.
  23. Khari Jones had the same OC - he threw deep a ton - some even argued they went deep too often.
  24. I never did get some peoples' beef with Pizza Hut. It is what it is - every once in a while I'll enjoy a Supreme or Canadian. If the Bud is cold it's all good.
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