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Mark H.

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Everything posted by Mark H.

  1. I was commenting on the comparison that was made between Riel and Cornwallis. For the record, I don't think Riel should have executed Thomas Scott, it was one of the mistakes he made. Unless your comment was addressing something else...
  2. We have a long weekend named after Riel - maybe you should take the time to read more about him.
  3. One execution vs. being responsible for thousands.
  4. Probably nothing you can do about this, but some of your snowmobiling brethren need to have more class & not steal fuel from farmers.
  5. He could probably get some help for that...
  6. In collective bargaining language, the word is retroactive. It’s like getting back pay. Some clauses are retroactive to the day the previous agreement expired, others are effective date of signing, while still others are effective on a date agreed to by all parties.
  7. A) The discussion went on longer than it needed to, but it was always clear that it was based on what we ‘fans’ can see on the field. B. You don’t know much Nichols second guesses himself. C) If the criteria is that we don’t know all the variables, then I guess we can’t say anything, good or bad.
  8. Anyone who signs a one or two year contract right now. The bulk of that contract will be for the time period after the current CBA expires. They should still be able to get the benefits of the new CBA.
  9. The current agreement does not expire until training camp 2019. So, there's no way the new agreement could have an impact on 2018. Note: the previous collective agreement was ratified on June 13, 2014, several weeks after the previous one had expired.
  10. Man, I understand your point of view. But you're speculating just as much as those who have been critical of Nichols' play - maybe more.
  11. There would need to be a retroactive clause in the current CBA.
  12. I don’t understand why any new clauses they negotiate couldn’t be retroactive. Then everyone could proceed with FA business as usual.
  13. Remember the ads CJOB used to run with Ty Jones? "Can you say blow out? I knew you could."
  14. Merry Christmas to all on MBB - y’all make life a tad more interesting.
  15. Not to steer this off topic - but the same thing happened when people who’d been in the Chrétien camp turned on Paul Martin. It took a while, but eventually it cost the Liberals big time (2011). It’s also a pretty good indicator of how long it could take the Dems to get their house back in order.
  16. Reminds me of the Stephen Glass story. There's movie about it 'Shattered Glass'
  17. A dead thread that suddenly got revived and then escalated. Feel free to PM each other if you still have unresolved issues.
  18. Ok - I’m surprised the CFLPA ever let that happen.
  19. So - the ‘franchise tag’ was actually in the CBA at some point?
  20. Indeed - food prices are on the rise. As long as ethanol continues to be produced, keeping grain prices artificially high, expect the overall trend to continue (Just an observation, not intended to take the thread off topic)
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