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Posts posted by JohnnyAbonny

  1. 30 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    There are other options. Look the conservative movement worldwide has been taken over by the crazies. People keep voting for it they're not likely to ever change.

    That’s just it. Anyone who isn’t extreme has been pushed out already. 
    Look at O’Toole. He was as old-school con as you can get these days, and they railroaded him out because he voted for a conversion therapy ban. 

  2. 33 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    It might be concerning, however, we haven't even seen him play yet. Also, a lot of people are forgetting that this time of year PRs are not really settled. Walters and every other GM will be going over every other teams cuts to look at guys that may be worth looking at here. It's how we got Lawler originally.

    You’re right on that. Active roster too, Tyquan Glass was the starting field CB week 1 last year. 

    The DT spot is still kind of meh to me, but I get your point about not bitching about it too soon. 

  3. 11 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    I've been called a racist & hater here by more than one of the Accolytes who live on this thread. Simply because I'm conservative. It's to the point I don't give a **** anymore what I call them because most are cowardly keyboard warriors who just swarm incapable of having any kind of meaningful political discussions without name calling & intimidation. When you see Accolytes just substitute the word for assholes.

    I don’t think you’re any of those things. I certainly am not a conservative, so I’d probably never agree with you politically. 

    I’ve enjoyed talking football and reading your stories about the 70’s Bombers quite a lot over the years. 

    What bugs me about this conversation, and any political one the last decade or so is the slipperiness of the topic at hand. 

    Everyone I support is fine because someone else did something worse, and we whatabout our way through, skirting every issue.

    It’s exhausting, and the actual bad guys/nazis (not you personally) want us all exhausted, scared and angry. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, bearpants said:

    I would say I’m a little disappointed with our upgrades (or lack thereof) at LB and DL… I suppose if C Thomas, Haba, and Bennett end up being legit players, that helps the DL a lot… but going into the season with a LB core of old Bighill, always injured Wilson, uninspiring Clements, and most unknown Cole is underwhelming… hopefully Clements and/or Cole make some major steps this year as both are still relatively young (both 26)

    So in your scenario, the day 1 starting DL is the Jeff’s, Thomas and Schmeckel?…Why do you keep saying that Schmeckel is the replacement for Sayles?… when it’s very clearly Walker… and if for some reason you’re assuming we are replacing him with a Canadian, then it would be Lawson… I can’t see Schmeckel making the active roster, never mind being a starter 

    Well as the active roster stands right now, he’s on there. I’m not talking about replacement in number of reps. I’m talking about replacement of a roster spot in itself. 

    I said it seems silly to have Shmeckel on the active roster (which he currently is, albeit could be the game day scratch) while Caleb Thomas is on the PR. 

    The one mildly annoying thing about O’Shea is at times, the roster management can seem a little odd. This is part and parcel with that.

    For real though, it’s preseason. Bombers are the best team in the league. We’re nitpicking because it’s what we do. 

  5. No, not every other club has picked up gems in the off-season. 
    DT in particular is a position that has gotten progressively worse since November 2019. 

    They let Nevis and Stove walk, replaced them with Sayles and now Walker, who aren’t bad by any stretch but certainly downgrades. 
    Now they’ve let Sayles walk and replaced him with…Tanner Shmeckel

    It’s mildly concerning. 

  6. Yeah it kind of seems like the whole camp was a punting and 3rd QB competition.

    Surprised Shmeckel made the team, let alone the active roster, I saw him get manhandled 4 or 5 times over the games.
    Not being able to fit Caleb Thomas on the AR is silly. As is only having one extra DE. (I’m not counting Bennett as reliable to fill in just yet)
    Few too many guys making the club from the tub as well. 
    I don’t think the sky is falling but this sure didn’t feel like a typical draft or American recruiting year. 

  7. 1 hour ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    And so have the NDP in BC. They've done the same thing. Isn't it ironic that in evil Alberta, where the white supremacists, racists & Nazis play according to most here that I was on a year to 18 month long list to get my knee replacement done. I was expecting it to happen anywhere from this this coming November to sometime in the Spring of 2024. I first had a meeting with my surgeon in November last year. Then in February, I get a phone call saying the surgeon triaged my knee & put me up near the top because of the severity of the condition of the arthritis. I moved past thousands of others & had my surgery in April. Just five months after my first meeting. Eight to 12 months early. After the surgery, my surgeon spoke with me & said that after thirty years of doing knees, mine was the worst he ever saw. Yep, evil Alberta. Where no one cares about the patient. 

    As far as beating up women? No one should get a pass & say they learned & now they're better. Kinew has abrigated his rights to be any kind of political leader. He's unfit to be Premier. Whether he's sorry or not. I know that the left wing accolytes here would never give anyone a second chance if they were a pro athlete or right wing politician. I've seen their posts from others who did this & there was never any kind of forgiveness from them. And now you say that Kinew deserves a second chance really only because of his politics. i can't imagine what would be said if this was Pierre Polievre. He'd be cut to shreds.

    The Bobby Hull reference was just to make a point. To poke the bear, so to speak. 

    The comparison was just so out of left field to me. I’m certainly not going to get into a whole other thing on what Kinew did. I’ll say that it sucks that he was abusive towards a woman. 

    I’ve been more or less a lifelong NDP voter. To be honest, I’d be inclined to for the MB Liberals right now first, if they even had a smidgen of standing. 

    As it is, I’m not a millionaire or an evangelical so I have absolutely no reason to support the Conservative party in any form. I’ll be voting NDP again in October, despite the fact that I think they could choose a better leader. 

  8. "These are not episodes in my life I'm proud of," Kinew said. "I struggled with alcohol, and that caused me to behave in ways that weren't healthy for me, or those around me. When the alcohol stopped, so did the fights. Violence, racism, and sexism are unacceptable. I've apologized unequivocally, and I do so again: to anyone I harmed, I am sorry”

    "Because of my past, I understand the challenges of young people in our society who are struggling with the same things I was — alcohol, addictions, anger. I know that they can do better, because I learned how to do better," Kinew said.

    Kinew attended sweat lodges "to purify himself" and participated in a sun dance event, during which he fasted for four days and pulled buffalo skulls by piercings cut into his body.

    "Suffice it to say, it shows a significant degree of commitment by the individual who attends," Miller said.

    Kinew also began attending regular Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. 

    "While abstaining from alcohol, he has had no involvement in the justice system," Miller said. "He realizes this is a lifelong path he has to follow."

    I don’t know why I’m even biting on this, but @SpeedFlex27 The comparison to Bobby Hull.. Come on, I know you’re better than that. 

    First of all, you’re comparing a guy who’s running for Premier to a wife beating, Hitler idolizing (and dead) hockey player. 

    Second, there’s zero indication Bobby Hull showed any kind of remorse or accountability for his behaviour. 

    Third, regardless of what party is in charge, healthcare is a mess everywhere in this country right now.  It just so happens that the Manitoba PC party have deliberately and methodically used policy to make Manitoba health care worse. 

  9. 10 hours ago, Goalie said:

    Nobody knew who Tyrell Pigrome was either. 

    Pigrome ain't throwing ducks either from what i saw. 

    The more interesting topic might be 

    My 3 cuts 

    The other QB. Augustine. Yeah. I know. Wade. 



    Augustine has looked awful, and I’ve always been bullish on him. He might be past it, or nicked I just don’t know what’s up there. 

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