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Posts posted by greenrider55

  1. 1 minute ago, HardCoreBlue said:

    Maybe lucky isn’t the right word. Fortunate that their D was causing these multiple turnovers after bending quite far but unfortunate for your team their O couldn’t turn it into anything. 

    Yea, it was frustrating. Maas has to go. We were on the 11 yard line, he runs a QB draw, and then a screen. I think Maas’ ego is just too big for how poor of a play caller He is.

  2. Just now, Booch said:

    I'd say the online..were better than anyone...Edam is crap...deal with it...beat way too often to be a top anything....purifiy played decent...but yaps more than needed and is usually good for dumb penalties...must be hangry some games lol

    Edem was an all star in 2019 before breaking his wrist this year, he was a big loss. Also a ratio changer. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, CanuckGod said:

    For once I slightly agree with a Riders fan... 🤮 Though to be fair, I don't think Brandon was head-hunting for Fajardo, just didn't stop his momentum - but didn't seem intentional to me. It definitely was a play worthy of a penalty, which he got. Overall, a fair call. Having said all that, I really hope we've gotten the turnover bug out of our system, since the only reason that we're headed to the Grey Cup again after having committed 6 turnovers is that Sask is just that inept 🤣

    No, I don’t think it was intentional either.

    But yes. Only 10 points off 6 turnovers isn’t good enough. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Goalie said:

    Duke Williams spitting on guys. 

    Your QB should slide earlier and not expect guys to be able to stop on a dime 

    There’s literally no evidence for Duke spitting. That was said by Lemon, and never proven. 

    If we hit Collaros the way Alexander hit Fajardo you would’ve called for an ejection. CF had clearly given himself up.

    2 minutes ago, Goalie said:

    Duke Williams spitting on guys. 

    Your QB should slide earlier and not expect guys to be able to stop on a dime 

    If Collaros slides similarly and takes a shot like that, would you say the same thing? 

  5. Just now, Brandon said:

    This is true.    It goes both ways. 


    I will say that RF is definitely much better in the last 2 - 3 years then previous to that.   The normal to crazy ratio is far more balanced nowdays with people not being 100% completely nutso.  

    Like I’ve said frequently, I’m active on a few CFL boards as not a lot of people in my life watch the CFL, so I come here to talk football. 


  6. 2 hours ago, Noeller said:

    I'm relatively outspoken about being a high-function depressive and anxious person. I'm on meds and in therapy for it, and manage life pretty well, all things considered. But I absolutely still battle anxiety every day, and no matter how confident I am in something (like us beating the ever loving piss out of The Gappers next weekend) there is ALWAYS that little voice in the back of my mind going bonkers about "What if.......??!!!!!" All this to say, I totally hear you........but I still think we win this game handily. We're just far, FAR better than every other team in the league. 

    Much respect to you talking about your battle Noeller. I’m a daily fighter too in regards to mental health, really appreciate you being open about it. Makes others like myself more comfortable to share as well.

  7. 1 hour ago, Noeller said:

    Lokombo over Demski would be a joke. After Lawler, Demski is our best receiver, plus he's a threat out of the backfield. Demski for West Nom in a walk, and should get the league nod, IMO. 

    637 yards & 4 TDs receiving, combined with 70 yards & 1TD on the ground isn’t “in a walk” at all. 

    Lokombo had similar numbers to Adam Bighill. He had a very good year, and will be strongly considered to come out of the west.

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