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Posts posted by bustamente

  1. No doubt the Bruins are going to be a poor on defense and with Seidenberg  out with a injury that's not  easy to come back from, and Chara with his problems they might decide that they need help. On the other hand they probably know that they are not a  playoff team this year and go with what they have.

  2. Clearly when you have money you are above the law. It happens everyday in corporate america and is happening more and more in sports. I'm not saying it's right but Kane's lawyers job is to do everything and i mean anything they can to keep him out of jail, after all you don't get 10 million dollars a year in jail. Not the first time he's been in trouble and won't be the last, as for the hawks it was a bonehead move to put him in front of the camera they should have known better.



    Calling it now. Buff signs. Ladd is traded.

    Not a chance

    Yeah I gotta say, out of all the possible results this one seems to be the most unlikely.

    I believe they will be able to sign both.




    I also believe that they sign both whether there here for the length of the signed contract s is another matter

  4. The boards at IGF were over hyped by the bombers. Some say that they have to be that way because they need revenue from sponsors. I've only seen them use the whole screen to show recorded images. A question for somebody that might know can these boards display live action and or replays using the whole board and if they can why are the bombers not using them properly. Ticats THF may not be as nice as ours but their video boards kicks our's ass.

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