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Eternal optimist

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Everything posted by Eternal optimist

  1. I have to respectfully disagree, if it was that simple, there is no doubt they'd to it to make more money, no?
  2. Mike Reilly Vs. the world is looking like it will be cancelled for next season.
  3. I love it. Let them be fat and happy going into the playoffs.
  4. Alright when the stamps visit us in a few weeks we just need to make sure their offense is hungover and I think we'll be alright.
  5. I hope our conditional draft pick for Bowman was based on his number of drops.
  6. Attending this game was what caused me to get season tickets for the 2011 season. Never looked back.
  7. I don't think the concern would be so much for Canadian talent going south - most Canadian CFL starters get paid a bit better than their American counterparts simply due to the ratio rule. I think the bigger issue is American talent staying south (in the AFL), instead of coming north. I also wonder how the legalization of marijuana will effect the ease with which Americans CFLers working in Canada will be able to reenter the US.
  8. Minimum salary AAF: $75,000 USD, which translates to about $97,000 CAD Minimum salary CFL: $54,000 CAD Even though the AAF is unproven, you can't blame players for seeking employment elsewhere where the pay is almost 80% more. It'll be interesting to see how the existence of the AAF will impact the upcoming CBA negotiations between CFL/CFLPA for the 2019 season.
  9. It's unfortunate, but lots of good CFL talent is moving to this league by virtue of our horrendous foreign exchange rate.
  10. By "does it matter" I was referring to the fact that on both sides for the Als/Stamps game it has some pretty minimal implications... the 'Stamps have already locked up a playoff spot, and the Als are toast. That doesn't mean I won't tune in - and I agree it'd be more entertaining to see a competitive game, I just can't see it happening in Montreal now having even less to play for. Much more excited for the Edmonton/Riders matchup - and I agree a 'Riders loss at home would be a perfect way to end a day off with pay.
  11. Does it matter? With the Argo's loss, it's mathematically official there will be a Western crossover again... the Als are done, and the Stamps pretty much have 1st place locked up... they'd practically have to lose out for the 'Riders catch them. As for the 'Riders... a loss would be ideal and go quite nicely with turkey.
  12. Alright, I understand as a cord-cutter I'm in the minority here, but it is ridiculously lazy for TSN 1050 to just plug the TV announcer feed into radio instead of having dedicated radio announcers... and they wonder why the Argos struggle to remain relevant.
  13. Our only hope is the early momentum by BC makes them obnoxiously confident...
  14. I hate this logic - isn't this why the challenge system is in place? The ref should make the call based on what they see. They'll sometimes make bad/incorrect calls but you have to be able to trust your officiating staff.. having refs unnecessarily rule plays as turnovers (or as scoring plays) because they aren't confident in their own abilities does only one thing - slow the game down. Not only that - relying on command centre to make the right call has proven to be just as much of a coin flip as on-field officiating. The answer is to get better refs by improving training.
  15. Kudos to Weston Dressler for using the field goal post to legally set a pick on his defender whilst running his (eventual) touchdown route in OT.
  16. Personally, I still think they rushed him back from that injury at the start of the year, causing that recent slump in his performance, but that's just me. HH to our STs unit - kept a dangerous returner (Spencer) in check most of the night, and stuffed OTT on that fake FG attempt.
  17. 😣 oops... well, the way the season's gone, if they make the playoffs by crossing over to their own division... I'd be okay with that.
  18. In terms of both seeding overall in the West, and making the playoffs, we do actually want a tie between the Riders/Eskimos. Odd fact of the day - if the Bombers go 0-0-4, they are also in the playoffs as either 3rd in the East, or crossing over to the West.
  19. I believe the phrase "quit hitting yourself" is appropriate here.
  20. These are the clowns we're up against for a crossover spot?
  21. Any given Saturday doesn't have quite the same ring to it... but every game starts 0-0, right? Cautiously optimistic.
  22. Even the Bombers can't lose a game being played between Calgary and Toronto.
  23. Lots of people here confusing writing off bad debt with forgiving it - two entirely different things.
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