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Eternal optimist

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Everything posted by Eternal optimist

  1. My point was merely that optically, the government giving funding to organizations that employ some Americans, for a non-essential service just isn't a politically savvy move. As for TSN - plenty of them would already be employed due to the NHL... as for the Americans paying taxes, great, so does every other employee in every other business that could receive funding. Realistically I think it's unfeasible for a season to occur without fans in the stands.
  2. Obviously it's hard to know what goes on behind closed doors, but I think there's two main reasons the federal government has no interest in backing the CFL: (i) A decent chunk of CFL players are American, optically it'll look bad for the feds to help a business that, largely employs non-Canadians. (ii) Football, by it's very nature, means teams are often adding and dropping players from teams. Many of them American, this again further complicates any help from the feds, as if they subsidize wages etc., they are potentially just helping a CFL fly in a player from the US. These same reasons would also hamper any argument for vaccinating said players, you could, hypothetically, administer a vaccine to an American player in training camp - three weeks later (or even sooner) they're cut loose. All that said, I'd agree it'd be nice to have a 2021 season, but I still remain skeptical, given the slow vaccine rollout, and incoming variants.
  3. Price reminds me of Luongo at his peak with the Canucks, his stats normally looked absolutely stellar but it was because he'd simply put the entire team on his back to win games and stop 35+ shots to win games. At this point in his career, Price is a shell of what he once was, trading one-for-one like that would be a huge loss for the Jets. To be honest, I can't think at this point what Montreal could even offer that would be worth our while, besides a boatload of draft picks. Even then, that'd really only be beneficial if we were in a rebuilding phase, so... right now? Hard pass.
  4. Although there's always two halves to every story, if even some of those allegations are factual, it'd explain a lot about Jones' time there.
  5. For everyone else feeling the winter/Covid blues, just be thankful your postal codes don't begin with an S!
  6. Personally I have found my coworkers are much more tolerable kilometers away from me. Seriously, working from home is the best.
  7. I will definitely be watching more curling now that i know it's a contact sport.
  8. Does this not meet the definition of "pay-per-view"? I absolutely love the CFL, but I think that'd be a tough sell... maybe if other leagues had completely shutdown, they might be able to in a vacuum. For the most part though other leagues have maintained seasons, albeit shortened or adjusted (NFL, NBA, NHL etc.), so there is arguably just as much competition now as before the pandemic. Add to that the fact cable would be considered non-essential by most consumers, and I think it'd be really, really hard to make that viable.
  9. You mean like, how my wife and I prepaid our 2020 season tickets (and parking pass) in December 2019, then rolled forward the balance to the 2021 season? They've had close to $1,500 cash from us for close to 15 months without providing any service. I think that is more than adequate and I'm sure I'm not the only one in that boat.
  10. So... I can book time off for games from work, plan my life to the best of my ability to attend as many games as possible as a season ticket holder? As a parent, I need to lineup a babysitter, as an employee, I need to make sure I have time off for the games. Even though the schedule is already out, if, for example, they plan on having any additional protocols that add time to the game, it'd be nice to know that in advance. Also, longer term it'd help build trust between the league and fans... although the 2020 cancelling was expected, if they don't keep fans informed and pull the rug out from them again, they only risk further alienating their fan base.
  11. Yeah... I think Winston Churchill's famous quote rings very true here: He who fails to plan, is planning to fail.
  12. The only thing I remember being publicly reported at the time was our interim head coach (Time Burke) stating he should cease doing those celebrations...
  13. Yes and yes... all of those suggested signings were sarcastic at best... to clear the air this is what I'd actually think if they signed any of those players: Tyrell Sutton is the only guy that hasn't won a Grey Cup and I think would put in the work, I'd think he'd be a good temporary replacement if Harris hadn't re-signed. Obviously with Harris here again though to me this would be a case of money better spent elsewhere. Taylor Loffler high-risk, high-reward here... he's been plagued by injuries, and although there is potential upside here, we've done a decent job recruiting DBs the last few years. If the price was right, sure (I guess?) but really, I think today's CFL has passed Loffler by, also I don't think he'd mesh well with Hall's style. Henoc Muamba great player, and Canadian to boot... but we would most certainly have to overpay for him to get here. That's not to say Bombers are viewed as a bad org, that's to say everyone he's played for since being in Winnipeg as a rookie has had to overpay for him. Kevin Fogg this would be the only one I'd actually be moderately okay with... but his biggest upside (at least when he was here) was his abilities as a kick returner. With Grant on the scene, this would be similar to a Sutton signing... that money could go better elsewhere. TLDR; You guys both saw right through my facade, and yes, these would all be terrible signings. Kevin Fogg
  14. Tyrell Sutton? I know we're obviously set at RB with Harris, but that would be one hell of a one-two punch. Lol, they could also bring back any of the following former castaways: Kevin Fogg Taylor Loffler Henoc Muamba
  15. Hope Medlock comes back. I'd argue kicker is the second-most important position on a CFL team behind QB.
  16. Was this really necessary? Who tf goes into a CFL game with only one QB?
  17. I think this stems a lot from the publicity surrounding contracts. You'll hear about star players making millions of dollars, but unfortunately, articles about cost of goods sold and direct costs are not catchy headlines...
  18. Personally... no. Whatever aberration would result from that would not be Canadian football as we know it, there would be a massive cutting of Canadian talent, as the rule requiring Canadian players would be one of the first things to be nixed. On top of all that, you're making the league's current dilemma (COVID-19) even worse, merging with the XFL would require, at a minimum, cross-border travel, which as the NHL Dubois scenario has shown, can be problematic at best. If a higher-profile league like the NHL couldn't get an exemption for one player, why on Earth would they grant similar exemptions to entire teams? Add to that the risks of a startup, uncertainty surrounding fledgling new partners, and... for whatever reason... joining with XFL owners that have run through any goodwill with players based upon how they closed up shop previously (players left to pay their own way home, players left unpaid, and players abandoned by the league in unknown cities) and I don't really see much upside to that scenario.
  19. It's probably because current league owners wouldn't want to part with their stake in the respective teams. The $20 million the Rock sunk into the XFL may have been for a significant stake in ownership. Higher risk? Certainly, but if the XFL could've gone toe-to-toe with the NFL, even modestly for 2 - 3 years profitably, it'd have been a much bigger payout than anything the CFL could've offered.
  20. You mean like, see who throws the most picks, or who has the most fumbles? Maybe the starter will be the one that is best at curling into the fetal position like Evans in the Grey Cup lol.
  21. Personally, I'd like to think the reason the trade came in the 12th hour is because the Bombers pushed hard to keep him. The fact they got anything in return is awesome imo.
  22. More like Chris TURNSTILE am i right?... ... I'll show myself out.
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