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Eternal optimist

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Everything posted by Eternal optimist

  1. So... our neighbor (who is a cop) just told us the most amazing story ever (NSFW) Apparently, at one of the recent anti-mask rallies, a counter-protestor (i.e. pro-mask, pro-vaccine) showed up with:
  2. Yep, I remember one of the big things I first learnt was that every move should be both offensively and defensively minded. How important it was to subtly cover your advances and attacks, to ensure pieces had support etc. etc.
  3. My dad sadly passed away a few years ago, but one of my fondest memories of him was when I turned five, he bought me my first chess set and board. The gift was nice, and anytime I asked him he would always play with me. I remember it fondly and it was a big part of growing up as a kid, he taught me the rules, and let me take moves back as a kid. He never let me win. I later found out this was a huge sticking point between him and my mom. My mom thought he should've let me win. I remember when I was about 12 I legitimately beat him for the first time... as I got older, I started to beat him more and more. I'm nowhere near as good of a player as I once was, but I still love a good game. Thanks for sticking to your guns old, you made the right call.
  4. I know signing big-name players hasn't always worked out for us in the past, but when the team brought in Dressler on O and Chris Randle on D, it really seemed to be a turning point for the organization. Although neither were around to see the team through to a Grey Cup, they helped lay the building blocks to bring in other guys and help build team unity. As for big name receivers - I'd rather blue collar guys like Adams who get after it and block downfield, way more important to our style of offense.
  5. Booked my 2nd vaccine shot July 4 and just peeked at the 2021 schedule - only one Thursday night game (which the missus hates) but it coincidentally lands during our holidays. Looking forward to it... summer just got a lot more promising!
  6. Yeah, I mean, I'd shame them if they were talking about how they ran stop signs or sped in school zones too. Same basic idea, don't be a jerk. Yeah, I mean, I'd shame them if they were talking about how they ran stop signs or sped in school zones too. Same basic idea, don't be a jerk.
  7. Oh my god I've never been so excited to see the 'Riders lose in person. MAKE IT HAPPEN.
  8. Oh my god that's it. We have to make the conspiracy come full circle and spread propaganda that the anti-vaxxers are actually run by the government to prevent people from getting the steroid-enhanced vaccine that helps increase brain capacity by 60%. GENIUS.
  9. I know a guy who is on paid leave for another couple days, so he might be able to help. Had a bit of a tussle with a guy from a competing company, his heart meant well at the time, but it was just a really stupid decision on his part. Was pretty dangerous what he did too. Long-term it'll probably be bad for us, but hopefully if we really pull together as a team to stay competitive with this other company, we can keep things close with them and make a run of it. His name is Mark Scheifele.
  10. This sounds so much better than my "Take your kid to work day" at school. My mom is an optometrist. I had to tighten and clean all the glasses on one showcase wall. Finished that in about an hour. Next task? "Okay...uh... now do the other wall".
  11. Dear Saskatchewan, Your football team still sucks - but thank you for extending a helping hand to our province during this troubling time. Hope we can whoop your butts again soon.
  12. Yeah, across the country it's just Conservative premiers pandering to their base, once we inevitably find ourselves in the throes of a third (fourth?) wave, it'll be interesting to hear the excuses. I do find it interesting though.... does Mr. Pallister & Co realize that his base (which, demographically speaking, are older citizens) are more susceptible to COVID-19? They do know dead voters can't vote, right?
  13. It'd be so much harder for the Rider's to live in the basement though!
  14. Just how much do the 'Riders suck? The longest period of time a single team has been Grey Cup Champions is 1841 days,, this was the 1915 Hamilton Ti-Cats. They won it on November 20, 1915, and the trophy wasn't rewarded again until December 4, 1920 due to WW1 and the global flu pandemic at the time. By comparison, in their entire existence, the Roughriders have been champs for only 1470 days (1966 - 371 days , 1989 - 364 days, 2007 - 364 days and 2013 - 371 days TLDR; A lot.
  15. (23,000 seats * $50 = $1,150,000) is greater than (35,000 seats * $20 = $700,000). In the above example, even Edmonton at capacity would only be (50,000 * $20 = $1,000,000) vs (26,000 * $50 = $1,300,000) per game. If you set the price at $15 per game, sure you have more fans that may be more willing to spend money on drinks/merchandise etc, but that is an optional expense. Let's just say you drop the price to $15 per game, I suddenly have $35 extra to spend on booze (woohoo!). Even if I optionally decide to spend all that money on stuff, there's the cost of making the goods sold to make that stuff (cost of the beer, cost of making the "Riders suck" T-shirt etc. etc.), so on that basis the league would still generate less net income than selling me a $50 ticket. Lastly... our pricing simply doesn't cost $50 for a seat. The lowest price for season tickets is $254.50 for 11 games, even if you exclude the 2 preseason games and playoff game that works out ($254.50 / 8 games) to $31.75 per game. They also offer "Family Time" tickets for $66 per game (for 2 adults / 2 kids) which would be $16.50 per game, which is right in the price point you're suggesting. Source: https://www.bluebombers.com/season-ticket-packages/
  16. 3-downs, the rouge, and other such rules are important to the CFL. I would argue the individuals claiming the CFL "isn't real football" aren't going to be won over by such a change... you just aren't going to win them over regardless. I understand and respect Naylor's argument, but I'd argue that not only are those rules part of the CFL's identity, they help differentiate from the vast majority of other leagues down south ... the AAF, NCAA, XFL, USFL... all of these leagues have in the past (or present) been essentially farm teams for the NFL. People assume the CFL drinking the kool-aid and becoming an NFL mini-league would bring stability... they fail to understand doing so wouldn't be a partnership. It'd be more like a merger and acquisition. They are a direct competitor, not an ally. If the CFL were to become a farm league for the NFL, I would not be surprised to see Winnipeg and other smaller Canadian cities lose their team as a result. The NFL has already shown they are loyal only to the almighty dollar, they've suppressed concussion protocol, implemented Thursday Night Football and failed to respect their own player protests. They're also expanded the number of teams in recent years, further diluting their talent pool. I understand economically the league is in trouble, but I would not want to partner with that league. As for older fans, I'm 31 and have also grown up loving the CFL.
  17. Science will take you to the moon...religion flies you into buildings. (not my quote, but applicable here nonetheless)
  18. Hello fellow CFL Fans, As many of you have now heard, the CFL has been in talks with the XFL due to their dire situation and obviously is in desperate need of help. I am sure many of you have also received the "Wishing I were there" postcards mailed out by the federal government. The idea of the campaign is to allow Canadians to reconnect with each other and provide a message to people we cannot see due to the going pandemic. I suggest instead we send those postcards back to Parliament Hill, with messages of support for the Canadian Football League. Now, I don't know if doing this will necessarily help the league, but I feel that if we can get enough Canadians behind this, it could help when/if the league does re-approach the federal government for funding. Address of the Prime Minister Office of the Prime Minister 80 Wellington Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2 Does anyone else feel like this is a good idea? More importantly - to you other posters... what are the other CFL team sites that we can try to spread this initiative on? I know of RiderFans, but other than that, I am unaware of any of other forums. If people can provide me with other forums, I will gladly create accounts to help spread this message.
  19. I really can't see Mr. Trudeau giving the league help. It just optically doesn't look good for politicians to help things perceived as non-essential like sports. I'm not saying I agree with that logic, just that I can see how it doesn't look good from a political perspective.
  20. Oof. Why are these dopes even giving XFL the time of day? As Doug Brown stated on CBC The National last night: "They don't have a history of running successful football leagues, all they have is cash. To me, it kind of wreaks of desperation, when a league that is as established and storied and... has the longevity the Canadian Football League has, is - collaborating and talking with the XFL." Couldn't agree more.
  21. All the ones he played on that were under .500 and missed the playoffs.
  22. So... any word on why only the severance portion that was paid to definitely-not-my-sister is being asked to be repaid? Why not the full amount that was paid out to her during her sisters' employment? I mean, that's like charging a bank robber with the theft of the bank bag they used to steal wads of cash with, and not trying to get the stolen funds back. Wouldn't it be better to get repayment on the employment earnings as well?
  23. They are all dogs. The worst thing about the federal election is there is no option to decline your ballot (you can, however, do this provincially, at least in Manitoba)
  24. Here's the highlights of that "game" if one could call it that.
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