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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. Boy the one dentist in the province would be awful lonely. A really good stand up show would work at half time IMO.
  2. Yep. Sucks but he's banged up. Hopefully he's healthy soon.
  3. Tell toronto, and the rest of canada that. It was a bit tongue and cheek, but would you kick out the none canadians from the CEBL? (I don't know much about the CEBL keep in mind.) Or what if the NFL decided to only field american players. Would that be fair or ok? Would that be pro winning? Or how about the integration and the color line of baseball? I think it says a lot that the NFL is doing work with the international player program after running a league in europe, combing for players all over, and the cfl has added the global draft, and the only person in football going in the opposite direction is MOS.
  4. Yup. Brain damage from too many GC loses! lol need some more wins. Yep. Mos was realistically on the ropes twice. I'm glad it worked out, but I don't think he's progressed since those early days. He used to add soo much to our teams, and then our D play call. I miss the days of having the best Teams calls and execution. Not to mention the 200 iq plays they'd fool every one with. The sheer volume of players we've populated the league and NFL camps with is a testament to the strength of the front office. Coaches don't have the same power that they used to back in the day. When a guy like cal or dave would get mad and throw the team back into full padded full contact 2 a days mid season after a bad loss. Or revoke going home on bye weeks and make guys practice. It's not a bad change, it improves players quality of life and longevity a good bit. You just cant lead people they way they used to either. Especially pro athletes. Mos is soo far in the opposite direction he's more like a steward of the team. Soo any one but Kelly, LOL. Accurate though. Coaches in all pro sports have had power reduced by leaps and bounds. Football, especially the NFL has the most, but up here and especially with mos, It's more like the NBA for coaches. we've got the lead, we've got the momentum, we've got the ball! Time for some 3 yard screen passes that are soo slow it's a tip toe catch on the sidelines! Or lest hope Harris can catch and run for 12 yards on 2nd down again. The guy could build a brilliant playbook, but was by far the worst play caller of any OC.
  5. They wouldn't have settled for more than was sued for, and the amount was pretty trivial. So I don't buy that. Get Penn and Teller, they can make all the teeth in Regina disappear!
  6. So if the leafs cut auston mathews.... Yeah ok thats a bit silly. And hockey, eww. Point is, the CFL has always been about balancing the ratio and talent. Imagine if every opponent was the stallions. Making a roster that is sub optimal in a pro sport is unconscionable. No other HC in the league would make rosters like this and keep their job. The CIS and junior football are right there. Is that the quality we want for the cfl really? Because that means hardly any televised games. Thats a good point. I wonder if the league should change the Kicker position to function out side of the ratio? Its such a big part of the game, I can see crediting teams if they use an NI (like starting qb) but if teams gained a DI while still using an IMP kicker I think it'd be a big quality improvement.
  7. He would be a beast, you could even use him like an H back with that speed. He should rotate a lot on D though, so might be much for him to do. Wil after the change to the hashmarks is closer to a Sam position than what it used to be. Instead of 220+ lbs guys we see a lot of fringe 200 lbs guys like the big sams. Its like free vs strong safety down south.
  8. Whats really sad is that less than 10 NI starters is a pleasant surprise. Ho-hum, mos still too good to use the ratio to it's fullest, not surprised. We should have used it on BA, and then used him to play a guy like Cole more. If Gauthier and thomas are on the field at the same time, we are gonna get gauged especially in the run game. Not remotely close to an optimal roster no matter what you think of the new guys. Not the worse roster we've seen. Hoping for heavy rotation of some guys. Likes: BA starting and not hallett. I hope he can get back to his former self. If not, I bet he doesn't finish the year here. 7 DL on the roster including Adams, woods, and fox. The three best DTs. I like that adams is listed as an end, hopefully he will get lots of reps all over the DL. Schmekel is on the roster. What a difference a year makes, he earned this shot. I hope he plays well. A back up imp db who can cover. A rookie imp lber on the roster. In general the roster is balanced much better than basically all of last year. We aren't 1 injury away from a guy playing a position he doesn't have a chance at. Dislikes: Adams as a back up, deserves to start hope he is top 3 in reps on the DL. Thomas starting. Ick. Gauthier starting. Should not be on the field with thomas at the same time. Not worried about him, but ayers/cole have tons more upside. Cole backing up. He may well be better than starters at 3 positions on our D. Hope he gets lots of reps. still a good 1 NI starter too many. Kola over eli. No surprise not even sure how healthy ready Eli is though. Lofton. Ick, I hope he out performs every thing I've seen to date. Especially in pass pro. If he's tipping again I might lose some hair. The state of our KR. Mainly worried about how PR will be fielded. Hoping for the best, pretty sure it won't be the worst we've seen the last 2 years though. None of the imp DEs who played well. Sucks garbutt got injured, and the others got cut. Hope we bring atleast one of the cuts back to the PR in the future. Sheahan. Ick, only thing reliable about him is he will shank a few punts each game giving you a 10-20 yard net in field position.
  9. You’re right I was looking at the wrong meet of numbers. However Plops years here as a hc his record was 20-34 mos in the same amount of time was 22-31 in which time plop won a division final and made a grey cup, where as mos lost a divisional semi final. If Glenn doesn’t get hurt, we win in 11 and mos never starts working here.
  10. 8/9 teams haven’t lost two gc games in a row they should’ve won as well. Ask a bills fan how they feel about appearing in 5 super bowls in a row.
  11. Mos had a similar record into 2019. now some people think he’s infallible.
  12. He did one or two Games last year, I caught the end of one before a bomber game. It was excellent.
  13. I’m captain of the plop the oc sucks. But even as a leader he is better. I actually thought he would be solid as a hc if he could keep his hands off the offence in game.
  14. You’re right. Plop was limited as an oc, but is excellent on tv. I’d love to see him talk cfl offence each week in a show with blm.
  15. I’m hoping for the best rn. But in case it doesn’t work out dibs on Sam.
  16. Easily one of the most talented vocalists of that era. Especially in the pop range. That Christmas tune though gaaaaaag
  17. That’s a great book, the other belichecks book on scouting is really good for that too. At the least pre game half time and post game of the feature game of the week should have it.
  18. Last year before a Friday night back to back Matty and lapo did a good break down of some game film based on what the offense would look to do and what the D would do to try and counter it. Was a great bit but really rarely happens. The pre game is usually rushed and mindless babble from the panel. Marty is exciting/excited in the booth. Which I prefer to some of the guys we see. But he doesn’t have much interesting to say in those cases. Even on the panel his best is the start where he’s prepped what he will say. Quick Matt isn’t the best Matt.
  19. My question is, for the relatively menial amount she sued for why didn’t they pay it right away and avoid much of this? And now that it’s setttled will we see punishment for the front office? I’m happy for her receiving what ever she got. I hope she manages to find more sports work in the future if she chooses.
  20. IMO, lofton is a natural guard with the tools to play tackle, also imp guards are a rarity in the cfl. He’s green at it. Tc also makes guys soft with low contact imo. It’s not the competitive literal fight it used to be. (The change isn’t bad, but I think tc and pre season need adjustments to get the same job done with less risk.) Soo much of football is like a chess match. Except you’re playing your own, plus a positional group game and a unit game for your side of the ball. All that while size and athleticism are the highest priority. Some guys succeed based on their competitive intelligence. Some guys get covered for. Much of being a co ordinator in game is micro managing those small chess games and master minding the larger game. It’s one of the most interesting areas of football and sports for me. True and that’d be awesome. No doubt you could dig up some other ex players to join in and maybe have an ex coach call in.
  21. agree with all that. When we’ve got glimpses of programming like that say from tsn a couple times in pre game shows it’s been fantastic and well received imo. Blitz recognition is like a counting cards movie. It starts with a visual count, ideally not subvocalizing or having to go by ones or twos. You see how many are deep how many are on the line and have to know what that leaves. While also knowing the same splits for the boundary and field sides. Almost subconscious, or autonomic levels of math. Then when the ball hits your hands you redo the whole thing with again, while nearly autonomously differentiating the pre snap read from the post snap read. You seldom have symmetrical distribution of blockers(or down field targets) so you again have the split left or right. You’ll have some pre snap cues on top of that. Like if the D shows an over load on the blind side you’ll have to make that among your first pattern checks to see if you have even less time. Seeing high level guys break it down even when watching film where the skill development starts, is like magic. Or genius. Watching qbs break down film really pushes home how demanding the position is on you mentally. often times the difference between genius cerebral field general and guys considered too dim for the position is just the speed of their recognition and decision making skills. That doesn’t even factor in coverage reads, individual players you have to account for, man/zone/match, specific alignments and the fact that play action has its own separate timing for reads. You might freeze a guy who is dropping or spying or even supposed rush. The old saying is throw where the pressure came from, but with modern D especially up here it’s very likely that the opening could be a hook curl flat zone instead of where the pressure came from. So your blitz read and hot option can change depending on your coverage read. The D might be playing a cover 3 split zone with a cover 2 on the other side. Or they might be playing straight cover 3. Or they might be zone blitzing from the middle while dropping into a robber to try and lure you into a turn over. They might even delay dropping from a blitz taking one or two steps into the rush before reading the qb and dropping. Thats why the convention when facing young green qbs is to send mixed pressure packages. Make the active read as difficult as possible vs letting them sit back and make plays.
  22. Jake Paul fights Randy Ambrosie? Every cfl fan would watch for sure lol.
  23. Sounds like some thing a closet fan would say… lmao id be very open to none music based events. I love the super dogs and even the cross fit games they did once was pretty cool.
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