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Everything posted by blue_gold_84

  1. I have to wonder how much SMS space this release created, but hopefully this means a better piece is inbound.
  2. I mean really... Look at this Twitter feed. It tells you all you need to know about him, which isn't a whole lot.
  3. LOL Starts a silly thread. Gets justifiably flamed for it. Proceeds to take personal shots at others who don't agree. Comical.
  4. Of course he made it up. That's what a textbook narcissist like Carter does: makes everything about him and then uses it as a platform to dump on others. And a toothless flatbilly greenie allegedly yelled racial slurs at Darvin Adams during Sunday's game and was promptly ejected. We didn't see Adams running to social media to whine about and call Rider Nation "trash ass" fans, though. That's the difference between a professional and a man-child.
  5. The D didn't play well early on. The first quarter was a disaster across the board. The Bombers played roughly a half of good football, which won't do on Labour Day Sunday.
  6. I forget how nauseatingly self-righteous you get when the Bombers lose, playing devil's advocate atop the homemade soapbox. And why play what if, especially with something as absurd as that claim? O'Shea wouldn't employ greaseball tactics like that, anyway. Poor form as usual.
  7. The D-line is missing Johnson, IMO. Need him back this Saturday.
  8. When? He was canned by Chamblin after the 2014 season, a year after helping win a championship. What a moronic comment.
  9. I'd say it's more the system than the players but it's definitely both. It's not a championship calibre defense, that's for damn sure.
  10. Another classic overreaction post... The Bombers were bad on Sunday, which is the case pretty much every Labour Day Weekend. The sky isn't falling.
  11. Pretty common back then. But it's easy to see his son's mental health has been compromised because of the excessive use of cocaine. Duron Carter is legitimately unwell in the brain.
  12. Vaguely. I was probably more concerned with my Ninja Turtles at that time, though. At least it's on YouTube to watch now. LOL
  13. My point was he was absolutely horrid in that game and the Bombers only lost by four points. No way they lose if Glenn plays that game.
  14. Fogg returns punts and Flanders has been used sparingly on returns so far. Nobody is disputing Thorpe being the better receiver. Lankford's versatility is better, though. And that's why he remains in the lineup over Thorpe: the return game. Field position will be important this upcoming weekend. Besides, Dressler is back and will no doubt see a ton of action. I'll trust the judgement of the coaching staff over a disgruntled fan any day.
  15. And the Ti-Cats declined...? Yikes, that organization really is in utter disarray.
  16. You don't take the team's returner - one of the best in the league at present - out of the lineup. I don't think you know what the word logical means.
  17. Because of one good game...? All three choices were the right ones to make, IMO. All three dominated the month of August. Let's hope that continues into next month.
  18. What about when Denmark and Dressler were both playing?
  19. This. The bulk of his tweets are profound sayings like that, so I wouldn't read too much into what he tweeted earlier today.
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