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Everything posted by blue_gold_84

  1. Some picks make obvious sense while others are head scratchers. And yet, Victor Butler's on the list.
  2. Even with Dinwiddie throwing four picks, the Bombers only lost by four. I have no doubt had Glenn been able to play, the Bombers win the 95th Grey Cup.
  3. A very poor lapse in judgment on the part of June Jones if that's the case. It's bad enough your team is 0-8 and in utter disarray, but to then hire someone with that sort of baggage...? Yeesh.
  4. I can only hazard a guess he was hired based on his overall success and this remaining half-season would be his opportunity to learn the CFL game, evaluate the roster, and then determine what's worth keeping for 2018.
  5. Statistically, Glenn is on a similar pace to his 2007 and 2010 seasons with the Bombers and Ti-Cats, respectively. I would still argue 2007 was his best season and if not for Kevin Eiben, he goes on to get a ring and win the MOP. Kevin Eiben can eat a bag of dicks.
  6. Even a person with status in Canada is not entitled to enter, such as a PR who has not met his/her residency requirements. And a traveller preventing or hindering a CBSA officer to complete his/her examination is considered a criminal offense, therefore rendering that traveller inadmissible. If point of finality can't be reached, that's a justifiable reason to deny entry and not someone being turned back "just because." Anyway, good on the league stepping in and putting the kibosh on this decision.
  7. True. It seems like USCBP has its own set of rules regarding entry into the US. What I do know is CBSA operates under IRPA when processing travellers at a port of entry and "just because" isn't a reason for denying entry. There has to be a legitimate reason: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/inadmissibility/who.asp Anyway, sorry for taking this thread off topic. With regard to Briles, I don't see there being a legitimate lawful reason at the present time for him being denied entry into Canada for the purposes of working for the Ti-Cats organization. However, I'm hopeful the CFL steps in and denies this move purely on the grounds of morality, integrity, and decency.
  8. Uh, what cases? Please present your sources. As for promoting hatred and/or intolerance, that's exactly what IPRA covers, along with a number of other aspects when determining if an individual may be allowed entry: criminality, misrepresentation, medically inadmissible, conditions not met such as residency requirements, etc. When an individual is denied entry into Canada, he/she is provided a rationale as to why that determination was made. I'm not sure what "provisions" you think exist but in Canada where individuals seeking entry can be denied without cause, so provide a source. IRPA and its associated regulations are the letter of the law and where admissibility is concerned.
  9. Wrong. A CBSA officer cannot deny entry to anyone "just because"... And what do you mean it happens it all the time? I suggest you read up on a piece of legislation known as The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. That's what CBSA and CIC use to determine who is admissible and inadmissible to Canada.
  10. Nothing but cold mush in between his ears. Just pathetic. Then again, we know those two aren't known for the character.
  11. At no point did I say he "has the right" to enter. Where did you get that? As it stands, there is nothing from an immigration standpoint preventing Briles from applying for entry into Canada for the purpose of working for the Ti-Cats. He hasn't been convicted of a criminal offense, regardless of his being complicit in what happened at Baylor.
  12. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/baylor/2017/02/02/ex-baylor-coach-art-briles-officials-tried-hide-misconduct-football-players-court-record-shows Jee-zus... What are the Ti-Cats huffing?!
  13. Typical opportunistic Damien Cox... He's the SN version of Rod Black, minus the hair.
  14. Unless he was actually convicted for an offense, he can enter Canada without issue.
  15. Has Pedersen ever demonstrated strength in any capacity? He's a pathetic yes man with a blatant homer bias, and nothing more. Man, what a nightmare development for the CFL.
  16. Someone needs to tell Mitchell to lay off the glue. Pretty sickening to see him defend this decision so easily.
  17. Even in domes, he's struggled in big games. The 100th Grey Cup in Toronto comes to mind.
  18. Someone asked him on Twitter what his thoughts were and that was his response. No idea why that was included in the 3DN article, though.
  19. And the ensuing outrage: http://3downnation.com/2017/08/28/cfl-community-reacts-outrage-ticats-hiring-art-briles/ I’m really hoping you guys let the women attending this clinic question Coach Briles about his history at Baylor. Not sure if y’all did. https://t.co/afIR4mDDb1 — Chantel Jennings (@ChantelJennings) August 28, 2017 This hire kind of undoes all the “Diversity is Strength” work the #CFL has been doing. Interesting view on women you’ve got there, @CFL https://t.co/C2v2phpVOV — Laurie K (@mcsmartypants) August 28, 2017 A sad day for the Tiger-Cats and the #CFL to bring this human into the league. Indefensible and needless — https://t.co/zDd3rb9jMz — Arash Madani (@ArashMadani) August 28, 2017 Former #CFL commissioner on league’s violence against women policy: “Doing nothing will never be an option”https://t.co/oW86zA8J24 https://t.co/Ny4z8Maftb — Teri Pecoskie (@TeriatTheSpec) August 28, 2017 I am the father of a daughter and I will not be supporting this hire. As a result I will not be attending anymore games. — oskee-eddie (@oskeeeddie) August 28, 2017 . I’ll wait. @CFL @Ticats pic.twitter.com/MSbKZOvhmq — Jason Vega (@VegaJason) August 28, 2017 I’m absolutely ashamed to be a fan of this team. — Bart Fargo (@AgentBartFargo) August 28, 2017 Win at all costs Ticats? Disgraceful… — Thomas (@CottonStateTom) August 28, 2017 This is a disgrace for Hamilton, and for the CFL. https://t.co/aNEVfRXLZo — Bruce Arthur (@bruce_arthur) August 28, 2017 I won’t be going to ANY Ticat games until this piece of **** is fired. Take that to the bank, Bob Young. — Tom Beshoff (@TomBeshoff) August 28, 2017 Guess none of the decisions makers have daughters — emory david davis (@emorydave) August 28, 2017 Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Stay classy, Ticats. — Matt Russell (@mrussauthentic) August 28, 2017 Fire him, and then whoever hired him. Time to sell my jerseys. So embarrassed — Mark Cheeseman (@MrCHEESEMANn) August 28, 2017 ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING ME?! I’d say I hope we lose every game from now on,but that won’t be a problem,so… #ArtBriles #Ticats #SHAMEONYOU https://t.co/foGf83Vz1z — Jennifer Oog (@JenniferOog) August 28, 2017 I love US college football. I love the @CFL. I love my two daughters. This @Ticats hire is appalling. cc @scratchingpost https://t.co/cOPtiWXH6B — Greg Layson (@GLaysonANC) August 28, 2017 I’ll honestly be surprised if Art Briles is on the staff come Labour Day. And I’m surprised @CaretakerBob signed off https://t.co/kFUBD1Huom — Bruce Arthur (@bruce_arthur) August 28, 2017 Praying 4 every survivor out there who feels betrayed & let down by a society who values wins over human life. You matter more than football — Brenda Tracy (@brendatracy24) August 28, 2017 EE board governs a community-owned club. The spit storm that would happen here if Briles had been hired would be beyond belief. — Terry Jones (@byterryjones) August 28, 2017 @CaretakerBob @Ticats I am truly embarrassed to be a Ticat fan today. — BCTicatFan (@VipersTicatsFan) August 28, 2017 Shame on the #ticats for hiring a man that covered up sexual assault in football. Players and fans deserve better. — Emma Fisher-Cobb (@emmagerdd_) August 28, 2017 The whitewashed clean PR release is laughable in context. You can’t google the guys name and not see he’s radioactive. — Jon (@jonathanwhudson) August 28, 2017 On the heels of an INCREDIBLE #DiversityIsStrength campaign launch that couldn’t be more needed in the world, the #TiCats hire Art Briles. — Luc Mullinder (@lucmull95) August 28, 2017 What an appalling hire @cfl. Your “Diversity is Strength” initiative demonstrated serious integrity – that you’ve now blown. No thanks https://t.co/jHfJzhOJfG — Laurie K (@mcsmartypants) August 28, 2017 Do I bring my daughter to games and support the salary of this man?? Don’t think I can do that. #Ticats — Pete Vanderveen (@Eat_Em_Raw) August 28, 2017 That #TiCats vs #BCLions game is going to be a bit awkward on Sept 22nd, what with Lions support of “Dont Be A Bystander” program #CFL — Spitzka (@Spitzka) August 28, 2017 .@Ticats Admittedly, not as catchy as “Diversity Is Strength,” but why don’t you guys wear these shirts for Art Briles’ first #CFL game? pic.twitter.com/aEjkw3CzN7 — Mike Beauvais (@MikeBeauvais) August 28, 2017 My heart goes out to the Hamilton Ti-Cats fans & players. I’ll leave the rest up to others to say – there’s too much! Feel sad #CFL #Ticats https://t.co/u0l9wP6vjg — Corinna Brennan (@BrennanCorinna) August 28, 2017 Wow @Ticats managed to make winless season least of their problems this season https://t.co/1D0lvvKpGd — SOBs of the CFL (@SOBsCFL) August 28, 2017 Horrible decision by Ticats to hire Briles. Pathetic actually. #CFL — Jason Gregor (@JasonGregor) August 28, 2017 I encourage all those outraged by the #Ticats hiring Briles to make a donation to @SACHAhamont as they #SupportSurvivors in #HamOnt — Emma Fisher-Cobb (@emmagerdd_) August 28, 2017 None of my business https://t.co/Ic1DFY0Tq2 — Rod Pedersen (@rodpedersen) August 28, 2017 Jesus Ticats, I’m emberesed to be a fan right now, **** the record, what are you thinking? — Mike (@Mike_Ticats) August 28, 2017 #Ticats fans: FIRE AUSTIN! WE NEED A NEW COACH! *team fires Austin & hires coaches*#Ticats fans: OMG NOT THAT COACH!! — Chris Ive (@ChrisIve) August 28, 2017 I’m somewhat confident Ambrosie will do the right. He seems like the type who won’t tolerate what the #Ticats are doing #CFL — Troy Gillard (@Troy_Gillard) August 28, 2017 This is a terrible decision by my hometown team. Bob Young MUST step in and tell his organization this hire must be undone. Immediately. https://t.co/k7fGsGftKr — Damien Cox (@DamoSpin) August 28, 2017 If Bob Young won't reverse Briles hiring, new commish must step in. Or did he already approve this? — Damien Cox (@DamoSpin) August 28, 2017 In 30+ years as a #TIcats fan I've seen some terrible seasons, but this is a new low. #HamOnt #ArtBriles — Mike Pearson (@MikePearson8) August 28, 2017 What a horrible, tone deaf first hire for June Jones. If this guy's on staff, can't support this team. And I've been doing so for 46 years. — Damien Cox (@DamoSpin) August 28, 2017 A complete embarrassment. Never would have expected that from @CaretakerBob #classlessmove @Ticats @ticatmitchell — Rob (@Rob90695418) August 28, 2017 Ooooh, boy...
  20. If the team continues to win, that's how. The best thing the defense does is force turnovers.
  21. It's certainly not a risky move based on the money or the term. Worst case, he gets waived and ends up elsewhere or on the Moose. No harm, no foul.
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