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Everything posted by blue_gold_84

  1. Good riddance to Carmichael. Here's hoping Walker, Jr. can contribute sooner than later.
  2. How can you what, tally the number of 20+ yard plays allowed by a D? Easily enough, I'd think. Go through a game log and see how many plays of 20+ yards the opposition had. I'm just too lazy to do it. Sure, the Bombers' defense gives up big plays sporadically. However, they are very costly plays at inopportune times which then seems to only swing momentum in the opponent's favour. I understand there are rookies on the defense but why not find ways to insulate them so they don't get exposed so easily...? Surely, there has to be a way to improve things.
  3. "1990" is the only material they have when they decide to show up and troll rival forums because their team is competitive for a few games.
  4. Agreed. The defense gives up way too many big plays. That's an ongoing issue and Hall can't seem to find a way to remedy it. I'd love to see a stat sheet showing plays of 20+ yards allowed to compare defenses across the league. I imagine the Bombers would be among the worst in that category, if not the worst.
  5. Probably a "1990" joke... You know, because flatbillies are so original.
  6. Nothing underhanded about it at all, actually. Executing a trick play within the rules of the game is not underhanded at all. Keep reaching. It's always good for a chuckle in your ongoing crusade to always be "right"...
  7. I meant standing pat more with respect to Hurl even being considered a worthwhile option. However, Knox was not a new addition, either. It isn't like either were entirely unknown commodities, Hurl in particular.
  8. Typical whiny rebuttal from someone who clearly needs thicker skin but still has the audacity to troll a forum of another team. Pretty sad the best you can do is call someone ignorant because they called out your BS. Says a lot about you, or rather a glaring lack thereof. Funny how you have chosen bemoan fans here over something you deem as inconsequential but continue to cry foul about it. And no, calling a trick play while trying to catch an opponent napping is nowhere near the same as faking an injury to prevent an opponent from executing a play. Not only have you demonstrated glaring ignorance with that apples and oranges comparison, you have also shown you have no idea how the concept of sportsmanship works. What a sad and petty deflection from an obvious fanboy who can't see things objectively. It's one thing to lecture others when you are actually capable of making a valid point, but in this case you just come across as hopelessly stupid. I wish I could say greenies were intelligent where football was concerned. Dishonesty benefits nobody, though. Yeah, you should be plenty familiar with losing after watching your team the last few seasons. Suddenly, they're a game above .500 and you decide to show up here and arrogantly lecture another fanbase on whining and sour grapes. All you flatbillies did was piss and moan prior to finally looking competitive, accusing the league of conspiring against the most inept franchise in the CFL for the better part of two and half seasons. Now, none of you can stop pounding your chests while telling other fanbases how to act. And you'd have a point if it were only the fans here talking about RedCardGate, but that's not at all in line with reality. Your own fanbase has talked about it, your team has talked about, the media across the country has talked about it... Pretty much since it happened on Sunday. Learn to take a look at the entire picture next time. It's not a fan's job to focus on how the team is going to do anything come Saturday, BTW. There's your football ignorance showing again. Typical fan of the Saskatchewan Roughriders. Run along back to RF.
  9. I honestly have to wonder how many flatbillies will show up on Saturday. We've seen the number dwindle quite a bit the last few seasons compared to previous years (2013 and earlier).
  10. Seems official now: http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/video/jets-give-cheveldayoff-maurice-vote-of-confidence-with-extensions~1202458 Not sure how to feel about this. Time for this team to put up or shut up, though.
  11. If it's an obvious attempt to delay the game, I'm not sure why an official would be hesitant to do his job. play clock gets waved in --> player A on defense who seemed perfectly okay suddenly takes a knee --> official throws flag for delay of game Pretty simple. If a player gets hurt on the previous play, he'll remain on the ground or take a knee almost immediately after the fact.
  12. Pretty sure he was a career STer and nothing more. Perhaps a rotational defensive player at best...? Either way, management should've addressed this deficiency in the off-season but chose to stand pat with sub-par talent. That partly explains why the results on D this season are mirroring the one previous.
  13. I don't buy for a second that's what happened on Sunday, though. It looked pretty deliberate and for Jones to suggest his players were fatigued clearly demonstrates it was a tactic to slow down the Bombers' offence. How does a rotational D-lineman get fatigued in 22C weather, anyway?
  14. Maybe what bb1 meant to say was a MLB more skilled and capable. We saw pretty good defenses under Hall in previous seasons with the Riders, so talent at such a crucial position plays an important role, IMO.
  15. You don't have a clue what you're talking about if you believe these changes - based on losing starters to injury - make the Riders stronger. Holley hasn't played in over a month.
  16. Bingo. It's no different than diving in hockey. It's slimy, classless, and unprofessional. And there is no place for that **** in professional sports.
  17. Bank of Canada raises interest rate again: http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/bank-of-canada-rate-decision-1.4276837
  18. "Yeah, what happened over a decade ago under a totally different regime is certainly relevant right now," said nobody ever. It would seem you're employing useless deflection techniques. And if you bothered to pay any attention to this forum, you'd see fans here are discussing things beyond RedCardGate. Maybe get your head out of your ass and take a look around next time you decide to post.
  19. Jonestown: "Would it be alright if we countered the Bombers' hurry up offense by faking injuries?" CFL: "Well, not really. That's not professional or sportsmanlike to do." Jonestown: "Well, alright. Glad to hear it." **dial tone**
  20. You nailed it. You've posted nothing but dumb **** on this forum and these two posts take the cake. Regina is a smaller market than Winnipeg, BTW. It's official: you're an idiot.
  21. Looks good on the Jonestown Buttplugs after faking injuries the other day.
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