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Posts posted by BBRT

  1. 17 hours ago, Noeller said:

    We have enough trolls of our own who show up after losses, we don't need theirs too... 

    Did happen to notice that the majority of the folks posting over on Riderfans.com were very complimentary toward the Bomber win. Had a few that always blame the losses on everything but that appeared to be a minority. I was happy about the results but as is posted elsewhere the road to the Grey Cup will have to come through Calgary and given the Bomber defense and what Calgary brings to the table I think it will be a very tough road.

  2. 12 hours ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    Check their schedule...tons of games against the East.

    your are correct - the Riders have a lot of games against the east (away games against Ham,Ottawa,Toronto. Home against Ottawa and Montreal. The back-breaker will be the home and away against the Stamps. Hamilton has won two in a row and if the Riders lose in Hamilton it will be interesting to see what Jones plan will be. All depends on how long Glenn is out and as of this morning does not appear to be any announcement.

  3. 2 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    Yeah, he and the O has done a dramatically better job limiting 2 and outs and grinding field position. Which is huge.  

    Cant say enough how much I hate the lack of use of harris and flanders for soo much of the game. Just awful awful game management by plop. Especially at times when we had 10+ point leads. Pound the freaking rock. We have an excellent young WR on the PR,  If we DI flanders he has to make use of him. Also, can we get thorpe back and send lankford to the pr now? please?

    Agree somewhat - great win but tons of room for improvement. With the lead we shoudl have pounded the rock a little more IMHO. And agree on getting Thorpe back in the lineup. He is just too talented to sit out games IMHO.

  4. whoever wins the turnover battle wins the game IMHO. I hear lots of folks saying we need to put significant pressure on Glenn however to date we have not had much success with putting pressure on the QB. Maybe we don't have the horses to do so.  Given that the Riders probably (IMHO) will not run the ball all that much maybe we replace Hurl with another DB  in order to cover the Rider receivers and maybe put a few blitz packages together etc.

    I don't think the Riders will be able to put all that much pressure on our QB so hopefully he will have a better game than last week.

  5. 1 hour ago, SPuDS said:

    you're entitled to your opinion..   I seem to recall you from OB and now here doing the same ole same ole.. but hey whatever gets you outta bed in the mornings.


    not at all I have been very positive this year. Just have not posted much here as per my aforementioned issue. And I have no problem getting out of bed in the mornings - but thanks for the kind thoughts. Still maintain that one more receiver available to the Riders even at the expense of Marshall makes them that much tougher against the Richie Hall bend bend break style of defense. 

    Still not convinced that the Bombers are an elite team - they could be with a tighter defense but never going to happen with Richie Hall IMHO.

  6. 17 minutes ago, SPuDS said:

    meh I wouldn't put too much stock in the previous poster's comments.  pessimism reigns supreme whenever he comes around... oddly enough, only after a loss..

    not really - I lost contact with this site some time ago and only found it again when I installed my new laptop. That happened last week. But think what you like - most of what you have to say is just jibber jabber IMHO.

  7. On 9/2/2017 at 6:07 PM, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Spoke with Colin & he told me that he has shut down Our Bombers. It no longer exists. I want to congratulate Colin for the work he put into OB over the years as it definitely was a ground breaking site on social media & the internet when he started it.  Judging by what the site had become, it was a good decision to end it. The majority of us started & got to know each other over there before we came here. All things must pass. 

    thanks for letting us know. I must admit I have not posted there for some time. A great big thanks to "Mookie" for starting the site up. It eventually led to other sites such as this. And if anyone knows why I call Colin "Mookie" than you have been around all of the sites as long as I have.

    RIP OurBombers .com - Thanks for the memories.

  8. 20 hours ago, Stickem said:

    Why didn't bozo just run up to the guy and knock him down like he did to a coach back east...This Carter dude needs a good arse whoopin and I know a few Bombers that would luv to do just that...See you in the banjo ....plunk....plunk...punk.

    Stupidest post I have ran across in some time. Little wonder most have left this site. This Carter dude is one hell of a good player - don't care for him personally but you comments are way off line.

  9. On ‎2016‎-‎07‎-‎28 at 10:39 PM, iso_55 said:

    Dominated by Rider fans.


    On ‎2016‎-‎07‎-‎29 at 10:02 AM, Mike said:

    Quite honestly, I'm so tired of this "there are bullies" nonsense that gets thrown around here. I'm not a bully. Chase isn't a bully. Atomic isn't a bully.

    There is literally not a single bully on this entire forum. There are strong opinions. There are people who tend to agree with eachother. There are people who tend to disagree with eachother. If you feel like you're being bullied (aka verbally abused, insulted, beaten down) then absolutely the staff will address it. If you feel like you're being bullied because your definition of the word is "someone who disagrees with my opinion", then toughen up. This is a discussion forum, not a sounding board.

    TBURGESS probably hates it, but he's always my example when someone brings up this argument. He and I probably disagree on 90% of what we discuss on this forum, but I don't think he's ever referred to me as a bully. Do you know why? Because he actually likes to discuss his opinion. I may not agree with it, but he at least doesn't get all up in arms about it. He tells me why he thinks I'm wrong, I tell him why I think he's wrong, we discuss, we pick apart then we get over it and either agree or agree to disagree and we move on.

    There are always a certain group of "victims" on any forum you will ever visit who are so strongly opinionated, but can not handle being addressed in return by an opposing strong opinion. This is a discussion forum where opinions are subject to - you guessed it - discussion. If you don't like your opinion being discussed, the internet is probably not the place to share it.

    Yeah you and TB do have differences of opinions that's for sure. But look at it this way - No Nasty Nate around here - which is a blessing I guess - although I do miss him stoking up the fires so to speak. I enjoy this site along with a few others. I have known Colin for a number of years (ever since Total-CFL days) but seldom visit his site. This site is by far the best. Really miss the old Total-CFL days though - lots of top notch posters that have gone on to other sites. And lots of pitched battles back then.!

  10. On ‎2016‎-‎07‎-‎19 at 6:33 PM, TBURGESS said:

    O'Shea should have been fired at the end of last season, but they'll give him more time even if we lose bad this week.

    agree 100% - regardless of the record MOS is safe at least  to the Labor Day Match Ups. If he wins one or two during that time frame he will be safe for the balance of the year - then they (the talking heads) will re-assess blah blah blah.

    Same Bat Station Same Bat Channel - Same results as the last two years.

  11. 8 hours ago, iso_55 said:


    yes, that did happen in 2013.  It was quite the underwhelming GM search Wade Miller did even though he promised he would do his due dilligence which he didn't do when he hired Walters. Then Miller & Walter's even more underwhelming decision to bring in MOS in as HC. Those 3 running the Bombers. #blindleadingtheblindleadingtheblind


    Is it any wonder why the Bombers will not release the 2016 season ticket count! IMHO it is akin to being on the Titanic and upon seeing the iceberg look up to the wheel house and see "Daffy Duck" steering the ship! Or more succinctly  trying to figure out which is smarter "Moe Larry or Curley"

  12. Sooooooooo If I pick 6 out of 6 on 6-49 I will be rich! Next week against the Esks will be a fun test for the Bombers - I don't see it as being very close  but you never know. I would not have thought the Riders could hang in there and almost win it.

    A Bomber victory next week would be a major upset IMHO.

  13. 8 minutes ago, rebusrankin said:

    1. Willy is part of the issue. Can't seem to hit the long throws and to an extent the medium throws. He also seems to have issues with pressure and reading defenses.

    2. Our OL seems to struggle in short yardage.

    3. Our play calling seems to be ineffective.

    4. Our front 7 can't seem to get pressure.

    5. Our D has tackling issues.

    6. Our coach seems to not be able to manage the clock or make adjustments.

    I'm not putting all the blame on Willy. I blame Walters and MOS, both of whom are not good at their jobs.

    Gads you could have posted this last year and the year before and probably every game this year. Seems very little if anything has changed over the past 3 years. So IMHO there is only one common denominator and that just happens to be the 3 Amigos (MOS, Willy and Walters).

  14. To me everything depends on whether or not the Bombers can break out on top and stay on top early in the game. If we go through the first half with little yards and little scoring I doubt we will come back.

    And regardless of which team has the most talent in my opinion it all comes down to who has the best game plan. And unfortunately I think that will tip the scale toward the Stamps.

    Weather may also play a role as we are expecting 60% chance of thundershowers around game time etc.


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