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WBBFanWest last won the day on February 24 2020

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About WBBFanWest

  • Birthday January 26

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  1. Every statement from Bluto is more douchy than the last. I pray this guy doesn't have adaughter.
  2. Don't know about automatic, but I understand that the Riders will get a good discount on their tickets.
  3. And yet, there are tons of people in Saskatchewan who have no issue with that at all.
  4. There would be by-laws in place that would lay out what would happen. In many cases, the money goes into some sort of charitable organization.
  5. Blue Bomber Discussion It's in the description of the forum...
  6. Nope. I had to learn, feel free to do the same and that's not just googling "constructive dismissal" and posting the first definition you find.
  7. Again, it is not that cut and dried, and your comparison to a player contract is just plain silly. Apples and oranges. But I'm not going to explain all the nuances of employer/employee law to someone who believes that he knows way more than he clearly does.
  8. Thank you so much for being the only level headed person here. What would we do without your insight into how "everyone" acts?
  9. If you do some research, you'll find that, depending on the contract, not renewing can be considered constructive dismissal, which is actionable by the employee. Without knowing all the terms of this particular contract, it's impossible to say if this is or isn't. Just that it's not that cut and dried.
  10. Yes, because complaints like this get you so much great attention...
  11. If he was accused of what Kelly is alleged to have done, and if someone like Walters was alleged to have fired the victim and attempted to cover it up, I'd call for an investigation. If the investigation found that the victim's claims were accurate, I'd want them both gone, right now. Know why? Because it's the right thing to do, period. And that's not even considering that neither of them has the reputation of Kelly or Murphy. And again, for those that are suggesting that in this TO situation, the young woman is maybe looking for a quick payday, consider that the amount she's asking for isn't much at all by today's standards, and that sadly, she'll likely never be able to work in pro sports again. Something tells me that she has far more to lose than to gain from this situation. If that's the case, it might suggest something else entirely...
  12. Dude, it happens all the time in various lines of work. The investigation focuses on policies and procedures. If the company is smart, they hire an outside agency (often a law firm) to conduct the inquiry, which is an employment matter and completely separate from any other civil matter. It's actually the opposite of the tar and feather stuff you're accusing people of, but hey righteous indignation feels so good, right?
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