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Posts posted by USABomberfan

  1. Man, next to the Bomber game this is the one I really want to see.  Now that they aren't playing the dumpster fire in Regina, I'm going to call it now that the Stamps bad defense that was out there against Ottawa and BC is going to get exposed again this Saturday.  Yup, they have no secondary and Speedy B, Tucker, and Mike Jones are jumping up and down right now ready to burn those junky corners CGY has.


    And Mr Arbuckle, I hope you're ready to get knocked around like an old rag doll right now cuz that's exactly what's going to happen out there.  You've done nothing and you're a fake QB.

    Normally I wouldn't go pulling for Zontar's team but this is one game they must send a loud message that the Stamps must lose and lose bad.  Kick some ass ... Booyah!  Game to see right here.

  2. 59 minutes ago, Mark F said:

    The Kahwi fest finished me off, wacthing, or listening to anything in sports media, other than Bombers, of which there is  very little.


    This is not a trap game, but it will probably be so one sided as to be boring.





    Hmmm who can be commemorated in a halftime ceremony that hasn't been taken into the hall of fame or had their jersey retired yet?

    Or I know, host a big beer 75℅ off promo in the 4th quarter so people keep sticking around late.

  3. I just don't see it.  I mean, Ottawa had trouble this last week with the Jeffcoat-Jefferson combo on their OL, and surely theirs is better than Toronto's.  I feel MBT/Franklin/whoever else is gonna have a long night back there.


    Thus far ... Everything I see tells me the Argos coaches are already losing the players and energy ... Aside from Armanti Edwards I've seen it from nobody there.

    Only way I can see Toronto's players put up an effort at any point in the season is if coaches are fired.

  4. 2 hours ago, TBURGESS said:

    Streveler did what he needed to win too. 6 of 8 for 42. 75% passing. 2 rushing TD's and a great throwing TD. His Int was a tipped ball at the LOS, which wasn't really his fault.

    Like I said, that's pretty good game manager stuff there.

    Plus, seems in the case of Strev's numbers people are now buying what I'm saying about passing yards being meaningless ... Haha!

  5. 2 hours ago, B-F-F-C said:

    I appreciate your enthusiasm but I can’t get over this feeling like this could be a trap game. I’m sure O’Shea won’t let his guys be too over confident.


    If it were Montreal, I'd have said yes and I even said before they upset Hamilton that they were going to pull off surprise wins this year.


    But Toronto is another story.  They had their shot to beat an unconfident BC team at home and blew it.  Losing a game like that and then coming into our loud rocking stadium ...

    I just don't see any way we don't come out flying.

  6. 1 hour ago, Stickem said:

    Sask. might be in on him if things keep going south the rest of the way in 19'..BUT he won't be going anywhere IF they come knocking late like Sask. did this year...There better be time for us to find an OC replacement if Lapo in fact decides to leave

    He got blocked from going to interview there this last offseason so ... Probably the would be the same this time.  They'll let him go to Toronto though.

  7. No reason not to sell it out to the point of it overflowing in IGF.  This is about as much of a lock for a win as we're going to get this season.  Put the folks in Regina to shame.

    Got a feeling we're going to see something here resembling the 55-10 romp in Montreal last year.  If so, I suspect Streveler gets plenty of reps and maybe even MacGuire.


    I almost feel bad for Toronto, but this is Corey Chamblin's fault.  He tied his can to Chapdelaine and you have to ask why?  Chap has bounced around from team to team and single-handedly ruined offenses.  Chamblin has a worse loyalty problem than the one O'Shea gets criticized for.

    Anyhow, who wants to bet Lapolice will become the head coach in Toronto in 2020?

  8. 19 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    My concern with Streveler is that he's only checking the ball down and that's Lapolice's lack of trust.  This is a problem for all of our QB's right now, including Nichols.  At times there's a lot of movement in the backfield, misdirection, creative deceptive run plays, play action, rollouts.  This is when our offense hums.  This is when playing QB for the Bombers is very easy.  Then we go to 5-6 possessions of Harris dives, bellies and stretch/search runs (which Harris is awful at, never has been good at, the east-west find a hole runs) and straight dropbacks with very little misdirection or PA.  This is when we can't get a first down.  This is when our QB's struggle.

    The way Lapolice preps for each week we won't see a playbook for Streveler unless he is starting.  Lapolice installs the plays for the starter and what he anticipates calling in the game, so Streveler's short-yardage package is in there too.  So if Streveler comes in he's running a ton of dropbacks, very little option stuff aside from the straight run option plays available for the set Lapo has for him with Nichols playing (we saw him run the same pitch option QB power play 3 times after Nichols went out).  Lapolice is a Plan A game prep kind of OC/play caller.  Personally I think this is a huge problem because as we see week after week, there's a high probability that you will need more than 1 QB to finish any game.

    Well, and this is why Lapo has come under fire sometimes here.  I know some of Strev's runs are him calling them by design, and I think he does that too much.  Doing that I say causes bad habits of making QBs think they must run instead of chucking it in the window.

  9. 10 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    You can't even enjoy a win without complaining.  You & Burgess should start your own private website for just the both of you where you can feed your complaining off each other.

    Well TBurgess I mean ... I don't always agree with him but I can see where he's coming from in most cases and find some useful nuggets sometimes.  Not so with Mr come out of left field and build the straw man up or pump up Willy Arbuckle's tires.


    Here's what I'll say.  This is slightly unfamiliar territory we're in right now as the top team in the West even though it's still early.  We've spent so many years talking about how we catch the former West top dogs before we got there and now that we're here, it's almost strange.

    I mean, obviously we still gotta slug it out on top of the hill to send the message to the Stamps that we're dethroning them.  But even so, you just couldn't script our start a whole lot better.

  10. Few other hot takes ...

    1. Khari Jones should be given the unofficial Coach of the Year award for getting wins with no talent on his roster and having to deal with the interference of Kavis Reed in his business

    2. Dominique Davis will need to bounce back big time next game or Jonathon Jennings might be starting games again soon.

    3. Fajardo ... well this is why he's never been able to make a case for being a full season starter.

    4. Chapdelaine should be banned from ever being an offensive coordinator again in the league.  He ruins offenses and is as BAD as Bellefeuille.. Yes I said it!

    5. Time for Arbuckle to play against a real defense and prove he is not a Drew Willy clone.  Right now he is a Willy clone.

  11. 1 hour ago, TBURGESS said:

    Bigger mistake is J Jackson as the OC.

    They both are equally guilty IMO.  Junky Jairius's lack of balance in his offenses and inability to create matchup problems for defenses certainly is an issue.  But Reilly's decision making and accuracy have been way off and have been probably the worst I've ever seen them in his career.  Is it because of age? A bad OL? Too many injuries? A combo of all three? Who knows.  But the league's MOP from a few years back is nowhere near that level currently.


    2 hours ago, 17to85 said:

    At what point does BC realise the huge mistake they made pinning all their hopes on one player?

    I would say 2 actually.  Ed Hervey also stupidly blew the bank on Duron Carter, and what has he done so far?  Nothing that I'm aware of.  Mr crazy circus catcher seems to have gone the way of the dodo.

  12. 1 hour ago, NorthernSkunk said:

    I hope the injuries don't start adding up for Nichols.... is he still wearing a knee brace ?..... and now taking shots to the head... things don't go well for a QB if they can't take the pounding.


    Nichols has had the knee issue for years now since suffering it in 2012 or 2013, whenever that was in Edmonton.  Concussion is something you gotta watch out for, but that's what ... Maybe the first he's had or at least in a while?


    I guess it's just in this league and as a Bomber fan, injured starting QBs are always something we're going to see.  But Nichols compared to his recent predecessors has missed much less time on the field than they have, and I don't think his durability is that big an issue.

    Strev should also be more aware of getting down because he took a vicious side rocker there in Ottawa that had me nervous.  You can't take too many of those in this league without them adding up.

  13. 2 minutes ago, blueingreenland said:

    Calgary is back.

    Winnipeg better keep winning because if we have to go into Calgary for a Western Final in November, I don't like our chances. We need to finish first!

    This is why I was hoping this game would end up in a tie, to stop the Stamps from getting their mojo back.

    I still think Arbuckle is overrated though and will buckle first time he faces a real defense.  He's not been tested at all yet.

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