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Jesse last won the day on January 25

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About Jesse

  • Birthday 1986-12-17

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  1. Chris Garrett was my favourite "post-Charlie" back prior to Harris and now Brady.
  2. The quote is referring to James Butler and how they’re not ashamed that they tried to upgrade him. Incredibly out of context quote for the headline. Not in any way a reference to the Bombers.
  3. He 100% is. But obnoxious ******** can drink/smoke too and he was definitely on something.
  4. Yes, people blaming the media are out to lunch. The league doesn't want to make the game less exciting. They know people react poorly to these types of changes.
  5. I think some of us just appreciate the extra content. The only thing more embarrassing than 3down’s terrible takes is forum posters who don’t even have a blog trying to Uncle Rico from the sidelines, “if only I had a blog, I could write way better than them. I just know it!”
  6. Lewis can have 2nd behind Charlie for those reasons. And then everyone else.
  7. The article also mentions they are looking for someone who would invest in the club more than someone who would pay bigger money for the team.
  8. Dude, this is literally happening in reverse this year. Qwan'tez Stiggers played a year for some random indoor league and then for the Argos and is now entering the NFL draft. Why is the CFL a joke?
  9. We haven't had a great QB since Khari, and even that was short lived. I'm personally not willing to let Collaros go until it's retirement time.
  10. We can't even tell who's making the team when we watch practices and pre-season games. How the hell are we expected to know who is good when we've never seen any of these guys play?
  11. I expect a first place finish. All teams in the play-offs have a chance after that point.
  12. lol. WJ and JJ are already on the field. No need to exaggerate your point. It would of had to be Haba or Fox coming on.
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