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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. Honestly, i don't think the LBs have been much of an issue the last few weeks... I don't see Curran, even if he was interested in coming to play again in the CFL making that much of a difference out there.. There are bigger problems on D than the Middle Linebacker that's for sure... Matt Bucknor is my biggest concern cuz you know that if the pass is headed his way, it's more than likely a completion, a big gain or a TD. The other 3 DB's i have faith in, Bucknor, i just don't.
  2. I think Stoudemire is still good, last week he had a nice return which set up the willy to adams TD but... at times it looks like he has very little blocking or if he does have blocking, they are more in the way than making holes for him, tough to tell on TV since you don't get the over head angle but i'd suspect he has very little room to actually do anything. Don't get the HURL ripping, i'd get it the first couple games but the last few he's been solid, he's not a bighill or elimimian, he's not a henoc or anything like that but the guy does make plays out there, had a very solid hustle play last night, went for the blitz i believe, didn't get it in time, collaros passed the ball off, the tackle on that play was made by HURL, almost immediately really. He's been getting better, i know people look at stats and all that but... i don't think the stats tell you the whole story... pretty tough to get on any of the LBS after last night, ticats only had what? 55 yards rushing? That's a damn good day really. I don't think he's your prototypical middle linebacker either, i'm not sure, but... when i think Middle Linebacker i think run stopper really but.. it seems HURL is being used more in blitz packages which leaves BASS to come in and get all the glory stats. I dunno tho but thought HURL has been pretty good the last few weeks now. Or i guess, I'll say it like this, I don't think HURL is the biggest problem on D, i think the biggest problem on D is our Canadian DB.. I'll say this much, If i was to take out a Canadian starter on D, It wouldn't be Hurl or Westerman that's for sure.
  3. Hopefully nick moore is back if adams can't go. Maybe JHomo dresses too.
  4. Cotton is done. No doubt about it. The willy and Adams injuries... not sure. Probably day to day stuff.
  5. The Hamilton D did not take the foot off the gas at all tho.
  6. Pretty simple topic I think. Let's leave the coaches out of this.. but as far as on field goes... who are the weak links out there? In my view it starts with the oline. Picard- can't block. Inconsistent snaps. Neufeld -looked lost on every play On D, honestly think they are getting better but one guy who seemingly gets beat consistently is Matt Bucknor. Got beat on the long TD. Common theme here... Canadians. I'd have said Hurl a couple weeks ago but he's been pretty decent
  7. Good points JBR and just to touch on one a bit... the snaps more so. Looks like they are floaters most times. Not very consistent. Some high. Some low. Can't help either.
  8. Bombers had 325 yards of offence. Hamilton had 334. Laughable? They did move the ball. But I guess ppl see what they want to after losses
  9. 3 td passes yup. Only one was not a direct result of a turnover tho. Really gonna say ya but 2 of them were... Really?? Isn't that like saying it was 38-8 but... 28 of those points were off turnovers so really it was 10-8
  10. Daniels wasn't that bad. Thought Neufeld was the worst followed by Picard and even Bryant had a rough Game and honestly thought Hurl looked pretty good today. 54 yards rushing. 280 passing. D played quite well.
  11. Looked small compared to his team mates tho.
  12. Neufeld at tackle? Guess we want our QBS injured earlier in the game. Neufeld sucks and was part of the reason we gave up 7 sacks. But got 5 of our own too.
  13. 15 maybe 19 first downs. Hard to see on the phone exactly. 280 passing. 54 rushing. 2 interceptions. Those numbers aren't that impressive at all. Those are Hamiltons numbers. D played well.
  14. I've never seen it. Look closer and you will. He's always the first guy to meet the player on the sideline. Not sure how you can't see it at times honestly.
  15. Lol. Blaming the D. Man. Pointless to argue with people after losses really. 28 points off turnovers. 2 pick 6 and 2 basically Hamilton was in the redzone. How do you blame the D really.
  16. A blocked punt is on coaching how? It's on the player missing the block. The oline. Yeah they were bad but that's Marcel Bellefuile for ya really.
  17. Maybe as a Bomber, but Hall has been both a head coach and defensive coach for awhile now, has he not? And O'Shea has been an assistant coach before.First as a bomber tho. The D played well today for the most part abs have seemingly gotten better the last few weeks. We didn't lose cuz of the D. We lost because of 28 points off turnovers. The D Is coming together it seems. The O has some issues tho. Not sure you understand what consistency on a coaching staff means. Fire coaches year after year and this is what happens really but the D has and did play well tonight. They really only gave up 1 td tonight. The rest were a direct or in direct result of turnovers.
  18. Nah. No buck comparison at all. Buck was chronically injured. Willy just takes a pounding at times. First time he's been injured this year on a good tackle. First 2 times were illegal hits.
  19. Coaches are supposed to prepare a game plan & get their players ready to play. They didn't do that.How so. Tip ball pick 6. Blocked punt. TD seconds later. Kick off flunked. TD seconds later. Pick 6 TD. It's not so much coaching as it is just making mistakes. Really. The kick off gaffe is tge only one I could say might be on the coaches but even then our guys on the field should be aware. 28 points off turnovers. Coaches coach players play. It's that simple.
  20. Funny. Cuz to Me our standout players this game were willy. He was solid. Westerman a Canadian. Bass a rookie. Hurl had a good game too. Adams a rookie. These guys all played quite well. People may not like to hear it but you need to learn to crawl before you can walk and walk before you run. Looks to me like we are starting to walk a bit. Next step is to run. The D played well today. O moved the ball. People always go on about the negatives but outside of the first 5 minutes of the game the team played well. D stepped up. O moved the ball. First 5 was awful but for 55 minutes the team played well. Adams hurt cotton hurt. Willy hurt. They showed resiliency and never folded. 28 points off turnovers.
  21. Hamilton has several elite high end players. Their O isn't that impressive but that D is fierce for sure. What they do have tho is consistency in their coaching ranks. Steinaurer been there a while so has Austin. O'shea 2nd season. Halls first. That matters.
  22. Looked worse last time so he should be OK hopefully. Could really use a bye week now tho.
  23. Or we just got beat by a better team. Over analyzing is fun but sometimes you just lose to a better team. Hamilton Is better than we are and everyone at the start of the year knew it. They got our number.
  24. Sometimes it's just easier to admit that we lost to a better team. We aren't as good as the ticats. It's that simple. But 28 points I believe were off turnovers so you can say we killed ourselves. People blaming coaches always to me screams never played a team sport ever. Coaches coach. Players play however with that said I do think our OC is part of the problem
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