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  1. Like
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to JCon in Covid-19   
    Nope, Americans are exempt. They are the biggest threat right now and have nothing but a clusterf.... response but they're going to be allowed across the border. 
  2. Like
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to The Unknown Poster in Covid-19   
  3. Like
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to 17to85 in Covid-19   
    Might as well do  nothing then.
  4. Like
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to Fatty Liver in Canadian Politics   
    Creating suspended natural areas that will be quickly destroyed by AB. red-necks driving their trucks, motor-cycles, ATV's and snow-machines throughout.  Once decimated these areas will  be declared "eye-sores" and sold off to private, well connected political supporters, who will keep them for their own use or commercialize them.  That's the plan anyway.
  5. Agree
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to 17to85 in Canadian Politics   
    They don't need to drill, Papa Kenney already gave them their profits from the tax payers and they're leaving for greener pastures. 
    Every ******* thing Kenney has done has been a disaster for the province and the hits are just going to keep on coming. 
  6. Agree
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to Wanna-B-Fanboy in Canadian Politics   
    But Notley!!!! that socialist pig will bankrupt... ah nevermind...
  7. Like
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to The Unknown Poster in US Politics   
    Someone check Bloomberg’s pulse after this evisceration 
  8. Agree
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to rebusrankin in US Politics   
    Very true. Not a Mitch fan at all.
  9. Like
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to Wanna-B-Fanboy in Canadian Politics   
    Wow, not even close at all- except for both stories use "words". The fact that you would ape trump's pet word for Warren tells me enough.
  10. Agree
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to JCon in Canadian Politics   
    Not even close to being similar. 
  11. Agree
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to Wanna-B-Fanboy in US Politics   
    Best. Analogy. Ever. 
    Good grief- it's so true.
  12. Like
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to 17to85 in US Politics   
    If the democrats were acting like this everyone would be outraged. 
    Hell a lot of people didn't vote for hillary on principle because of their displeasure with her. 
    That is where progressives and regressives differ. Progressives have principles, regressives only guiding principle is "**** the other side no matter what"
    The best analogy ever. Republican supports are happy to let trump **** in their mouths as long as a liberal has to smell it.
  13. Haha
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to Fatty Liver in US Politics   
    Dat was easy.
  14. Agree
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to 17to85 in US Politics   
    The democrats are a centre - right party. What the good old usa needs is an NDP equivalent. Then you get some real choice and you don't  have an extreme right party pulling everyone to the right as opposed to a pull towards centre.
  15. Like
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to johnzo in US Politics   
    yeah, and the "far left" in American politics is somewhere around the center everywhere else in the world.  Government-sponsored health care and tuition are not controversial things to offer for most of the developed nations in the world.
  16. Agree
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to The Unknown Poster in US Politics   
    Nah.  Here;s the thing, I know you equate far left with being worse than the alt right but it isnt true.  Someone who's worse trait is they want free health care, free tuition etc is not the same as someone that wants all Muslims and Mexicans locked in cages and who support white supremacy.  
    The far left can be objectionable on policy.  The far right is objectionable on morality.
  17. Like
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to Mark H. in US Politics   
    These guys don't like it either:
  18. Haha
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to The Unknown Poster in US Politics   
  19. Haha
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to FrostyWinnipeg in US Politics   
  20. Haha
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to Wideleft in Canadian Politics   
    Bloc Rednecois!!!!!!
  21. Like
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to Mark F in US Politics   
    lol this person who was complaining about "pinko commie rags" on some other thread now claiming he /she is a socialist. What a load of hogwash.
    It's nothing to do with left, or right. And there is no mystery to Trump's appeal. There are no "socialists" that support Trump, more hogwash.
    Trump is an stupid, addled, autocratic, rule by erratic decree, openly racist bigot, who appeals to and is supported by white supremacists. He has had a Swastika pin wearing Hungarian nazi,  Gorka, (who is also on Fox tv) in his office.
    David Duke, southern racist bigot, supports Trump.
    this is not an accident. 4chan likes Trump.
    And that is his core appeal. All the other stuff, the myriad of details, and "no fair" whining and nitpicking,  explaining his actions, what he actually meant, he was kidding, blah blah, is window dressing.
    He and his supporters are racist autocrats, that would gladly go door to door arresting people they don't like, and "locking them up":
    they do not care about democracy in the slightest.
    And if you think of yourself as not a bigot, but you like Trump, you're full of it......you are a racist and a bigot.
    period. full stop.
  22. Like
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to Wanna-B-Fanboy in US Politics   
    So... you're saying that the Republicans are making this a partisan thing- because they all voted lock step against the dems and the Dems voted how ever they wanted?
  23. Like
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to bustamente in US Politics   
    One day this will be the way Trump is remembered

  24. Like
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to Wideleft in Canadian Politics   
  25. Like
    AtlanticRiderFan reacted to Wideleft in Canadian Politics   
    People like to believe this, but the opposite is true.  A government can basically shut down or severely restrict abortion services without saying they're shutting down abortion services.  They are doing this in the states by writing regulations and requirements for abortion providers that are so extreme that they cannot reasonably be met. 
    The only private abortion clinic in New Brunswick is about to close for lack of funding.  The Government of New Brunswick is conservative and refuse to provide funding because abortion services are one of the things they provide.  And people can say "hey just go to a hospital", but the only two hospitals in NB that provide abortion services are in Moncton and Bathurst.  Access to health services of any kind is just important as the health services themselves.  Don't forget that clinics like these rarely only provide abortion services.  Much like Planned Parenthood in the States, the vast majority of the work they do revolves around other women's health issues.  So yeah, this is a real issue for women.
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