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Everything posted by bearpants

  1. Not saying Brohm gets cut but he's PR at best right now...
  2. Unless Brohm steps it up against Calgary I have a hard time believing the depth chart to start the season isn't (1) Willy (2) Hall (3) Marve...
  3. two plays by WIlly stood out to me... 1) I didn't like that deep ball to Moore.... even if the throw was on target Moore was still lined up to be destroyed by the safety.... Willy just needs to recognize that coverage over the top... 2) loved when he handed off to Cotton (maybe it was Grigsby?) and then took off in front of him to block.... it does make me a little nervous to see the starting QB as a lead blocker but still love the determination in the red zone... Overall, a pretty solid effort... I can't remember the last time I left the stadium feeling ok about a loss...
  4. getting fired for "having a beer" seems a little fishy... let's just wait till all the details unfold... wasn't Worman in the running for our OC job or was that just a rumour??
  5. I'm a little late to the party on this.... I don't think we woulda got him but I'm disappointed to hear we didn't even get in on the Laurent sweepstakes.... I understand the reasoning, but then again conventional CFL wisdom says you never pass on quality Canadians if you can get them.
  6. Are you suggesting hosting or panel member?
  7. haha I like out the title of the thread says BLOCKBUSTER.... but yeah when I saw this, this morning I thought this might actually entice be to give 1290 pre game a listen, instead of CJOB.... I like Bauming and Walby, but not a huge fan of Westy... I think CJOB may need to bring in another analyst to compete.... Who would you take in an anchorman-style fight? Team TSN: Climie, Schultz, and LaPo Team CJOB: Knuckles, Doug Brown, and Mitch Zalnowsky Team 1290: Bauming, Walby, and Westy
  8. If it's the only game that gets affected by a strike I'd hope they would just postpone it to later in the week.... assuming things are worked out by then
  9. That wasn't a training camp injury. Yeah I believe it was around week 4 or 5
  10. Good point, why even bother showing up? Quick, someone email Wade Miller now to let him know we can just sit out 2014 to make it a nice even 8-team league again...
  11. I hope he's not referring to a hoopla similar to the Jeff Reinbold days we're all so fond of...
  12. I guess we needed to replace Creehan in some way shape or form... Thanks for the report.... any idea how to pronounce Nzegwu?
  13. He'll be 30 by the end of the year... definitely still time to recover.... but this is very unfortunate news.... I was looking forward to seeing him on the d-line this year
  14. Lawless writes/says some questionable things from time to time but he would never be dumb enough to bad mouth Bob Irving on the radio... Irving is a legend arond these parts and Lawless respects that
  15. Arash Madani would sure add some drama to the panel! BOOM! Madani would add drama to a daytime soap. New panel wishlist: Lalji, Dunigan, Geroy, and Climie. Stegall just didn't seem a great fit for the panel. Schultz likes the sound of his own voice too much. Climie does too, but there's substance... he's not afraid to take the contrarian viewpoint and back it up. Essential to have a heel on the show. Geroy would be a very interesting option. Respected vet with a lot of charisma. Have you ever heard Geroy speak? no thanks..... they'd be much better off sticking with Stegall
  16. I still don't understand why some people are in such a tiff over this.... again I'll revert back to Marc Trestman who did not allow assistants to give interviews.... I think that worked out ok for him
  17. I think this is definitely the most important point to emphasize.... at least half the players currently in the PA will not be around by the time this CA comes to an end so how much are they willing to sacrifice to help out future players? my guess is not much...
  18. Duthie would probably be the best replacement... I think he and most of the NHL analysts are sticking around so it would depend on his NHL on TSN obligations.... regional people like Lalji or Orlesky probably aren't in the mix but a guy like Scianetti could be considered.... I think I'd be happy if Rob Black was just not involved in the CFL at all...
  19. Does anyone know which other CFL teams employ this method of communication? Huff in Calgary... Milo in Tor? (suspected) Jones in Edm? (suspected) I would guess Austin is the same way in Hammy
  20. You're 100% bang on... first thought I had was "I like how he's comparing this tactic to Kelly rather than someone like Marc Trestman"... it helps strengthen his very weak point
  21. That's a lot of cap movement in 4 years.... to go from $4.4M in 2013 to $6M in 2017... definitely not realistic... I could see starting around $5M and moving up $100k per year to get to $5.4M after 5 years
  22. When I joined twitter a few years ago I started following him cuz I thought he'd have good CFL info.... this is the reason why it took about a week before I unfollowed
  23. Except that when Suber tackles a guy it's in the open field, how good a tackler would he be if he had to shed blocks from very large angry men to make those tackles? You could easily argue that open field tackling is harder... but I'm not going to.... I'll take more stock in the depth chart once the roster is announced... You can't really compare the two Shedding blocks to make a gap tackle vs. Open field tackle Sure open field tackling probably takes more technical skill... shedding blocks requires size and strength (when you are trying to shed a 300lb Olineman) Suber is a great open field tackler... I wouldn't ask him to bull rush an OL I'm not trying to start an argument here, just food for thought.... if you compare apples-to-apples when it comes to tackling would it be easier for Suber bullrush a 5'10 190lb O-linemen or Anderson to tackle a 6'2 260lb runner in the open field? Probably the former... I personally think sure open field tacklers are far more rare in the CFL
  24. I remember pointing that out when he was hired (possibly on another site) and asked if anyone knew why... perhaps this explains a little bit.... I wonder if this Paul Charbonneau fellow will be listed as coach on the website.... he currently is not...
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