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Everything posted by Stickem

  1. What are you trying to do to an ol man, give me a heart attack. Cheeky.
  2. Hinse, really good signing. Now as someone suggested go get Peach. 4 canucks on the o line would be definite boost for us, if we could get this done. Would Huffer entertain a trade for Peach and if so what do we part with?
  3. 'I didn't want the job...but somebody had to', pretty much sums it up. He was forced to take on a bad team with all of it's 'lacking talent' and yet he ran head long into it. Burkes brilliance is shining through right there. Knowing full well (in his estimation) that the Bomber head coaching job and team, would be nothing but an anchor in his future, he decided to take it on anyway. I don't know Tim, d co-ordinator looks to be the pinnacle of your abilities. Stick with it.
  4. I don't think Marve has any knees left. You wouldn't know it by the way he took off up the field to move the chains last night. If he can continue to impress against the stumps, I could become a big fan of his in a hurry. Accurately throwing the rock on a rope is a gift. I hope he can keep it going.
  5. Definition of a workaholic...'a guy who drinks on the job' Guess Worman forgot to put that on his resume. Looks good on ya Popp. Finally some other team is grabbing the bozo spotlight.
  6. Golden Goose meet Cleaver. I doubt that both sides want any part of causing, what could be irreparable damage to the league and it's fans. Saner heads must prevail and it looks like a light has gone on, in a couple of noggins', with the latest developments. Get it done guys.
  7. So mealy mouth Friesen is at it again.The season is in it's infancy and this guy is on a neg. rant about the Bombers. No surprise really. He can't get coaches to contradict each other when he's only getting one message from the top. No more playing both ends against the middle. Too bad for the pot-stirrer, I guess he'll have to be a little more positive in his articles and that hurts. Message to Friesen, times have changed and Mike O. IS NOT Mike K. AND does not resemble him one bit. I suppose he's getting his kicks just getting the kind of response most fans and the team are giving this latest drivel. I read it and filed it under garbage.
  8. Speaking of CKND, whatever happened to Phil Reimer. Wow the years sure fly by. Getting channel 12 was a biggie back in the day and you had to have a damned good set of rabbit ears or a tower for that reception. Youngsters today would just laugh compared to the technology that's out there now BUT that's the way it was. Happy retirement Joe P.
  9. Harper and his gang of cons. have a policy, where they will not fund sporting venues. Seems we didn't have much of a problem getting them to cough up but then we had Vic Toews twisting some arms in the backroom. 10 mil. isn't a huge amount and this fed. bunch have wasted more on more trivial events. Guess the CFL doesn't quite cut it with the cons. I hope they can work something out or the argos are going to be behind the eight ball and voters in that area will be left with a bad taste in their mouth.
  10. 'Wait till ya see the jumbotron on this end, errr okay 'tron...it's going to be this big'.... Wasn't this guy from a comic strip??
  11. Nobody will benefit from a strike/lockout. The fans get po'd, management loses at the gate and the players never recover lost wages. I hope we can get both sides together and hammer out a deal that will be acceptable to both sides. The alternative is not pretty and the league as a whole will suffer. Saner heads must prevail. As far as replacement players go. That will never end well.
  12. Why don't they just market a bunch of cereal flakes with all of their players on the box. Seemed to work before with a couple of former guys on their team. Seriously though, the club should have looked at a cheaper stadium for the green guys.That's the suggestion a lot of their fans had for us. Good luck on the money grab. LOL
  13. Solid choice for mlb IF they go with Wild. The guy hustles on every play and is a real spark plug on D. As far as his size goes, what's the old saying, it's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog. This guy brings it.
  14. Oh for sure, Forde is giving us his journalistic opinion but he has been aware of CIS happenings and players for awhile. He must have some insight. Would it measure up to a Wylie and his take on an o line guy? not likely. Goosen was ranked highly at one point but seems to have dropped off. I don't know what Forde has seen to redeem the fortunes of Goosen but I guess we'll find out on the 13th. As for Ottawa having a re-think on their choice, let's just say with a guy like Desjardins in charge, anything is possible.
  15. Interesting take by Forde. I'd like to know what Wileys assessment was on these guys. Put that together with Fordes and we'd have our winner.This latest info. on Goosen should give Ottawa a little something to chew on.
  16. Question for me is how much did these steroids affect his performance. Seems to me he came out of nowhere in the draft ratings and was slotted very high. He had a very good E camp but was this all due to his consuming steroids AND would it be necessary for him to keep that level of play by continuing to use them. Huge red flag just went up for anyone who was considering selecting him. Too bad as this going to have a big negative effect on his career. A bloody shame.
  17. In the bad old days, or good ol days, as some would like to say, a player by the name of Mack Herron had a party at his apartment on Henderson Highway. Marijuana was found at his place by the police and he was summarily charged and booted out of the CFL. Herron was at that time, every bit as good, and high profile as Sheets was/is at this time. Bombers were a very good team, when he was released, and it definitely hurt the club. GM Lunsford of the day wouldn't relent and mini-Mack was sent packing. My how times have changed with the way officials and teams management looks at the use of marijuana. Don't know how it will work out for Sheets. It certainly has tainted his career but definitely won't end it in the CFL as happened to Herron. We'll see how this all plays out.
  18. I wonder if he is released down south, will the riders take him back.? They do have a 'no tolerance' policy when it comes to players actions off the field. Of course they can try to shuffle it off and make their policy look like pure hypocrisy. It'll be interesting to see how this goes, both down south and here.
  19. Wallyworld has had it's fair share of bad rides this offseason. Looks good on them and the more hits they take the better. I know Banks is probably loving it.
  20. When he's released he'll most likely want to stay in the east close to his business. Mont. would most likely be his first choice. I don't know where we rate in his future but I guess we'll find out down the road. I can't see any team offering much for him if Ottawa tries to trade him, and I have a feeling we won't be in the market at any rate. Definitely NO to Glenn.
  21. Sounds like you're a little confused Nate, much like you are about the existing talent on our O Line. Maybe you should spend more time following what the Bombers do instead of the green guys. Lavertu would/should be our choice at 2 if available. Once Ottawa makes their pic a clearer picture will present itself as to which direction we'll go.
  22. Well we knew we were getting someone 'unorthodox' in his game planning. Just how unorthodox will it get, is the question?? Jury is out.
  23. If someone is trying to paint the cons. as a 'scandalous free' party LOL you have to look no further than Harpers appointments. Pam Wallin, Duffy, Barezeau and even his right hand man Wright. Nobody is going to look past these jokers in the next election. Mr. Proroguer in Ottawa won't have to use that tactic anymore, as it will be done permanently for him and his party in the next election. Cons. have run up a big credibility deficit.
  24. I wish people would quit with the ' Manitoba lags behind' b.s. This province is doing quite well and a lot of other provinces would give their eye teeth to have the potential that Hydro gives us. Conservatives are dying all over the place in this country, except Alta., and they had to kick their leader out. I'll go with any party other than the cons. Corruption runs rampant in the likes of Harpers gang and I don't see any dif. with the cons. locally. Just think back to the Gary Filmon years and you'll soon get a glimpse of a Pallister govt. No thanks.
  25. Have the Man. cons. have a similar policy, to change the elections act ,IF the former Filmon gang ever gets elected. Nice try Lyle. Manitobans have a long memory about how the cons. ran the province the last time. No thanks Lyle and Lyle. Keep your ultra right wing politics in Alta. Doesn't work here.
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