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Everything posted by Stickem

  1. Guess we feel we have better....Fogg and Langford are decent so not a real loss..Thought he liked it here and the players....guess money could've been a deciding factor...
  2. Not only do you have an avvy of 'Cactus'....you are starting to mix up the teams like he did LOL...(Just yankin your chain Bannatyne)...I remember Wells calling a Bomber game at home and after he had more than a few had the Stamps playing Edmonton in our park...lol...He also used to give the race results from the track and he came up with this gem...'It was Jingle Balls in the stretch and down to the wire...and I'm not touching that with a ten foot pole" ...Quite a character was ol Jack
  3. Surprise misses by Mr. Automatic.....could it be he was unnerved after the B.C. loss and is a little down on himself....That isn't Medlock and I know he'll be his old self next game....Have to shake those off and carry on...Horrible calls once again in the game last night...The one on Jeffcoat was a solid football play not roughing the passer...AND why did we quit on that play that Cunningham took to the one...Seems we were confused and they were sharp....strange for a Mike O team that usually capitalizes on other teams mistakes...That should have been our ball heading the other way.
  4. When is a great win not a great win.....when you win one like that...BUT we'll take the 2 points....One thing that bothers the hell out me with this club....WHY???? when we score and have a chance to put the boots to the other guy we allow them right back into it with sloppy play....I know we have more talent than that....Is it the defensive passive schemes that allow this??...We have to get the killer instinct and after that early td by us on the interception we should have stepped it up ...not turtle and go into some sort weak preventative funk...We have to straighten that out.
  5. WOW....WHERE THE HELL DID THAT COME FROM.......WHY DO WE WAIT SO LONG TO START PLAYING..WOW.....The cfl strikes again and you just never know.
  6. Swiss cheese defence......poor offence when it counts....Obviously we have to make changes...where to begin.
  7. That roughing the passer was complete bullshit on Jeffcoat...How the hell can you call that...we might as well be playing tiddly winks....Why didn't O'Shea challenge it....or is Mike on the sideline.
  8. Score... then watch the opposition run it down for a score.....At this rate we have to have a 4 td. lead to feel comfortable with this team..or should we ever
  9. From what I've seen so far this team is proving out to be a joke....Improvement over last year doesn't seem to be the case and I really feel sorry for the hard core supporters of this club... After witnessing that crap and IF it doesn't improve in the second half...A Cup appearance could be a very long time off...Spinners can put a bull$hit cover on it but seeing is believing and I'm not liking what I'm seeing...There better be a huge improvement in the second half or a few guys arses better be on the line...Cripes some of these guys don't seem to be able to tackle
  10. B.C. boys just seem to find out early, how to open doors with just a...................never mind
  11. Upper tier team...I thought that's what category we belonged in....Quite frankly I doubt we improved much over last year...IF we have show me the money...so far nada and if it continues...that's what the season will end up looking like...nada...Signed pi$$ed off. AND if that sounds like I'm down on this club...you bloody rights.
  12. Counted five two and outs in a row in the 4th, quarter by us when it mattered most....Ain't nearly good enough
  13. Well...well...same old result when we played these guys last time on the coast....right down to the final kick...They proved one thing to me...we'll be fighting for position in the lower echelon of the west...Same ol...same ol...Disappointed to say the least...We couldn't even trick out a win
  14. The original robo-man....nice hair though compared to mine, which isn't saying a helluva lot..like Stevie's political career...going...going ..gone.
  15. Without Durant the Als. would be a very bad team offensively...Their D is playing pretty good ball....Have to give credit to Darian for making them very competitive....He still has a few miles left and by the end of the year (health permitting) will make Jonesie in riderville look awfully foolish... Right now Durant would be tearing up the league with the receiving corps the riders possess...Looks good on them
  16. IF the Leo's O Line plays like they did last game, they'll be replacing another qb....Lulay isn't the most sound qb. in the league physically and if our hungry D line guys get by a few of their pylons acting as o line guys, look out Lulay...I think we take this one in lotus land.
  17. Refs. were real prominent last night....not good when they have to be part of the game to that extent....That dirty shot at Nichols knees could have been a game changer if Matt would've been sidelined...Glad that was called...They missed the one on Ray at the end when 'Poop' mugged him and could have drawn a penalty...Ray was shaken up pretty good and it might have been a little payback for the cheap shot on Nichols but very foolish... Had that penalty been called it could have extended the play for the Argo's ...O'SH better get a handle on those dumb penalties...it's costing us at critical times....All in all a great game to watch...a lot of back n forth and the right team came out on top...Good ending except for Karen and as a solid fan of the Bombers, I feel like she was robbed...However that's the game and it shows you how unpredictable and how elusive a million win can really be..
  18. Okpalaugo has not been his old self since joining us, that's for sure...Maybe he's been nic'd for longer than we know and this latest one has put him on the shelf for awhile...Also want to see what Jeffcoat can do...We need guys like him to step up...
  19. I'm not expecting much from Wolitarsky....but when does he start rippin it up lol...We need a hit of enthusiasm after that last stinker at home, and I don't care what no. he wears
  20. Bluto.....so when does he take off...lol...lol...You sound like an argo fan I could have a beer with...good stuff
  21. The guy makes a terrific return and goes into the ditch at the end of it....I don't know if it was his 'steering wheel' or he was just 'bumping' around at the end of that play....I do know he wrecked and now we have to fix a few dents
  22. We were that bad......out played...outcoached....and how many times are we going to have to witness Carmichael chasing guys into the end zone with the Roc, for six....Guy is over his head and I really have to wonder about our game plan....defensively and offensively...This club has a lot of work to do to stick with the top teams in the west or we'll be sucking wind along with Corky...Very disappointing. Now on to the Crown Royal...30,000 left panting at the gate...
  23. Stoked for this one....We seem to be snake bit playing these guys.....I don't want to have to administer any anti-venom if it all goes sideways...But then, IF we end up on the short end, I will have to take something....Crown Royal might do it.
  24. I luv Matt Nichols and I ain't his fairy godmother....When it comes to crunch time, he has the answer...We have been a little slow to get things going but I don't think it's been all on Matt...He's a solid contender and has the ability to get us there...Let's turn things around...I wouldn't want to be the opposition playing against Matt...You know he's going to gradually win the thing...he just takes awhile...Not a Bo Levi rabbit but much like the other guy in the race...the eventual winner
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