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Everything posted by Stickem

  1. I luv Matt Nichols and I ain't his fairy godmother....When it comes to crunch time, he has the answer...We have been a little slow to get things going but I don't think it's been all on Matt...He's a solid contender and has the ability to get us there...Let's turn things around...I wouldn't want to be the opposition playing against Matt...You know he's going to gradually win the thing...he just takes awhile...Not a Bo Levi rabbit but much like the other guy in the race...the eventual winner
  2. Roc Carmichael=rented mule....He can't be in there or Bo will have his way with him (ouch that doesn't sound right)...IF we have to go with the Roc, I hope he has someone who will be in double coverage, because he'll get eaten alive by Levi....Throw one up against Carmichael or hand off to Messam....pick your poison...We better be in overtime looking at film or it could be a long night.
  3. Carmichael was in chase mode a lot and it looked very much like he's over his head...What looks good in practice doesn't always translate to real game conditions....When is this team ever going to get the killer instinct to bury the opponent ...We have had numerous games last year and already this year where we let the opposing team up off the carpet and let them back in...That has to change...Bury the bug&ers when you get the chance...
  4. 3 sacks and they gave him all day the very next play....we need to be better to beat teams like Cal. and Esks.
  5. That was too close and all you can do is right that off as our slow start....slow start just starting the season as well...Lucky we didn't blow that one ...There was not enough finish by our front four....lax coverage in the secondary and not that great blocking by the O that we need to spring Harris ....In the end we put it in the hand of Mr. Automatic....but that should not have been that close looking at the talent dif...A little concerned for the opener
  6. Yes we woke up....and now the rider collapse to familiar territory...Keep er going BigBlue
  7. Not one first down in the first quarter....I sure as hell hope that isn't a sign of things to come......We had one too and I don't recall the Bombers even being ahead in our first game and go round...We better be better in the second quarter because this ain't looking too good...Kinda of a slow start
  8. I'm curious about a stat. and that would be....'what is the won/loss percentage/record of teams in the past in their opener, that have the first round bye?'...Not that it means anything today...just curious??? Does anyone know
  9. Walters should get on it and at least kick the tires....a little more than he did with Bear Woods though....Seems like he could work here in more ways than one.
  10. Has the CFL in his blood and good business acumen....What's not to like...Shifty eyes from the province just west of us starting to draw into a tight squint....Hey Hey....I like it.
  11. The kid looks like he's got good hands and is built solid...I hope he signs and shows up here soon....He'll look good in our national receiver dept....one of which was looking a little anemic...Good find if he works out.
  12. Rickey burned the Cat's real good....Let's see him duplicate that against a ball hawking club like ours....I'd say the percentage of completions drops off enormously ...Looking forward to that game IF the argos's are chucking them up like that...heh heh.. I can see Leggett licking his chops already and a few of our other secondary people.
  13. Watch when our receivers try to 'push off'....it'll get flagged every time....Orrrr the command centre will come up with one of their nuggets and it'll go against us....Why???? don't I have faith in our inconsistent officiating
  14. IF this going to be the case this year and the command centre can't get it right...then maybe it's the people running the bloody thing...We don't need incompetence running anything in this league and making us look like schmoes..(not esks)...Fix it.
  15. Jones most likely picked up Jovon to get the book on the Als. for this Thurs....Riders need all the help they can get, but playing wise, JJ is not the answer...But good on him for catching on in rideville...a guy can always use a cheque..
  16. I had a hunch Poop would stick...This guy can be a force down the road....Can't keep em all I guess and we released some fairly good talent but overall I think Walters and company are going in the right direction....Thought for sure Thorpe was done after his last injury but it must not be that serious and we'll see him sooner than latter
  17. That little son-of-a-gun Menard Briere is sticking on the pr....I like it but watch out for theft from other clubs....he's a keeper...Spooner hanging out there as well but a long term project might turn off some gms....Sad about Butcher and Intzandt....thought we would keep one for sure...Washington must have edged out Williams and Yachison is a nice surprise...The kid can ball....
  18. Why is it that this club get's off to such a slow start and then have to play catch up most of the time....Do we like coming from back in the pack and get whipped to the finish line...Last night we did that but came up lame at the finish line...I'd sure like to build a lead and hold it right off the bat for a change....Maybe in Regina....I hope.
  19. Sounds like 'Poop' is a hard guy to get a handle on....slippery for a big guy......We have to see more of him for sure
  20. In the end we kissed our sister twice in preseason...somehow I don't think that sounds right and I'm now packing my bags for Sask.....But then again I hope someone steals my luggage.
  21. Menard-Briere impresses the heck out of me...This kid is cool and has one heckuva leg...That was a nice pic by Walters and down the road will pay big dividends...If he can ever perfect his field goal attempts, folks we have a winner...Right now he's up against the best in the CFL in Medlock so I can see he'll be heading back to school BUT IF and when things change, I think we can call upon this guy in the future Liked Langford in this one and I thought Dom Davis played up to par....as for some of our acquisitions defensively...I'll reserve comment until after the first 'real' game in 17 for comment.
  22. It's only preseason....is that really a precursor to the season...I hope our STARTING D was only funnin' with us in the first half or it'll be a big ooooops.
  23. You can't make the club from the tub....unfortunately we will most likely be bidding adieu to Thorpe...Second time he's come up lame in a short period of time....Can you say 'Richards'.....oh wait a minute
  24. I just hope Apodaca doesn't end up on someone else's roster and comes back to haunt us....cuz I'm gonna poop...Kid showed something and I think he was looking at a couple of guys ahead of him who are pretty good and thought he might do better elsewhere???Just a guess.
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