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Fatty Liver

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Everything posted by Fatty Liver

  1. Know what's scaring me - Edmonton has nothing at RB this year. I have a bad feeling that Cotton will end up here. Don't know why, just do. May not be such a bad thing as long as we get a useful player in exchange. Will Ford might be attractive trade bait as he is a proven commodity. I don't want to see Cotton pawned off until he has another kick at the can. He appeared to be a "holy ****" type RB in pre-season action and that type of player doesn't come along very often.
  2. I missed the Sask/Argo game so I went to TSN to view the highlights. What they have to offer is an abbreviated highlight package, that doesn't even show all of the TD's never mind good defensive plays, sacks and turnovers! I don't get it. Why did they pay millions of dollars for the rights to broadcast the CFL and yet they go to lengths to restrict access to the archived product? Not only have they screwed up V.O.D. they have made it nye impossible for serious CFL fans to review games that they may have missed. I think this represents an attitude of neglect perpetuated by the media that is responsible for putting the CFL in danger in the Southern Ontario marketplace.
  3. Sorry for the ignorence, I've only been working with computers going on 25 years but still f them up.
  4. Shows the file is only 13 kbs so obviously I didn't download anything....Is it supposed to be a link? Here is the file name that I downloaded. Ottawa at Winnipeg Week 2.mp4.torrent
  5. As Homer Simpson would say "that was funny".
  6. Thanks! I downloaded the file but don't seem to have the software to play it. What does it play in?
  7. They've been using tight ends a lot (Pontbriand and double tights with Pontbriand and Fitzgerald), which is actually more effective for dealing with a pass rush than another back because it generally widens the rush lanes for edge rushers. Most protection schemes now tend to count the number of potential rushers in the box and add blockers as needed, which is why you see Feoli-Gudino/Watson or Moore pass blocking sometimes too. Nothing wrong with moving to a Tight End that can make the occasional catch full time. Keeping Willy upright over the course of the season is the Bombers ticket to the playoffs. Without him they're going nowhere and I hope they take his protection seriously. I've watched 6 games so far this year and find it hard to believe the amount of abuse the QB's who are the leagues lifeblood are taking. I don't think it can be blamed entirely on poor O-Lines as the Etch-esque blitz packages seem to be doing the most damage. What Willis did to Collaros whether legal or not does the league no good if Collaros is out for 6 weeks with concussion symptoms. We all want the CFL to survive and prosper and to do so they need to protect their biggest assets better.
  8. I figure he might have got us two more wins but he also may have ended up being injured.
  9. As well as Grigsby has been running to date I think Cotton would smoke him. Cotton was far and away the best "participating" RB in camp and he has the added bonus of being a fantastic kick returner. As far as blocking goes who knows which is best, as I recall Will Ford wasn't so great at that either.
  10. Just imagine if the Bombers had acquired Drew Willy last year around mid-season and played him in place of Max Hall to finish out the season. Hypothetically speaking how do you think he would have fared?
  11. I think the Bomber O-Line has played fairly well so far but it did suffer when Greaves went down last week. The real issue is picking up the blitz when the O-Line is outnumbered and this falls to the backs. I wish the Bombers would seriously consider sacrificing a receiver position to add another full time back whose exclusive purpose was to protect Willy. Volny, Fitzgerald, whoever, just pick the best blocking National on the roster and stick him back there as Willy's personal bodyguard. Dan Knapp would be fun but he has the wrong passport. Protects Willy from injury and also buys him a bit more time to pick his target.
  12. I wouldn't put good money on that bet. No indication either of the Bomber backups can move the ball consistently other than their brief appearances in pre-season which means little. Montreal has a pretty good pass rush as well so they wouldn't have much time to figure out what to do with the ball.
  13. Looks like Montreal may not be as bad as people hoped, could be a close game as next weekend as Troy Smith is starting to make plays with his legs. I can see a younger version of Burris in his skill set but he has nowhere near the same composure as Henry at this point.
  14. I question this positioning as well as it seems to have reduced the effectiveness of both Kohlert and Denmark. I guess in the end it's the team game that's most important and the receiver workload is being spread around better than it was last year..
  15. Still wish he would get some tattoos. If he's going to continue to play like **** at least he can look tougher on the TSN promos.
  16. If Greaves is out, my guess is Goossen & centre with Morley & Neufeld at guard. I was surprised the Bombers didn't do that immediately after Greaves was injured. Goosen looks small out thre when compared to Morley.
  17. Watch the post season press conference on the Bombers site. Willy was not shook up he said he'll be ready to go for the next game.
  18. Willy took a real beating on the field though, and for a while it looked like his hand injury might derail the whole thing, can you blame fans for wanting to see the qb that is finally putting an offense worth watching on the field be protected better? I agree that protecting Willy should be the highest priority and I think it might be worth sacrificing a receiver position for a permanent TE or extra blocking RB to do so, Volny, Fitzgerald, etc.. At least i would like to see it tried for a game or two to gauge the results. So far Willy has proven that he is very effective when he is given enough time to operate and I don't think that reducing his receiver count by one will have a drastic effect. I think this goes beyond fixing or improving the O-Line as the solutions to that problem are too limited. The danger to his health stems from blitz packages. Plus having a second back only strengthens the running game which is always my preference when the games are tight and they need to gut it out. This whole season is riding on Willy's shoulders and to allow him to be ravaged like he was last night seems stupidly risky., just imagine what Sask.or Calgary will be able do to him. At least they have some time to prepare for those two teams. If he continues to be pounded eventually he will be injured and than this little party we have going on will be over. No way Brohm or Marve are going to step in and continue the victory parade.
  19. Most of the CFL players who try to land on an NFL roster have to go through numerous tryout camps trying to qualify and I would think less than 50% of those who try actually catch on. I think it's the players and their agents driving this process as the scenario of an NFL team chasing after a CFL player seems pretty far removed from the reality. Is there any other example of this happening other than Cameron Wake? Even a standout like Muamba had no actual suitors even after a few years of great play, I believe it was his initiative that eventually landed him a spot with the Colts. Should the Colts compensate the Bombers for developing him??? Maybe...but it's hard to comprehend what the rules of such an agreement would look like. No they don't. They might have a workout with a team, but I think you're confusing OTA's with tryout camps, which they are to a point for rookies to earn a spot into the main training camp, but the guys in OTA's are on NFL contracts. Why is it "pretty far removed for reality" for NFL teams to have interest in CFL players? Most of the guys in the CFL have already spent time with NFL teams, even played in regular season NFL games and just on the fringe of being a NFL player. Guess what, 3/4 players are on that fringe. You could drop 100 CFLers into the NFL tomorrow and nobody would notice a difference. This is not an discussion about comparing the quality of CFL players to NFL players this is more to do with the legal issues surrounding contracts. Sure the NFL teams are interested in good CFL players but rarely do they take the initiative to "go shopping" for them on a CFL roster. The trend so far has been to wait for the off season when CFL players free of contract pursue opportunities in NFL training camps. I think what this article is outlining is potential changes to that system were the terms of a contract could be interrupted or bought out.
  20. Most of the CFL players who try to land on an NFL roster have to go through numerous tryout camps trying to qualify and I would think less than 50% of those who try actually catch on. I think it's the players and their agents driving this process as the scenario of an NFL team chasing after a CFL player seems pretty far removed from the reality. Is there any other example of this happening other than Cameron Wake? Even a standout like Muamba had no actual suitors even after a few years of great play, I believe it was his initiative that eventually landed him a spot with the Colts. Should the Colts compensate the Bombers for developing him??? Maybe...but it's hard to comprehend what the rules of such an agreement would look like.
  21. The fact that Wally is resigned to it eventually happening probably means that it's already on it's way. I hope the NFL team's have the decency to wait for the season to end before buying out a player. Before the CFL allows this to happen I hope they put their heads together with the NFL to make sure this is a benefit to both leagues and not just a sell off of assets. As for the players they're going to agree to anything just to get that shot in the NFL and I think they've been pushing this agenda all along. Don't believe for a minute they give a hoot about the long term survival of the CFL.
  22. Good artcle in the Vancouver Province which sugests the eleimination of waivers in the latest C.B.A. will lead to the direct sale of players. http://www.theprovince.com/sports/football/bc-lions/paving+towards+sale+players/9991463/story.html
  23. Hard enough to identify the players as it is now, with that style face maske it would make it seem like you're watching a video game.
  24. Yah, I wouldn't underestimate their coaching staff, that's one thing Marcel Desjardins got right.
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