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Fatty Liver

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Everything posted by Fatty Liver

  1. Who would Matthews replace on the Bomber roster? Moore, Kelly or Denmark....I say, nay, nay, nay. If we did get him back he would be great trade bait to acquire Allen from Sask. though.
  2. Somebody has to take Woods aside and convince him not to be a pile driver. No other returner in the league subjects themselves to the kind of shots Woods takes and he brings it on himself by running headlong into the tacklers like a little ram. He didn't make it through last year with that style and I can't see him lasting this year either. He's a valuable component of the team and he'll be far more effective if he can stay healthy throughout the season.
  3. I think Woods may have needed a bit of recovery time from some of those head on hits he sustained tonight. That's the only reason I can think that Washington was in there. What happened to Stoudermire? Thought I saw his name on the depth chart.
  4. I like to start the night with a ceasar, not something you can go all night with. Caesar, ceasar, vodka red bull, vodka and sprite/sev/oj then a ceasar then a rock star vodka.. Then your primed and anything becomes the next option... Normally patrone or any other shootable stuff.. If I drank that kind of **** I'd end up floating face down in the lake and the lake is over 100 kms away!
  5. We can send the youtube footage out on the field if necessary. Still more likely to win then boltus I'll never forgive Marcel B. for his decision to continually use Boltus on short yardage when Goltz was sitting on the bench sulking. That decision was beyond stupid and is as much on Marcel as it is on Burke.
  6. It should be merged with the Whisky drinking discussion going on in the GDT thread, as dealing with BB losses is were we developed our expertise.
  7. So he pours his dirty finger water in his whiskey with no objections, but the first glassful is just trash, tainted by the invisible forces of whatever might have touched the glass? I object, that man does not have dirty fingers. Consider that he earns his living with his nose!
  8. One more bit of advice don't pollute your Whisky with coke! This guy will show you the ropes.
  9. I can finally rejoin the chat...looking forward to tipping a few and enjoying what should be a really good football game. The debate now: Whisky from the 66 we brought back from Grand Forks, or one of the Winnipeg micro-brews we brought back from the MLCC. Half Pints, Farmery and Fort Garry all stocked up at the house...hmmm... You couldn't make a bad choice if you tried. you don't know that, it could be crown. The **** is wrong with crown? it's an awful whiskey how do you figure? I'm not going to claim it's the only whiskey or the best whiskey, but awful is pretty strong words. You're missing the boat if your drinking any of the popular Rye Whisky. If you like Crown Royal move on up to Wiser's Small Batch or Forty Creek Copper Pot, Trickle Creek is also very nice. If you want a real Canadian Whisky go for Lot 40. All of these are priced moderately above the standard fare but much better products. If you want to drink the whole bottle without sharing go for Wiser's Legacy. Believe me I'm a research scientist when it comes to Canadian Whisky.
  10. Nor Suber or Markett. If they'vre inserting Stoudemire ahead of them their future looks bleak.
  11. LaPo has a good gig going on TSN and he's getting more exposure on the panel now. IMO he'd be foolish to give that up to go back to coaching especially if he has a young family.
  12. I'd put my money on Wade Miller being a sentimental fellow as our ace in the hole for bringing back the Royal Blues.
  13. good article, thanks. Try to even imagine living his life. You can't. It is true that he's had a hard life. No doubt about that, but the only one who can turn it around is himself. According to the article, several people have tried to help him, but he keeps making bad choices. Getting into fights, drunk driving, trouble with the law, idolizing the wrong people. He's made plenty of wrong choices, including using a rare NFL pay cheque to buy 70 pairs of sneakers. I know several kids who are from low income broken homes that make better choices, and who have been able to move forward dispite disadvantages. He has to take responsibility for his actions....he isn't a child anymore. I think Jovon Johnson has a similar background with 3 or 4 family members being killed so far, difference is Jovon had the brains to use athletics to get out and stay out of trouble.
  14. Here is an article about Taj from the NY Times. Pretty F'd up life. 8 kids and no mention of a pop. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/24/sports/football/visions-of-the-past-propel-colts-taj-smith-forward.html?pagewanted=all&_r=1&
  15. Think about it. If 40% of Rider fans think that the Bombers are going to win, that's pretty good. I take it as a compliment as usually there would be less than 2% picking the Bombers.
  16. Now this, I don't get? Well, I kind of do because it's Rider fans and they can be a bit low in the IQ department. Last year, it didn't matter who we played, cause WE were the garbage team (and this so called 'garbage' team kicked their everloving a$$es all over IGF in our only home win of the year last year). What a bunch of ignoramuses they are. A win is a win is a win - and I wouldn't call Hamilton 'garbage' they've been improving every week, just got off to a very shaky start. Ottawa - very motivated in their first ever game (as expected). Montreal - they were coming off a win and also very motivated. Sk has looked like garbage more than once this season, but I wouldn't call them a 'garbage' team. Bombers are full value for their 5 - 1 record (including the loss they got their a$$es kicked by the 'smos that wasn't a "oh if we got this call or made this catch" type of game). What I mean by that - as much as they deserved to lose to Edmonton, they deserved to win the other 5 games. I have half a mind (I know I know too much credit I'm giving myself there) to head over to riderville and spew out some nonsense but frankly, waste of my time (i'd much rather waste it here). All that being said - I'm picking SK to win, but won't be the least bit surprised if we smoke 'em Thursday Surprisingly about 40% of the posters in Riderville are predicting a BB victory due to injuries, IGF and a shortened week of preparation.
  17. Bomber front four is incapable of creating that pressure on their own. They will need the front 7 plus the occasional DB to effectively get to Durant. 2013 Banjo bowl is the template.
  18. Pull out the film from last years Banjo Bowl, the Bomber D really rattled Durant's cage with blitzes galore. If Casey Creehan's D can do that imagine what Etch's D can do! Durante is Kevin Glenn 2.0.
  19. It'll be interesting to see which QB's are coming up for free agency next off-season. My guess is that both Glenn and Lefevour might be available by seasons end depending how this year plays out.
  20. Don't think they would take a WR off the field and replace with a RB. If Cotton was in than someone had to come out.
  21. Well it had to be a slot back so that leaves us with JFG or Bryant as i doubt they would have taken out Denmark or Kelly.
  22. Even with low offencive production the BB been able to squeek out victories with very little comfort zone except against EE. Low offensive production? We lead the league in most points scored per game, even with the game against Edmonton. Could the offence get more efficient? Sure. But to say that the production is low is flat out wrong. Yup. We are the highest scoring but we are also giving up a lot. So we either need to shut the other team down on defence or turn those FGs into TDs! Right. The Hamilton game should be a cause for concern because the Ti-Cats should have been down and out of it by half-time and our backup QB's should have been in getting valuable game experience by the 4th Q. Instead it took a minor-miracle to win the game. Hopefully the red-zone offence improves because the BB can't expect to have many of these miracle finishes left in their bag.
  23. I think the Bombers are eventually going to step into a bears den and get blown out sooner or later but so far the D has kept the score down in every game. Even with low offencive production the BB have been able to squeek out victories with very little comfort zone except against EE. Statistically other then the first Argo. game the offence has had trouble scoring TD's and this is going to be problematic. If another team manages to put 30 pts. on the board the BB may not be able to keep pace.
  24. The most logical explanation is they took an american receiver off since you know, to get another offensive weapon on you need to take one out. Thanks, but looking for a more specific answer as in which receiver they removed? My guess is Bryant.
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