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Fatty Liver

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Everything posted by Fatty Liver

  1. According to Doug Brown the fundamentals of football dictate that the first guys job is always to wrap up or contain the ball carrier and the second and third tacklers go for the ball.
  2. I just can't figure this out. Here we have a guy that is leading the league and a 4.7 yd average but many are still not satisfied. I must be missing something obviously. Of course our Oline has nothing to do with this. Why is it that Willy is also ineffective at the same time? Might it be the line is not protecting Willy just like it is not opening holes. Holy jeebus, it just dawned on me. Willy probably contracted a dose of Durant's "useless w.o. a great RB disease" before he came over to the Bombers. The medical staff should have picked that up prior to T.C. Luckily it's a mild dose and it can probably be treated with a moderate prescription of penicillin.
  3. The biggest change in the Esks I can see is Jones & coaching staff ... not sure what all has changed personnel wise ... its been quite a turn around and I don't understand why As we discovered with the Bombers a lot of the pieces were already in place, sometimes it's just a matter of a few key players and coaches to turn a team of losers into winners.
  4. I think this nails it. When the Bomber scouts were searching the backwoods of America for a RB I think they went shopping in all the wrong stores. Considering their O-line woes they should have been looking for bruisers instead of ballerinas. The talents needed to succeed in this offensive scheme have to be grit, heart and determination over break away speed and open field running. In theory the second is more pleasant to think about but it neglects the fact that first of all football is a tough physical game. Grigsby runs beautifully, just like his TSN promo piece showed us but that only happens when he is running in a straight line and there is no one around to lay a hand on him.
  5. Being a rookie H.C. I think O'Shea has to learn to coach conservatively and patiently and wait for breaks to happen instead of tempting fate by taking unnecessary risks. If either one of those punts from the end-zone or the fake punt play to Sherman ends up in a TD for the Als it would be deemed a needless risk to take in a tight game that could go either way. IMO you don't worry about giving up 2 pt. safeties in the first half if it is the smart play to make. I'm wary of O'Shea coaching like he has a potent offence that can get the Bombers back into games, because at this point he doesn't and I hope he's aware of that. The BB seem to have the ability to squeak out victories but recently the offence has not shown the ability to light it up on demand and a 14 pt. deficit may well be lights out for them. It might work against weaker opponents but If he continues to take chances in the second half of the season some of the Western rivals could put the Bombers down on the canvas by capitalizing on his needless gambles.
  6. It's hard to say what was going on in the 4th Q but it seems the Bombers either made adjustments to their run game or the Als D fell asleep when watching the films of the Bombers last two losses.
  7. Is not that call from someone in the booth watching the replay who then relays it to the coach? Might as well call MOS on the challenge that on a replay screamed out DON'T CHALLENGE THIS ONE! Both good and bad,,,we won but we beat an Eastern team that does not play in Toronto,. O'Shea explained in the CJOB post-game show that he knew he wouldn't get that call but he wanted to slow down the Als momentum and give his D a breather.
  8. Yes you will never make a prediction when you play the wait and see game predictions are about what we think ... they are not about "not being wrong" so you can be right we have thoughts and judgment ,,, we don;t need to hide them if we are humble and truth seeking I suspect you're not really a chimpanzee.
  9. Clarence flies low, don't be surprised if he leads the league in yards at the end of the season. This is an amazing link....so beautiful. http://cfl.ca/statistics/list/year/2014
  10. Willy seems to be moving away from Kelly and that makes him invisible, just like last season. People on here will soon be calling for his replacement even though he has proven what he can do when the ball is thrown in his vicinity. Expected the O to break out tonight but it really stumbled, not sure what it's going to take to get it firing on all cylinders.
  11. I nominate Denmark as the Bombers best receiver. Hopefully Walters can get him extended before he becomes a Free Agent.
  12. One thing that hasn't been mentioned is that this was the Als short week so it could be their D was gassed late in the game when Grigsby started to accumulate.
  13. I think it was good strategy to take Grigsby out for the 3rd Q and give Cotton a chance. Certainly gave the running game a kick start, hopefully they continue to do this in upcoming games.
  14. Pppffftt....don't be ridiculous, that would never work. Could swear this is Arnold Horshack.
  15. Smart for which side? Didn't think the Als were lacking at O-Line and I'd be surprised if they were stupid enough to throw in a first round draft pick plus Green for Picard. Als should be be trying to find a QB first of all.
  16. Hard to say who the top paid Intl. RB in the league would be but probably doesn't come near what Cornish would earn nor Harris behind him. Seeing as they're both Natls. that kind of skews things. Sheets might like to think he deserves Cornish's pay but his passport and 9 G.M.'s would probably tell him he doesn't. Ottawa just showed Chevon Walker a lot of love by extending his contract so maybe that makes him the top earner amongst Intl. RBs. I doubt any of these guys earn more than $120,000 unless they can prove they're the next Mike Pringle.
  17. Yes. The new Commissioner should be someone with strong ties in Southern Ontario and some charisma. IMO Commissioners don't need to have strong sporting backgrounds as long as they are long time fans/supporters and have good political and private sector connections. I guess that rules out Mean Mr. Harper for the position. He may be looking for a new job in the near future and he appears to be a football fan.
  18. Good point. May be attributable to the particular co-ordinator's wishes? I'm shocked that we're half way through the season and we have not seen a patented O'Shea "trick play" on special teams yet. Unless you consider Washington fumbles as "trick plays"....
  19. In the CFL you can't always put your horse before the carriage. Should be some good O-liners shaking free with the NFL cuts and besides Zach's bros. is already on his way to Domi-Nation!
  20. Can't see it. Who other than the RR do you think would throw in a bid?
  21. It looks like both Dressler and Sheets will be headed back to the CFL at some point in the near future. Riders can't afford to sign both and consensus is they need Dressler more than Sheets. Can't think of too many other teams that are short of performance at RB this year so there shouldn't be much competition plus the Bombers should have plenty of cap space. What price could Sheets command, $120,000? What are the odds Walters makes a play for him? OTH without holes to run through he may look entirely average.
  22. Pppffftt....don't be ridiculous, that would never work.
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