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Everything posted by bb1

  1. Well you can tell football is a coming cause the fans they are a getting restless lol....
  2. I don't think anyone wants them to be called out, just to earn their starting status with good play or your butt should be on the bench don't see enough of that from MOS imo.
  3. Hats off to the real heroes, those fans that stick by this team no matter what. The CFL ìs the only league left that really stirs my heart,players that play not just for the big payday. It's nice to hear some good news for the Big Blue.?
  4. Normally I would disagree cause it was a nothing game and we went from 8.5 to 6.5 but they stormed back against a very good team that still needed the win. It's more like really we picked now to go on a 4 game winning streak lol we can't win for winning ??
  5. Peach being released kinda makes me feel warm and fuzzy for some reason....
  6. I liked Lirim and think he just had an off year wish would could of kept him around got a feeling we are going to regret losing him in a couple of years.
  7. Well I admire that he chose to ride out what he started here but I think in the long run probably not the best choice for him and his family.
  8. Well its easy to say now I know but we should of signed a couple of cheap vets just in case these youngster didn't work out.
  9. **** they should send that useless Burmistrov down before Lowry.At least Lowery hits.
  10. I think Allen would at least make good tc fodder.
  11. I'm nuetral on Cortez but that's a bit harsh.What's missing from his approach that reflects today's game? Being grumpy and over the hill as someone else remarked isn't really a reason. Most coaches are grumpy all the time. Age is not a factor imo. Yeah I wouldn't call Belichick a happy go lucky kind of guy.
  12. Ya know Chris Jones is supposed to be a prickly **** to work with,yet he can get his whole staff to follow him? Must be doing something right. Don't understand the Jones hate. All he does is win.
  13. That's funny shouldn't we be envying a winning team as well? Hell I'm ready to envy any CFL team that gets to .500
  14. You should. The CFL is a constantly evolving league. Would you want Wally Buono as a head coach these days? I sure wouldn't. Why? Because the game has passed him by, and there's an argument to be made that the same thing has happened to Cortez. Cortez wouldn't be my first choice. Like I said ... if Willy likes him enough, fine. But I'm wary of hiring him. Whoa I'd take Buono over MOS any day of the week not even close.
  15. Kind of funny for someone who was perceived to be a hard ass,MOS is anything but. I wonder if Pinball really was his biggest influence.
  16. Whatever Huff wants I'd give him.Throw in CEO if he wants it.
  17. Y is it I can watch USA university football on a dozen channels but I can't watch Canadian playoff football on any channel but sports net 360?
  18. Nope don't see it. Hammy has nothing at QB All Hank has to do is play ok and the Red Blacks will win.Even bad Hank is better than what Hammy has at QB right now.
  19. We having trouble scoring might be time to move Buff up again.Then we can dress Hardy and maybe bring up Harrison to be better defensively. Oh yeah and trade Burmi ass while he still might be worth something.
  20. Anyone who can get more Good Hank than bad deserves a long look in my book.But as a OC only y would he leave the Redblacks for us? Unless we throw in associate head coach?
  21. Not sure y they are sitting Petan and dressing Burmi.Unless they are showcasing him on the 4 line.☺
  22. Hey if enjoying a forum is only seeing like minded opinions that's totally up to you.If we were all rah rah we could go 0-18 every year and just gather in a circle and sing praise be Blue!☺It has nothing to do with "rah-rah". It has to do with some people contributing nothing but whining about how bad the team is. I'm quite willing to except that this team has a lot of warts and if people want to discuss those warts intelligently, I'm all for it. If, on the other hand, people just want to ***** non stop in every thread they can, adding nothing of value to the conversations whatsoever, there's no intelligent discussion to be had so... off to the ignore list they go.Completely agree!But being a mod I get to witness the forum in all its unadulterated glory. But that is kinda the point ,good,bad ,unpopular really it's a forum,just opinions we are just slinging and seeing what sticks.But again if your bothered by opinions be it constant anything aren't you taking this forum a little too seriously? Just my opinion no harm meant Some people just don't offer anything of any value. Nothing to do with being serious or not. There are posters who put a negative slant to everything, so if the bombers sign someone, they overpaid because that's the only way to bring someone here. If we don't sign someone it's because we're cheap and won't pay. If the GM or coach does something right it's only because it was the horribly obvious option that couldn't be missed on. It gots on and on. Some posters just have no clue, and will show it by doing things like referencing cflcapgeek as a valid source of information Some posters will compare trash every move the bombers make, and wish we had made a move more like something the Stampeders do. Some posters are willing to engage in actual discussion. Some of them have excellent football knowledge and provide insight that isn't found behind the paywall of the free press. Some of them even disagree with each other, but can have a reasoned discussion. If I can ignore the ones who add nothing to focus on those that do, that's the choice I'll make. And I thank the many posters who do have something to contribute. I also have no issue with you stating your disagreement, it's not about if we agree or disagree, often it's about how we agree or disagree. You make some good if not harsh points.
  23. I'd do that trade in a heartbeat.I still think that the way Burmi has been handed a job has hurt our team chemistry.
  24. Hey if enjoying a forum is only seeing like minded opinions that's totally up to you.If we were all rah rah we could go 0-18 every year and just gather in a circle and sing praise be Blue!☺ It has nothing to do with "rah-rah". It has to do with some people contributing nothing but whining about how bad the team is. I'm quite willing to except that this team has a lot of warts and if people want to discuss those warts intelligently, I'm all for it. If, on the other hand, people just want to ***** non stop in every thread they can, adding nothing of value to the conversations whatsoever, there's no intelligent discussion to be had so... off to the ignore list they go. Completely agree!But being a mod I get to witness the forum in all its unadulterated glory. But that is kinda the point ,good,bad ,unpopular really it's a forum,just opinions we are just slinging and seeing what sticks.But again if your bothered by opinions be it constant anything aren't you taking this forum a little too seriously? Just my opinion no harm meant
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