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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. Yeah, anyone who follows the CFL should have known it would be a disaster. I know most people were surprised that it actually was implemented, but I actually expected more from the media warning about what a gongshow it would be. But for some reason most of the sports media has a lust for more video replay in any and all situations in all sports.
  2. So Reebok really likes the big logo on the front hey. At what point does it stop being daring and innovative? When every team has it done in the exact same way?
  3. I think Wild got hurt on the TD run where he was mugged from behind so obviously even Suitor was surprised. And Willy got hurt on a play with an obvious offside that should have at least negated the fumble. So in other words, typical CFL game.
  4. Crompton is a weirdo. Like Drew Tate's less talented brother.
  5. A lot of people thought they were just asking to be embarassed with those billboards. And they were.
  6. I'll never understand why the NFL tests for marijuana. Talk about having their priorities all messed up when a pot smoker gets suspended longer then a drunk driver or a wife beater. Again, I'm pretty sure the punishment for a DUI or beating your wife as a first offense is more serious than the first marijuana offense. In fact, I think that after your first positive drug test you don't get punished at all publicly. You're just then "in the system". All the comparisons of players suspended for drugs for a year with players with DUIs and assault charges are kind of dishonest. Even though that's all I get when I google "NFL marijuana testing policy".
  7. Has any Rider fan in history ever disagreed with anything the organization has done? Or did that just start in 2007? I bet they were all supportive of Eric Tillman too until he left the team.
  8. To be fair, this would have to be like the 4th time he tested positive for pot I think.
  9. It's good for him. It's bad for the rest of us now b/c now, assuming he doesn't play, we'll have to see 10k closeups of him on the Rider sidelines during the game this weekend. Isn't that exactly what happened when Fantuz came back a few years ago? He was on the sidelines for the Labor Day game the day after he signed.
  10. How can you really apply it to a guy without a contract though? Player X has no contract, therefore is unable to serve suspension. If he is unable to serve his suspension, why should the CFL be expected to honor it? It's a catch 22 until the NFL says that the suspension clock is still ticking if you're not under contract, which it totally should. So if Brazill ever wants to play in the NFL again a team would have to sign him for year in which he couldn't play first? That is ridiculous. Both leagues need me to rewrite their suspension rules.
  11. But he is still suspended. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
  12. Those kinds of rules don't apply to Braley owned teams. We've seen that before.
  13. It's all in good fun, but... Doesn't it seem a bit lame when they're coming off a grey cup win and have been good for a while now, and the Bombers are just recovering (hopefully) from an incredible string of one gong show after another? I mean I know no one ever accused that organization or their fans of having class, but still. And I'm sure they were all but hurt and fired up over the "1-7 7-1" signs from that brief shining moment of Bomber history a few years back. It's like if the Blackhawks started publicly making fun of the jets for their lack of playoff success. People would just wonder what the point is and ask why they're so insecure.
  14. The people getting all offended about Cotton sound like we used to when trying to convince ourselves that all our crappy QBs might yet get good. We did it with Jyles, Brink , Elliott, Goltz, Hall. Then Willy comes in and it's immediately obvious hes far better than any of those guys. So my point is that if Cotton was anything special chances are we would have seen it by now in the regular season, and not just a handful of decent runs in the preseason where it just looked like he almost broke off a long one.
  15. Because they see them all in practise too. And they take into account things like blocking and receiving I'd imagine.
  16. Too bad. He brought some much needed professionalism and legitimacy to the commissioner position. Maybe the next guy will even be able to suspend players.
  17. Weird. Coulda sworn I saw a Facebook post of his that had him in the bears dressing room with his gear... Sigh, now I gotta go verify lol**edit** Knew I wasn't losing my mind.. As of August 16th on his Facebook account, "blessed with opportunity" with a picture of him with a name placard, #13 and in Nike bears shorts n a shirt... Dunno how to post pics so can't post it tho.. So we were both right? Perfect! I can't find any news story or see him on the Bears website though, so I wonder if they're just giving him a workout or something. No idea if that happens in the middle of the preseason or not.
  18. Jerseys don't make football fans, an entertaining product on the field and at the stadiums does. This is a cash grab plain and simple. Are you mad and/or surprised that CFL teams are trying to make as much money as they can?
  19. There's only 8 other teams. Even if they refuse to use the Bombers actual colors, not sure why they have to exactly match another team's. But whatever, as far as gimmicky uniforms go, this is not the worst start. At least it's not plaid or watermelon seeds!
  20. I've been following the Bears pretty closely and I am quite sure Prechae Rodriguez hasn't been with them at all. Unless they signed him this weekend. Looks like he's been playing arena football the last few years.
  21. That helmet is hilarious. Needs a soft flannel covering to decrease the chance of concussions.
  22. Both those guys should have been. Is Carr still in the league?
  23. Can we turn this into a Hutterite Q&A thread? I'm from a smaller mennonite town and have had plenty of interactions with different colonies through the years, but never in a position to just pester them about their lifestyle. And I am pretty sure a LOT of what I've learned through the years is either BS or exaggerrated. The same way a lot of what other people think of Mennonites is. For example, I had no idea there was a TV. I assumed that TV was frowned upon, and only watched "in private".
  24. I thought Bryant still looked plenty fast to me. I still don't like him though.
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