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Posts posted by TrueBlue4ever




    Based strictly on the ratio of TVs to tables, go to the Shark Club...

    Is the Shark Club in Winnipeg as ****** baggy as in Calgary?

    I've never been to the one in CGY, but I will go with YES



    I've also never been to the one in Calgary, but YES.


    Having been dragged to both clubs here and in Calgary, I can say although the d-bag quotient is significant here, it does not match Calgary levels even on it's worst day. But not surprising, since I find that things associated with Alberta pretty much automatically are always higher on the d-bag scale.



    B.S. assessment...I don't know what parameters they're using but it seems like a lot of schmoozing of certain clubs...crapolla..


    B.S. assessment...I don't know what parameters they're using but it seems like a lot of schmoozing of certain clubs...crapolla..



    I think the break down of players per team went something like this.


    CGY 7

    EDM. 7

    SASK. 7

    HAM. 6

    MTL. 6

    TOR. 6

    B.C. 6

    WPG. 5

    OTT. 5


    I only see 4 Winnipeg players on the list, and Bryant didn't even play for Winnipeg last year...so.....


    That's 55 players you've added up. When did you move to Saskatchewan? ;)


    Calgary, Edmonton and Saskatchewan - 7 each

    Hamilton and Montreal - 6 each

    Toronto and BC - 5 each

    Winnipeg - 4

    Ottawa - 3

  3. This ongoing debate just seems like the strangest thing to me.


    Here's what the coaches want - to call a play and have the QB execute that play.


    The current positioning of QBs on our roster very accurately reflects their ability to do that.


    Coaches also understand that plays break down and QBs will have to take matters into their own hands.  They want these occurrences to be in the minority, not multiple times per series.


    If the coaches want their QBs to "go wing it" on almost every play, then they are being mule-headed, because Marve is easily best at that.


    Marve has a special set of athletic skills.  Hopefully the mental side of it catches up.  That is not an insult to his intelligence.  Dunnigan said he didn't feel entirely comfortable in the CFL game until his 7th year in the league.  It doesn't work to make a QB in the microwave.

    All of the other debate aside, one thing I noticed that no one has brought up yet:


    On the one series of plays in the first quarter where Marve was brought in and did run the plays exactly the way the coaches wanted them run, it was the QB sneak at the goal line. And he struggled mightily. Not sure where the blame lies, but it was so predictable it was frustrating to watch. he doesn't take the ball and just push the pile behind centre, he likes to take it left or right for about 3-5 steps before cutting in, and the club has run the same play every time in goal line situations with him going back to last year. Teams have figured it out now (they started to last year, IMO) and rather than plunge over the centre the linebackers just hold back, read which way Marve runs and then collapse the line on that side, and he hasn't shown great strength in pushing the line forward. Hope either he changes his approach, the club disguises it better, or they just leave Willy in to give the illusion of a pass. That's one area I thought Portis looked OK in as a big QB who could surge on a QB keeper. Just my 2 cents, any other opinions?

  4. I can't wait until the regular season starts, preseason crowd is ... bad.


    Some guy in my row shoved me out of the way because he tried to walk by my seat in the middle of a play and I asked him to wait until the play was over. :lol:

    Some drunk kid did the same to me in my row. He was scrounging for empty beer cups to add to the beer snake and was messing around by people's feet until our patience was lost and he was "kindly" asked to leave.


    I'm all for harmless fun, but if this is what the return of the beer snake is going to result in (again!) every game then consider me unimpressed. Just wait until the dismantling of the snake leads to another cup throwing spectacle, and the club will ban it faster than Robert Marve abandons his progression reads and takes off running.

  5. So....are you guys saying you don't have tickets for sale?

    Comedy geek, I got the FREE buddy voucher tickets, but have already offered them out to another party. And no, I'm not charging them money for a ticket I got FOR FREE. However, if they fall through, I'd be happy to offer them up to you as I have no need for the extra tickets myself (using my own 2). I'll know by day's end if they are committing to them or not, so I'll p.m. you if the tickets open up.


    The point is that if you want to get a ticket to something you gotta pay the price for it. Begging for a discount is just really lame. Don't like the price don't go, but begging? Might as well get a piece of cardboard and a sharpie and find a good street corner. 

    I have never understood how it can be socially acceptable to say "I'm poor" ....I mean, I've been relatively poor when I was in my early 20s, but I can't think of anything more embarrassing to actually admit in public. Honestly. If you can't afford something, then keep quiet about it, but to out-and-out beg for something and say "I'm poor, give me something free or drastically discounted..." ?? I can't imagine something worse...


    I can think of worse things. Like shaming someone for being poor, and calling them an embarrassment.

  7. I would assume that with 5 channels if they wanted to broadcast the game they already would have been. I haven't checked the schedule, but I assume they didn't have 5 different things scheduled.


    With that said, I will hold out a small amount of hope that they'll broadcast it, but not expecting it.

    That 5 channels thing is a bit of a myth. They have TSN 1, which is just the new name for TSN. TSN 2 is the same as it has been since it was created - secondary programming to complement TSN when two live events are shown at the same time. TSN's 3, 4 and 5 are really just regional channels (for Winnipeg, Ottawa and Montreal) that broadcast the same thing as TSN 95% of the time, and almost always only deviate when there is a local event (Jets, Sens or Habs hockey) shown only in that region (then we get blackouts of TSN 4 and 5). So they really are still only using 2 channels for TSN - the most I've ever seen is 3 different types of events on the different channels that you would consider "national" broadcasts. Kind of a pointless exercise expanding the channels like that, IMO. And despite what TSN and my cable company promised me, I don't get all 5 channels with the same cable subscription I had signed up for when they only had the 2 channels. My former TSN feed has now become TSN 3, and I don't have access to the main network anymore! Fortunately, as noted above, 95% of the time it isn't a problem because they are showing the same thing on 1 and 3 (and 4 and 5 for that matter).


    Who's the last experienced NI the Bombers signed as a free agent who actually met or exceeded expectations?




    For established players we took from other teams, I'd agree with Morley. For any NI free agent, it would be Lirim Hajrullahu. After all of the kicking woes since Jon Ryan left for the NFL, can't believe he fell into our laps without another team snapping him up.


    I give Bauer credit for the work he did with the finances, but I think it's incorrect to assume that someone else couldn't have done similar.

    That's what I was going to say also.

    It's Bauer's interference with the actual football operations that derailed our team...for a long period of time.


    Fair points, both of you. And thanks for correcting me on the hiring time frame. My bad.








    Lawless said yesterday that Jabar Westerman is on the trade block again. Apparently he got himself in more trouble.


    Im a sucker for family reunion. I hope KW trade for him.


    Two words - Cauchy Muamba.



    LOL - we know Jabar Westerman is not Cauchy Muamba


    Yah, I know, just trying to temper the MBB circle jerk mentality of "his brother is great so he must be great - we have to sign him" that was prevalent when Henoc Muamba was around (or when Brett Cameron was going to be the next CFL all-star punter, so we had to trade up to draft him). Sign him if the skills (and any off-field baggage issues) justify it, not because he shares DNA traits with another player. Family ties do not ensure greatness, just ask Brett Gretzky.


    Well at the time it wasn't JUST that Henoc was good so people figured Cauchy must be good too, Cauchy was seen as a decent safety as well. He didn't progress and the rest is history but it wasn't just a case of getting a brother here because of the family name. 


    Yes he was.......by Joe Mack. 'Nuff said.


    by everyone, I swear the amount of revisionist history that goes on around these parts is insane. 


    Speaking of revisionist history, take a look at your old posts on Cauchy. You thought he was anything but decent, citing his inability to think on the field or read defences as his fundamental flaws.


    But insisting that everyone thought he was decent proves precisely my initial point, that people bought into the myth of Muamba. There was massive speculation that the only reason he was brought in was to entice Henoc to sign a long-term extension and avoid the NFL, which is exactly "a case of getting brother here because of the family name". Mack wouldn't want to admit he'd signed a poor player to a $100,000 dollar contract just to sway his brother while better players were out there, so of course the club sold a bill of goods about how decent he was (Wally Buono letting him walk away scott free notwithstanding). And many posters [you say everyone, but read a few posts down from yours and you'll see at least 5 others (and counting?) who already don't agree] picked up the torch and sang the same song, because they wanted to believe. Wanted to believe that a GM would have some reason other than simply taking a flier on a lousy player as a ploy to keep one other good player from walking. Wanted to believe that he actually was a shrewd judge of talent (I guess we all know how he fared there, don't we?). On a larger scale, wanted to believe in Mack's vision, I guess. Maybe even staked their credibility on it as posters. So they told themselves that he was decent, and not just a stooge brought in to bribe Henoc into staying.


    At least I really hope so, because if it WAS because Mack (and those posters) truly saw a good player, then that is really telling about how bad he (and those posters) are about assessing talent. The posters I can forgive, because as fans our desire to see everything in its best light because we want the best for OUR team will blind us to uncomfortable truths at times. But a GM whose sole job it is to build a winner, not so much.


    Now personally, Westerman the BC player would intrigue me. Frankly, he has since Buono schooled us at the draft and moved up to take him, leaving us to pretend we wanted lame duck Tyson Pencer all along. Westerman the personality, who clearly has run afoul of the system somewhere along the line, not so keen on. But hopefully any interested organization will vett him properly, and not just look at the last name on his jersey.


    So ultimately just trying to prevent people who want that "family reunion" from diving down the rabbit hole again and buying the hype that the lineage means everything. You're welcome.


    P.S. Just curious, where is Brett Cameron these days? Lost track of his movements after he got out of the glare of his father's legacy spotlight at training camp in Bomberland.

  11. Bauer did some good things for the team but he is the reason Dave Ritchie was run out of town and we had to suffer through Jim Daley and he is the reason we had to suffer through MIke Kelly, I can not forgive those sins. 

    Bauer is also the reason we even had a team after the Reinbold years left us teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. His strong-arming of creditors to forgive $5 million in loans saved the team from dying, so given the choice of team or no team at all, those other sins seem a lot easier to forgive, no? He is also the reason Ritchie was here in the first place, and coaches are ultimately hired to be fired, so a saw-off there in my opinion. I heard Ritchie had created a split in the locker room between "his guys" (rumoured to be the more religious types, and those who had Sunday dinners at his place, or something crazy like that) and "the outsiders" on the team. What role Bauer played in squashing that, or directing him out the door, I won't speculate on, so I'll take your word for it.


    His blight will certainly be forcing out Doug Berry to personally hand Mike Kelly a head coaching job and essentially the keys to the whole shop, which then forced out Taman as collateral damage, and then bolted himself when it went south. THAT is much harder to forgive given how it all turned out for the Bombers (and Taman too) in hindsight. But he inherited a gawd-awful team (on the field) AND franchise (off it), salvaged them both, and at least kept the off-field half of it from falling back into serious disrepair on his way out.


    So I can give him a lifetime pass for saving the franchise from financial ruin, although sometimes I'll say his name through clenched teeth when the phrase "handled internally, next question" comes up.






    Lawless said yesterday that Jabar Westerman is on the trade block again. Apparently he got himself in more trouble.


    Im a sucker for family reunion. I hope KW trade for him.


    Two words - Cauchy Muamba.



    LOL - we know Jabar Westerman is not Cauchy Muamba


    Yah, I know, just trying to temper the MBB circle jerk mentality of "his brother is great so he must be great - we have to sign him" that was prevalent when Henoc Muamba was around (or when Brett Cameron was going to be the next CFL all-star punter, so we had to trade up to draft him). Sign him if the skills (and any off-field baggage issues) justify it, not because he shares DNA traits with another player. Family ties do not ensure greatness, just ask Brett Gretzky.


    Well at the time it wasn't JUST that Henoc was good so people figured Cauchy must be good too, Cauchy was seen as a decent safety as well. He didn't progress and the rest is history but it wasn't just a case of getting a brother here because of the family name. 


    Yes he was.......by Joe Mack. 'Nuff said.



    Prior to last season there was only one bye week per team.  The return of the Redthings changed it to 2 bye weeks per team.  There might be a way to shave a week out of the season and still give every team a bye week, which would just return things to the way they were prior to 2014.

    Simple math, there are 9 teams so one team has to sit out each week, since we play each team twice (at least) every team gets 2 byes over the course of the year. Impossible to eliminate one bye per team unless the schedule has that goofy "sandwich a third game mid-week between the 2 normal weekend games" stretch and make every CFL team do it.


    Sure, if you want to give it more than a passing thought then it's easy to find flaws...


    Yep, I'm the jackass who points out when people make predictions for the teams' records for the season and the wins and losses don't equal out. :D




    Lawless said yesterday that Jabar Westerman is on the trade block again. Apparently he got himself in more trouble.


    Im a sucker for family reunion. I hope KW trade for him.


    Two words - Cauchy Muamba.



    LOL - we know Jabar Westerman is not Cauchy Muamba


    Yah, I know, just trying to temper the MBB circle jerk mentality of "his brother is great so he must be great - we have to sign him" that was prevalent when Henoc Muamba was around (or when Brett Cameron was going to be the next CFL all-star punter, so we had to trade up to draft him). Sign him if the skills (and any off-field baggage issues) justify it, not because he shares DNA traits with another player. Family ties do not ensure greatness, just ask Brent Gretzky.

  15. Prior to last season there was only one bye week per team.  The return of the Redthings changed it to 2 bye weeks per team.  There might be a way to shave a week out of the season and still give every team a bye week, which would just return things to the way they were prior to 2014.

    Simple math, there are 9 teams so one team has to sit out each week, since we play each team twice (at least) every team gets 2 byes over the course of the year. Impossible to eliminate one bye per team unless the schedule has that goofy "sandwich a third game mid-week between the 2 normal weekend games" stretch and make every CFL team do it.


    Easiest way to shorten the season and keep a reasonable schedule with reasonable rest (i.e. 6-8 days) between games: shorten the season to 16 games. Every team plays every team twice (one home, one road) and gets 2 byes. 18 week schedule instead of 20. Season starts Canada Day week (last game of the week played no later than July 1), Labour Day week therefore is week 10, regular season is done before Halloween, playoffs end no later than November 18 every year. This is how it was before 1986 (they actually had 4 pre-season games then too, but it was felt that 4 exhibition games were too many and weren't profitable enough to justify the expense).


    Of course, extra "real" games mean extra revenue, so the league will not ever want to shorten the schedule back to 16.




    Robert Marve just told me he wants to make it clear he wants to remain in the CFL and in Winnipeg. He doesn't have NFL aspirations next year



    Damage control, perhaps?


    More likely "can you believe what the stupid people on the internet are saying? Let's put that to rest"





    Ed Tait         @WFPEdTait

    Interesting. Was apparently off an extension in Dec and turned it down. Club told by his agent he wanted to try NFL.


    Even more likely "can you believe what my stupid agent let slip before the season while I still have a year left on my contract? Better do some damage control and try to put this to rest before cuts come".


    Either Marve wants out and his agent is passing on that truth to the club, the agent spoke out of turn without Marve's knowledge, or Marve's agent tried to use the NFL ploy to leverage a bigger number from the Bombers, who didn't bite. Whatever the circumstance, the story that has gotten out is that Marve's plan for now is to bolt at year's end. If true, then the club has to ask itself if it is going to use a third string QB roster spot on a non-project who won't be at camp next year even if he fails in the NFL (since their camp won't go until late summer, he is not here in 2016 regardless). If false, then this is definitely damage control by Marve since he hasn't been handed the back-up spot that some here believe is (and maybe he expected should be) his and not Brohm's. Good digging M.O.A.B.


    My thoughts exactly. People are acting like Marve is going to be starting for the Broncos next year.

    And others are acting like Marve should be considered the starter for the Bombers now. My point is simply:


    A) the noise out of camp from the media is that Brohm is the clear #2, both in how he's performed (although some posters here see things quite differently from their viewpoint at practice - I'm not going to say which assessment is the more accurate one), and in what the intentions of the coaching staff are (at least how the media have portrayed it so far), so Marve is at best the #3, which usually is reserved for a developmental future project and not a player intended to supplant the current starter by week 9, and


    B) whether or not he fails in the NFL, his intention NOW is that he doesn't want to stay and play in Winnipeg, even though his contract says he can't go anywhere else for this year, so one has to wonder if that lack of desire to be here will keep him from wanting to return to Winnipeg as a free agent after a failed NFL run.


    I have little faith that Marve will score an NFL spot, but if his attitude is that the Bombers are not his priority, why keep him holding a clipboard this year over a QB who will be invested in growing his game with the team beyond this season? 


    Sorry, that smiley face should be a capital b with parentheses. Stupid emoticons!  :angry:

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