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Posts posted by Tracker

  1. 37 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    no qb who cant throw the deep ball is worth 400-450k in the cfl. If hank doesn\t retire, and if he + Durant don't sign before FA begins Nichols value goes way down.

    He's worth around that 350k range at tops. Wouldn't be against him being able to earn 400-450k if he produces elite level TDs and maintains a low turnover rate but he certainly hasn't shown to be able to do that currently despite his big up turn this year. 

    Talk is that Burris is going to go out on top, so he's off the market if this is so. I would put the same offer simultaneously to both Nichols and Durant with the understanding that whoever accepts first gets the contract.

  2. 28 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    The hold back on Nichols wasn't injuries prior to this year. it was lack of yards and especially touch downs produced. 

    How is Durant worn out? Same int to td ratio as Nichols in the same amount of games, less picks and more yards. With a horrible OL. 

    Hank is a nut case, and lost his job for the first half of this year and when he came in the team looked worth then with Harris.  Best qb in the league over the last two years? not even in the discussion.

    Bennett and Davis as passers are very similar, but Bennett has shaky at best accuracy. Not losing any sleep if we did lose him.  

    Put away the Ambien. Bennett is a goner with hardly a ripple.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    ^^ The other side of the coin is that the ratings are down 12% from last year, according to non-TSN spun tweets (Drew Edwards)... 

    With so many dismal, non-competitive teams this year, it would not be a surprise. There has to be drama to games, and butt-kickings are only good for the team on top.

  4. 8 hours ago, BigBlue said:

    We are close to having all the ingredients we need to win the Grey Cup next year. The one thing we do need is a bruising run stoppppping middle line backer.

    Beyond that we have just about enough to do it all i.e. along with a little bit of luck and good fortune ... and luck comes from confidence ... 

    We need tweaks on the D-Line and receiver ... other than that we just need greater maturity and with it a tiny  touch of swagger

    I would not trade either of our first round draft picks (our near term future development) for a player that would improve the club immediately, even for a player like Edmonton's QB Franklin

    I would not worry much about the free agent market in February ... just concentrate on keeping what we have ... with the money we do have for free agency concentrate it, spend it on Canadians with promise, not on potential Canadian has-beens

    The two missing ingredients are a MLB and growing maturity ... that will get us there

    And we could have had Taylor Reed for free when Calgary cut him.

  5. 39 minutes ago, J5V said:

    I believe you will get your wish. I'm calling Stumps by 14 at least.

    Did you see Dunigan's interview with Burris? Dunigan basically asked him if he really believes his crap about getting no respect. Then Dunigan asked him to let it go. Burris replied about what a great athlete he was and how he wanted to be able to tell everyone to "shove it". Yep, he's an ass. 

    Soooo.......you don't want him in blue and gold, then?

  6. 1 hour ago, BigBlue said:

    Thats not even close to true .... specious thinking ... maybe five or ten minutes in certain games ... about the same in most ... but we won't know unless and until we test it out .... perhaps in preseason games

    I may have exaggerated for effect but since they went to this appeal process, the games have been noticeably longer 20-30 minutes.With an unlimited amount of appeals.....

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