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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. I realize that the video clips were selective, but when I watched them, I saw only one instance where Wolitarsky ran over someone. A nasty attitude goes a long way in this league.
  2. Has anyone else picked up on how much of an honour this is for both teams, to take the field on the 150th anniversary of the birth of the country we all love? Regardless of what we may think of the Riders and their fans, the rivalry has been a great feature of the game and the (mostly) genial sniping between both provinces. This is truly a once in a lifetime event and an inauguration of a great new stadium. Nobody close me had better die, because I ain't gonna miss this.
  3. We should be able to get a nearly-full McDonald's coffee card for him.
  4. Wolitarski looks to have good hands, good body control, not afraid of traffic, but isn't going to run away from many people. Maybe an Andy Fantuz sort of player.
  5. I'm afraid that he and Jerome Messam are going to fall into the "ones that got away" category to regret.
  6. Like most things, scheming blitzes is not rocket surgery. If LaPolice does not know how to counter every variant of blitz, he ought to be flipping burgers. If the oline is too dense to respond, they ought to be turfed.
  7. Are you daring to question the infallible decisions of the great and mighty wizard of oddness?
  8. I heard an interview with Ian Wild today.He said that the Bombers defence is going to "simplify"their game. Whaaat???? i thought it was pretty darned vanilla last year.
  9. The exhibition game was absolutely no measure of either team. The biggest advantage the Bombers have is Chris Jones.
  10. Another young person gone too soon for all the wrong reasons.
  11. That said, a stomping of the Riders this weekend is mandatory or we will never hear the end of it from Ripper and Kluchk.
  12. The previous lineup was definitely "putting out" because they were getting screwed every second play.
  13. And here is the probable reason: RT .@HerbZurkowsky1 - #AlsMTL have put Ray Drew, Anthony Sarao and QB Matthew Shiltz on one-game IR.
  14. In watching a bit of a replay on the game, its either really, really bad coaching or they just do not have the horses. Reinbold may not be a great head coach, but I do believe that he's not that bad. If its the players, we ought to see a big shuffling of the roster.
  15. Gotta feel for Collaros. He's trying but he looks like a rabbit on the freeway.
  16. Lamar Durant still nettles me that we let him get away, dammit.
  17. I cannot fully disagree with you but to be fair, it was the first game of the year. The Alouettes will have to compete with Toronto for title of "worst team in the East".
  18. Carter is afflicted with the disease of "entitlement".
  19. And we do not have regret the ruining of a good quarterback only a questionable one.
  20. I don't know how they can fit two egos of that size into the same locker room at the same time.
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